/kcdg/ - Kingdom Come Deliverance General

House of Luxembourg edition
>What is Kingdom Come Deliverance?
Kingdom Come Deliverance is an open world RPG set in the Bohemian countryside of the Holy Roman Empire in the very early 15th century. You play as Henry, son of a blacksmith, voiced by and modeled from an inbred looking Englishman. The game was kickstarter funded to the tune of around 5 million USD. The map is 16km sq. From the homepage:
>The death of its beloved ruler, Emperor Charles IV, has plunged the kingdom into dark times
>One of Charles' sons, Wenceslas, has inherited the crown.
>His half-brother and King of Hungary, Sigismund the Red Fox, senses weakness in Wenceslas.
>Sigismund travels to Bohemia and kidnaps his half-brother. With no king on the throne, Sigismund is now free to plunder Bohemia and seize its riches.
>You end up in the service of Lord Radzig Kobyla, who is forming a resistance against the invasion.

>Official sites & social media
twitch tv warhorsestudios

look it up faggot
there's dev blogs on youtube, loads of losers on twitch, funny moment and bugs compilations everywhere and webms floating around /v/ and /wsg/


May or may not fix/improve frame rate
Put this into launch options
>16 GB or more RAM
-heapsize 2097152
>8 GB of RAM
-heapsize 1048576

Previous thread


beggarfu best waifu

Just hanging out with this dude who looks suspiciously like me and treats me amazingly well even though I'm a peasant and has weird sketchy history with my parents

Nothing weird goin on there

Fuck off to /tesg/

Sasaou monastary irl

How the fuck do I get the monastery faggots to give me the fucking book? I don’t want to spend hours grinding lockpick or pickpocket to steal it like some fuck.

>headcracker proc on wayfaring knight

he'll be ok right? he isn't getting up


Savescumming cheese shitlords need to abandon this thread ASAP

what the fuck did u just say kiddo ?

he isn't in Ledetchko

>when I thought combat was getting easy because I was beating Bernard and then I get my ass kicked by some of Runt's crew in a quest


Fucking nuke it.

What are their likely ages? Because Henry looks 20+ so radzig is what, late 30s?

>he wakes up
>"but a wager is a wager, so pay up"
>you lost 250 groschen

not that I care about the groschen, but what the fuck?

>Everyone trying to look badass
>Henry just staring off autistically

Probably the other guys look late forties to early fifties.

Rattay. Millers house is at the bottom.

Is the damage from the boar perk worth taking?

I've never even seen it trigger

Get clinch master

>tfw want to start a new save but waiting for the patches

when are you ever gonna use the boar perk, think about how utterly useless it actually is

it's just his henry having shitty equipment

Next weeks patch will break saves anyway.

same, i did a virtuous/naive henry run and now i need to do a dick-ass thief run

How are you even supposed to win clinch?

I took it thinking I could sprint into people before I start hacking away at them, but it never does shit.

How do I know how many perk points I have left to spend?

I just woke up in Theresas house after the beating, when do I get to fuck her?

there's a number underneath the star icon at the top

There's a number next to each category

You don't, she turns you down and fucks the local chad

is there nothing after you fuck Stephanie?

no, just the credits rolling.

you can press F to kick during a clinch otherwise its chance based on strength

End of the courtship quest. You get to see her tits for like one second

thought it was spam left click


>Henry was still living at home doing chores for his parents past 20

What a complete fuck up this guy is.

If the town and tourism people in this area are smart they will offer special tourism events. Like Quest-tours following sone ingame quest routes or stuff like that.
I bet there will be interest.

no, does anyone playing this game actually read the pop ups and tutorials?

Why does your helmet get caked in shit more than anything else? It makes no sense

there's a clinch tutorial?

I went out with her twice, but now she won't go out anymore, says she'd love to, but doesn't have the time.
Is there a specific time of the day I should ask her?

reading gay

Yo do not make her moist, how does it feel to not even be able to fuck virtual qt3.14s?

Literally the first time you fight in skalitz, it pauses the game to tell you everything about fighting.

Clinch is basically "press F to win any 1v1," you kick them and get one free hit, rinse and repeat.

>Using blatantly rigged dice
>No one gives a shit

wait a couple days and you'll get another quest notification

why can't Henry behave even for a minute around nobles? Is it the autism?

Is that Ushitz in the background?

Xth for #BASED Runt.

got stung by nettles too much as a kid and now he has terminal autism

It's been like, two weeks. I think I have the quest notification, but I'm asking her at the wrong time.

Where should I look for Charlatan after he escapes? I think he said Ledetchko, but I'm not sure.

Fuck, forgot pic.

Henry looks like a fucking nerd

Is it his riposte to the face?

man converging quests really ruin the immersion
>get to sasau monastery
>take on cure for merhojed + curing the sick
>send off nicodemus and johanka to merhojed first
>start working on the sick
>cutscene triggers with johanka back there

Hopefully with some updates and dlc, we'll get to add haircuts and facial hair to our characters. Maybe they'll even add a weight gain system down the road. I want Henry to grow old and grow fat just like Lord Hanush

I wish we could play as Runt. He's so badass with his club.

what armour is that

>infinite combos you
Nothing Personel, čurák

>try to do a humble playthrough at first
>every time I get a choice, I'm deferential to noblemen and do as they ask without mouthing back
>cue story cutscenes where Henry's being a complete cunt in front of every single noble character
>punches out the Rattay heir
>fucks a lord's wife even though I just agreed to put on the dogshit shirt the old bat got me for the neverending wedding gift quest


>get tasked with closing the tavern
>Rattay heir is there
>having a good time with the lads
>Henry enters
>"Tavern's closed, niggers. Go home!"

I need to eat something boys. My insides are shriveled up with the hunger.

I want to be able to hack limbs off desu


>Playing KCD
>Alt/tab for a moment
>Get distracted
>Get even more distracted
>Forget about KCD entirely
>Do some homework
>Shitpost in Veeky Forums for a while
>Rewatch Kung Fu Panda
>Start reinstalling Total War Attila (it's at 70% now)
>"Hey, what's that ico- OH SHIT"
>Henry has been standing still in the middle of the infirmary in the Monastery for DAYS
>Contemplative perk so basically never hungry or tired
>Wonder how long he's been freaking out the sick and injured people, just standing still

it sucks because by the time you have collected all the dice, the 50-100 groschen wagers are chump change

Did you get that from the cheat chest?

How do you even get to that point? Nothing happened after I gave him the shroud.

No, just from playing the game

Yes. I killed the fucker and all his bandits, but still dont understand what the fuck happened

oooooh yeah you have to get her like mid morning

>Come across some guards fighting cumans
>Help them out
>One cuman remaining
>Swing accidentally hits one of the guards
>Surrender and pay the fine
>Start looting the Cumans
>Guards attack me

color bridals, helmets with hair, and golden armor mods when?

apparently impossible unless Henry was Timmy-tier strength

meant for

When does alcoholism go away? I keep taking hair of the dog and the meter is all the way down but I still have the debuff.

drink a few beers

Also, white gambesons and horse clothes with some religious imagery on them. This shit should be easy reskins, right?

Do you get anything when giving alms to the wayfaring beggars? Reputation?

>keep oneshotting filthy cumans and bandits with my warhammer

it's an empty feeling

you feel good, doncha?

If that is too much, then I at least home mods stop arrows disappearing from bodies in 2 seconds, and add blood on the ground.

Nevermind the debuff is on my screen but not affecting my stats. Hair of the dog is still a shit potion though.

I want Sir Divishs Gambesone+Armor.

I thought the Magedeburg plate was only from the cheat chest.

I just brain them with my mace from horse back for having the audacity to stop me to beg. My rep is -100 everywhere anyway.

>My rep is -100 everywhere anyway.
what did you do? Kill random peasants in the cities?

I kill almost every trader and peasant I see between towns. You never get a bounty for it, but it does affect your rep.

maybe be a sport and don't pull out the warhammer for chainmail-wearing lads

alcoholism never goes away...

Wait really. What the fuck, I always kill those faggots that try to pull the poaching scam on me

Check your rep. I bet its shit.

WOAH WHat the fuck!

If you drink a lot at a tavern. Like get SUPER shit faced. And wait 8 hhrs. You can end up in entirely different town.

I just woke up in Sasau and was at Ledchehtkko

like another user said in the last thread, don't put your weapon away until he wakes up
the ai will count it as surrender

>says my horse healyh is 100
>he wont come when i whistle

What do
Been like this for 2 hrs

>the little icon for horse clothes doesn't match what they actually look like.
>no way to try it on your horse before you buy.
>Its buggy as shit and the horse is constantly clipping through it anyway.