League of Legends General - /lolg/

Breeding Whores Edition


Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=suicide is painless

Literally you

>/po/ falseflagging as the people they hate.


For the gold elo kid that thinks Yorick beats Vladimir, Gangplank and Gnar.

i cant ever be less shit. this is where im going to be no matter how much effort i put in
I did it years ago because silver wasnt shit back then.
It's still not shit now, but it was way easier to get.

Why is Sonas chest so superior?

>yi ganking my lane with 20 percent mana and half health
>yi tries again while im at base shopping
>dies again
>have to deal fiora with two kills
>yi keeps tryna gank my lane

Guy in my friend list has "based azir God" as his status. Only plays adcs? I feel misled.

Post your main and what you think are the top 3 most useless champions

Main: Draven

Most useless champs: Trundle, Soraka, Viktor

me on the left

It's a mirror

Main: Veigar

>sona , taliyah and diana

With the current way Blue essence works and how shitty the leveling process is would you be okay if Riot made a "Buy all champs" option in the Store bundle section?

cait, lee sin, soraka

hes responding to a post in the old thread m8

It's a sad meta if soraka cant be played.

why would they make one now but not before when you get champs faster now than before the leveling changes?

the xerath remake is shit and i cant enjoy him any more

>when you get champs faster now than before the leveling changes?

How is it faster?

Does anyone else besides me falls asleep to the ambient sounds of the client? the bird tweets and wind blowing and all the sounds are very peaceful and put me to sleep.

How do I quit this game?

Out of game, simply click the "X" in the corner
In game you can press "Esc" and quit the game followed by the step 1

someone say nigger

>want to play ranked
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>finally get in
>our support picks nasus
>i dodge
>login and requeue
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>get into a game
>no meme picks for once
>game starts
>enemy jungler is apparently not there so they remake
>i dont get a win for some reason
>enemy pisses his pants at my sight and gives up but somehow i dont get a win
>ok next game
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>queue pop someone declined
>it pops
>im fucking support now
>dominate bot with a decent adc
>lose because top is a nautilus that sucks and jungle is an inting rengar

nice game.

Thankfully I didn't have too see this dumb 'support' this match. he was in lane for a total of about 3 minutes

botgames don't matter

>Heal and Ghost
What level is this?

Ez is your support for the game, how does this make you feel ? With a Cass apc.

Why is Fiora always so horny?

why is this allowed?


Teemo, Nasus and Nocturne

this game so dead lmao
just post yordle porn my dudes

this guy gets it

Is this the right thread

anyone want to play a pre-30 blind pick before I go to bed?

IGN: 12inch Starchild

Supports are mine, I control them!

Is suicide painful?

>0/6 top tries to steal my red
>flash smite it
>he tells me to kys

Hope you reported him.

added lad

>mfw I just chill in the victory screen watching two autists on the enemy team crying at each other about whos fault it was that they lost
>mfw they go on for like 10 minutes

nice game lol babs

>pick rek sai
>don't play rek ever
>is this champ even good
>what the fuck am I doing
>get fed
>A+ or S-
3 times already

Sorry already started game, maybe tommorow night

zoe+gp on one team

>hahha supports are sluts haha "healslut"
Very funny user!

>The absolute state of esports
nice meta

Perfectly alright, have fun user!

Why would you want tohide your mastery but not any names or your account level?

I didn't want to hide shit, I wanted an obligatory anime face in my post

Oh ok fuck you then weeb.

>play against a fizz that does nothing but spam mastery
>they surrender 5-13
>play against a riven that does nothing but spam mastery
>they surrender 2-9

dude same

I'm playing Predator Sona Support AMA

*good meta

ftfy, play a tank you boosted e-slut

Gas niggers.

Why do they send friend requests when I'm just a heal slut doing heal slut things.

>people who unironically use the dabbing penguin emote
>people who ironically use the dabbing penguin emote
>people who gave money to Riot to buy the dabbing penguin emote

you only need the thumbs up emote desu

What? You're telling me the team with gangplank and zoe won overwhelmingly!?

maybe because you're the heal slut they need

>Winning a 2v1 and dab on them
Best feeling

>unbelievably sexy
>insanely gorgeous
>body of a goddess
>poised and refined
>amazing fashion sense
>beautiful face
>captivating blue eyes
>loving, affectionate, and passionate
>gentle and caring
>different forms keep the sex interesting
>powerful magic with versatile applications
>excellent aryan genes, highly fertile
>wants to take care of your every need
>endlessly positive and cheerful
How can Lunar Empress even compete?

>all of them

It is not as expensive as Elementalist Lux.

How can healsluts even compete?

Are you finding new and improved ways to feed on Sona?

Nobody gets mad at this, people just assume you're this guy

>9-7-29 is feeding

If you die more than 3 times as a support you're playing really badly

Unless the game is like 60 mins long

>t. thinks pro strats work in solo queue

>Not dying is a pro strat

lmao @ the state of /lolg/

RIP AD midlaners

Veigar mid with Transcendance, Seraphs and 4 Frozen Heart going to be meta mark my words.


This but with Malphite,Morgana or Fiddlesticks.
Especially Morgana. Shes fucking broken and should be gutted.

youtube.com/results?search_query=suicide is painless

At this point he should consider what the fuck hes doing wrong and then start leveling a new account since it will be able to go to silver much faster even if counting the road to 30. That is provided he stops acting like a bronze mongol.

Actually, that's best place in entire game, believe me.

>best place in entire game
>your team is either disconnected and they dont remake or they play with 5000ms
>theres no support,no jungle,no game knowledge of any kind
Its like ARAM but on summoners rift

New champ has been leaked


Does anyone enjoy playing against or as Gnar?
Everytime I play against him it's just a snoozefest until he loses the game

>more voidshit
>more stronk independent womyn
into the trash it goes

>a symbiotic second skin adapted from a living void creature
It's just like in my obscene cantonese gravures

>another ADC who dives in for kills
>didnt learn their lesson with quinn release

>its another female ad carry


we don't need any other female ADC since we got best girl desu

I dont think she is ADC. I think its toplaner, and her range will be like gnar


Abilities video when?

Pretty picture, saved.
I used to decline these for 2 years thinking they will stop eventually before I finally gave up.

Confirmation bias or whatever its called.

Even her name is pretty close. Looks like she killed one of the lesser members of Vel'koz's species, too. (I assume the Void champions are just as much champions of their own kind as Garen and Ashe are of theirs.)

I don’t mind playing as Gnar if the other guy picked ranged cancer before me and I have an excuse to just play Gnar and collect freelo because he’s fucking stupid and also pretty fun, and I don’t have to feel guilty because the other guy locked in the ranged cancer first

but I could never blind pick Gnar because I’m not a piece of shit

>every team you get is full of mouth-breathing retards
>every team you face looks coordinated like a fucking 5 man on vocal
Now I remember why I stopped this game.

Is it me or is this game full of whores?

everyone is complaining Bruisers don't have keystones, but what would a bruiser keystone be like?

Is deep sea nami a nice skin? Its 50% off right now

It's really ugly you will regret buying it. If you want Nami skin buy Urf first then Koi.