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Do you have trouble beating Myrrh, /feg/?
Early as shit but it's not the dumb retards thread so fuck it
Where's the "sometimes" option.
She's not always a pain but sometimes she can throw me off.
Fjorm? Who's that bitch?
SHANNA! was the new manga chapter already posted
>that Anna check
Who remembers how often "When using a bow, keep space between you and your foe" was spammed back in launch week.
Which Ogma build is better? Both are +Spd/-Res:
>Wo Dao+(Spd)
>Life and Death/Swift Sparrow/Death Blow/fuck if I know
>Maybe Swordbreaker?
>Infantry Pulse
>Wo Dao+(Spd)
>Reciprocal Aid
>Panic Ploy/Fuck if I know
Not sure on Seals yet.
My Elincia's not even +Atk and she can do it, so idk what that guy's complaining about
Setsuna is RETARDED!
>all the good fliers are either Fateswakening shit or 5* locked besides 1 (one)
Defend this.
I don't geddit
>Put Marisa in front of Myrrh
>Myrrh dies
It's not rocket science /feg/.
alternative translation
>check my 5*s
>39 infantry
>7 armours
>14 cavalry
>2 fliers
Yikes, this game really has a balance problem.
I miss Clair
I like this version better
Can't risk not getting back into t20 with a legendary as a bonus
Marisa is so shit she probably can't even kill Myrrh even with color advantage.
I like this image
I just noticed that I have an Caeda just sitting in my barracks. Should I start sacrificing stuff to her or save my Fury fodder for someone better?
I just throw Elincia at her. If she's more than +2 I make sure her atk is honed first. Not even +atk Elincia, though she'll need to be to take highly merged +def Myrrhs without any merges herself. Of course I can always just bait the first attack to butter her up.
another bully
I know this doesn't really prove anything but she gets the job done.
Fucking finally, now I can stop throwing orbs at that bait banner.
This reddit edit doesn't just fit with anything, you know.
it's honestly better the way it was
+def -spd
I wish these people would go back to using the non-LINE raws.
It's a lot higher res. Now it's just like fighting over who can serve shit faster.
Buddy, you know damn well you should be building her, now quit humble bragging. Or give her to me
>13 no votes
I really hate it when people votespam with proxies, it's why you can't trust any polls posted here. It happened with the other dragon poll posted here too.
>literally no one said they have trouble beating myrrh
>shitters still whine about her
Why is this /feg/? And why is it always the player phase shitters that complain?
am i a luckshitter?
It's literally one guy. Here he is
>Tier 20, 700-710 range
>this season and last season I've been doing well
>Valter has just his base kit but Reposition, Bonfire, and Hit and Run
>deletes reds with no problem, unless they're on a defense tile
>has Guidance Seal to help the BK to move around
>already have a defense and it's only been two hours
>got my weekly score and defense score, satisfied for the season
>know I won't remain in Tier 20 of course, content with this, just glad to have done as well as I can
>Arena Assault
>keep running into dragons
>don't have many dragon slayers
>even the ones I do have are at huge risk
>Lucina has low Res, Julia has low Def, and if they can't one shot, they're done for
>on a map that's completely unwinnable because Tiki is too fucking tanky
Outside of the obvious Falchion and Naga users, who are some notable, but common enough units that can stand up to dragons?
>don't like the results
Now open the rest of those orbs, please.
Because player phase chads win anyway. Shitters of any kind are the ones who complain.
This is better because the shock sorta implies that Ike wants to be Luthier's friend.
This is just bullying.
i already close that bitch
Fuck off and stop trying to attach yourself to characters from games you didn't play, spic.
Just for (You), captcha required
wtf NOW I hate Caeda!?
Lloyd and Lyon for Myrrhs and Faes. Anna can deal with Nowis a fair bit, as can Narcian. Fjorm can handle red dragons pretty well.
I played both Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, user. Don't get mad just cause I like things you like.
Post your Felicia builds
I don't understand. Why am I getting a different result than you?
Between Selena, Joshua, Winter Tharja, Julia and the reds I have with triangle adept, not really
>player phase (((chads)))
>literally the only retards who won't stop crying non-stop about a dumb dragon that stops player phase shitters in their tracks
>they're also so much of a brainlet that they can't comprehend beating dragons without falchions and nagas
>lying on the internet again
I wonder how long before something about Akanea triggers you and you begin despising it like you do Tellius and Jugdral
I want to passionatley kiss Lucina!
Because you have failed to read.
For fuck's sake, there must be at least one tearringfag here.
Please respond.
>this mad you lost to an Almchad
hahaha retard
maybe I'll kill your team again with a bold fighter zelgius
I am you but stronger
If I had not played Marths games/not liked Caeda why would I have invested into her? Me, the guy who sends home 5*s like nobodies business.
>poll gets remade with captcha
>autist get BTFO once again
B-but russia hacked the poll with proxies!
>Team reddit
>why would I have invested into her
Because she's part of that shitty idol game you tried and failed to shill here?
Honestly Myrrh is pretty easy, but I am not big fan of fighting Love Abounds Hector and Nowi. I don't encounter both enough times to really matter in AA, but I don't exactly have enough counters to them like I do for other units if I were to encounter them enough times. Units like Blyn and Reinhardt, for example, are fragile and can be easily dealt without a counter through smart positioning... but a well built Nowi and nuHector are pretty scary as they function both on EP and PP while being able to fight off their counters, especially Hector since he just powers right through TA3 defensive units with his big "fuck you" Armads effect as if none of those units stats or skills matter.
>everyone is angry except for Micaiah
I want to mercilessly bully Lucina!
>implying I would lose to someone as easy to deal with as alm
>implying I even run dragons
Why are Almposters so fucking obnoxious?
Free win
How to write a villain, /feg/?
>He didn't even vote yes
I would have invested into Chrom, Cain, Draug, and Virion too if that were the case, but I didn't.
She's thinking about how Ike's cock will feel between her legs while Soren and Sothe watch.
Yes, /feg/, everything's Reddit.
I want to cum inside Lucina
She fucked all of them
>gets mad and scared of Almchads
>n-no I beat him easily, really
>I-I don't even use the dragons I'm shilling
keep the tears coming, you're my bitch now
I want to casually converse with Lucina as good friends!
You will back down
Give them reasonable motivations but still make them commit something that the player objects to. Make them sympathetic but give you plenty of reason to want to stop them.
None of those are girls
Just stop trying to attach yourself to characters outside your shitty waifu's archetype, you already tried and failed to do this with with Ayra and Mia
CHADhan and shitty DB spic memes never fail to make me laugh
You sound really scared
Brave chads stick together
We can double team Elincia if you want
Where'd you find an image this big?
Post your Alm
>attack almvirgin with any lance ever
>he doesn't get his effect because brainlets don't realize he only works in the player phase
>easily double him due to his shit speed
>he dies
so this is... the power of... the almond
This artist is the greatest.
>Just stop trying to attach yourself to characters
What the fuck is wrong with you people, are you really so autistic that you're afraid of me liking things you may potentially like too or something?
Are you one of the retards who unironically think "Oh shit Raul likes X, I guess I have to hate it now".
Kill yourself if so
Reverse image search of a smaller version
So when do you guys
think loli Tiki is going
to get another banner or a weapon upgrade?
The absolute monsters
like this on my friend's list are
making me awfully jealous.
>spic telling others to kill themselves
Take your own advice you waste of oxygen.
Alm always hits first baby