in all of history
can be any science, humanities, STEM etc. whatever
in all of history
can be any science, humanities, STEM etc. whatever
Couldn't really boil it down to 5 people, but for history my top 2 are Von Ranke and Carlyle. I'm kind of glad that there's now a large neo-Rankean pushback against post-modernism.
I know Von Ranke is often considered to be the father of modern history
but i always thought that title was given to Gibbon instead?
was Von Ranke more influential than Gibbon?
Bob dylan, Karl Friston, Anthony Giddens, Dr. Alice Roberts and Jimmy Newton
Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, Stephen Hawking
Criteria: creation of or revolutionary change in scientific theory, skill of language and philosophy, achievement in various fields
da Vinci
Seen Kuo
Also big shout out to Imhotep. Different focus of talents, and different time of existence, may have made something really amazing happen.
Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Husserl, Gödel
Newton should be there over Avicenna to be honest...the rest of your list is good though
Aristotle, Leibniz, Newton, Kant, Wittgenstein
The largest differences between Gibbon and von Ranke is that Gibbon was far more political in his works. Gibbon, while he did use primary source documentation, leaned more towards the enlightenment trope of using history as a scientific or ethical learning tool rather than a statement on historiographical contribution. This is especially true when he was writing about religion in history. von Ranke DID have his own biases in his works (see: his works on Venice), but they were generally meted out through primary source documentation and the result was greater historiographical contribution. Also, von Ranke actively wrote on source-based historiography and why it was important. Iirc, Gibbon did not.
Newton, Einstein, Copernicus, Darwin, Freud.
Reserve team: Plotinus, Nicholas of Cusa, Schopenhauer, Leibniz, Cantor
Also, additional shout out to Tolstoy for being the wisest mother fucker in history
The man who invented the language, the man who invented the wheel, the man who invented the written language, Galileo, Newton
>creation of or revolutionary change in scientific theory
>DA VINCI?????????????????
Tolstoy over Dostoevsky?
yeah i thought that was kind of odd
not to say that Avicenna and Da Vinci were not geniuses...but you mentioned revolutionary scientific change....
His gave himself away as a memester when he included a Chinaman.
>Tolstoy over Dostoevsky?
> Anonymous 12/07/16(Wed)21:20:49 No.2058
what was wrong with galileo?
I'm surprised he didn't cite an African KANG for maximum inclusiveness/diversity. He will not get a (You) from me though.
im sorry but this kind of talk should be on Veeky Forums
If Newton didn't write it down, there were probably a dozen people at the same time who would have gotten their quickly.
There was a bigger knowledge-base for Newton, more people around him to inspire and criticize. Avicenna was a little more isolated and certainly lacked the resources that Newton had.
Johannes Kepler highhandedly did more to cement empiricism and scientific thought with Astronomia Nova than the entirety of central Europe put together, but I guess I expect too much from Veeky Forums
i mean you can say that about anybody in history
if not for Einstein there would of been someone else
if not for Wittgenstein someone else would of fit his shoes
i don't really find that argument compelling to be honest
Smartest people alive? Really dude? Do you know anything about astronomy? Fighting the Church is one thing, commendable in it's own right but it doesn't make you a genius
It's a silly argument, it's broadly forgetting how important catalysts, however small, are
Da Vinci's anatomical studies have been used for centuries in medicine. Leo is the bedrock for anatomical textbooks.
Avicenna's medical works were the best thing the world had until modern medicine.
Meme harder, faggots.
Also, if you don't rate Shen Huo because he's Chinese or you whatever your /pol/erina tier reason is, then kys
Von Neumann
>Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed
all medicine prior 1900 was abjectly horrible and shit, shut the fuck up, even chemistry was far ahead the meme lords who pretended they knew medicine
Tbh I'm not cultured enough to think of great minds in other fields besides science but I think Isaac Newton was the smartest man to ever live
Resources or not Newton was an absolute genius mate. He laid down the principles of calculus which governs a lot of shit in modern society. And then using that calculus he was able to describe the basic mechanics of physics which allowed an expansion in the field.
Your list is shit (with the exception of Kant) and you're shit. I mean Tolstoy, Chang Ching Chong (where would we be without him right?).
>Avicenna's medical works
Surely you mean Galen. But it's indifferent to you because what you actually meant it "that Muslim guy for my super diverse list".
You did cite a KANG after all. Wow. So inclusive.
Literally off yourself.
The most intelligent people work in toll booths
>non-empirical methods for practicing medicine are better than a flawed empirical method
We'd still applying smoldering sage to inflamed joints without Avicenna. You can't get germ theory when the witch doctors and druids are in charge of healing, but whatever bro. I'm sure Sam Harris is way more important.
They can't be ALL FIVE white males guys!
Stop being so bigoted and priviledged racists! At least three names in your list MUST BE reserved for women, LGBT and POC!
>the only acceptable smart person is a German
>mentioning non-Europeans triggers anger
Hmmm, thanks for making me think, friend
>Not knowing any history or science outside of the medieval melodramas of the European subcontinent
>Lel sure showed those stupid SJWs, high five my /pol/acks
>double dipping in Calculus
>not valuing P U R E S C I E N C E
>implying we need chemistry and shit
If they didn't "invent" (i.e. discover) a method of mathematics, they were literally retarded
Von Neumann