How did the Nazis kill 2735 Jews a day from Sept 1 1939 to Sept 2 1945?
How did the Nazis kill 2735 Jews a day from Sept 1 1939 to Sept 2 1945?
They had 7 death camps so that's really just 391 deaths per day per camp. Which is entirely possible if you're that committed to wiping an ethnicity out.
When did all of those camps open?
Teutonic efficiency
Please just read a book on the topic or LITERALLY the Wikipedia page.
>The mass murder of 2,749 Jews on the beach near the city of Liepāja, in Latvia, on 15–17 December 1941.
This article is trying to make 2749 murders to be some
significant event over 2 days, yet 2735 a day was the norm?
You are using the manner in which the article is written to question the validity of the facts of the extermination of jews by the Nazis.
Try thinking for yourself instead of being so pathological, retard.
You are a moron.
they killed more non-jews. mostly they used guns.
Nice rebuttal.
The math still boils down to one Jewish person per 30 seconds. This excludes Slavs, gypsies, political dissidents, homosexuals, disabled, and religious minorities. All of the aforementioned non-Jews still outnumber the Jews.
They must have been super busy.
Dude, seriously? They killed people at a faster rate during the Rwanda genocide primarily as disorganized mobs using machetes. Are you telling me that an organized state going in a methodical and industrial fashion couldn't do better?
What rebuttal?
You were using the manner in which the article was written as some kind of method to pose doubt on the numbers.
Are you a retard ?
>dude, we were efficient and shit
dude memes lmao
They weren't necessarily efficient, but they were organized, industrialized, and had access to a shitload of resources.
Hell, just the fact they were doing it with firearms would give them a leg-up in that regard.
Nigga that's nothing
You or the other user felt that the article was worthy of being posted. Said article felt this two-day event was note-worthy enough. Despite the fact that this event had less victims than a supposed average day.
I don't know if I should trust an imbecile's mathematics.
You are a failure in life.
So you wouldn't include that event in an article about the mass murder of jews?
Are you a retard?
Because the Nazis were designed to, and actually some Jews were selected to burn the Jews in the ovens they were called Kommandos
WWII lasted for 2193 in Europe. That is 2735 Jews a day.
They averaged 2735 kills a day. And this Baltic beach massacre had half of that in two days.
Was an almost 9/11-kill count happening every day?
Youre a literal autist and a waste of space.
Youre lucky that your mother didn't shit you out into the toilet let alone the fact that you've made it to the present day.
Read a fucking book.
>hostile responses = counter-arguments
More than 25300 people died as a result of the war on average every day between 1937 and 1945
Read a fucking book.
>maymay a fudging maymay
>Was an almost 9/11-kill count happening every day?
Daily deaths as a result of ww2 far exceeded 9/11
If there was a disease that existed that reduced you to the thought process of a four year old, I would say that you should see a doctor.
But there isnt. So youre just a fucking idiot.
> Some guy asking how it's mathematically possible that they killed 2700 Jews a day
> Hurr fuck off you mouthbreathing retard
Yeah you sure showed him =
Read a fucking book.
No. Fuck off /pol/. FUCK OFF
This board is 99% JIDF
But even basic research, like literally just googling it, would answer his question. The only reason this wouldn't satisfy someone is if:
A. The OP thinks the (((sources))) can't be trusted.
B. He's not actually curious at all and just wants to stir up shit.
They killed far more than 2735 Jews on some days, and using bullets too. Many weren't even gassed contrary to esteemed opinion of our intellectual stormfag friends.
Many were shot or starved or died of disease.
In any case, I fail to see why do numbers even matter? They aimed to destroy a certain population (proven without doubt and never denied by any Nazi involved), which was totally in line with the preceding period where they dehumanized and demonized said group, and they undertook actions to accomplish said goal.
Whether they killed 2 or 3 or 7 or 12 million doesn't even matter.
In any case, most of Nazi victims weren't even fucking Jews, so I'm not sure how are you gonna whitewash the Nazis by just denying one of their crimes.
Werent they going to send them to Palestine originally?
They managed to kill 50,000 people in one city in a week. Without death camps. Aint that hard
When and where?
firing squads, machine guns, gas squads, starvation, muh smallpox blankets
I'm not sure why this is so hard to believe or even requires explanation, especially given the points made by these anons:
What exactly are you asking here?
>How did the Nazis kill 2735 Jews a day from Sept 1 1939 to Sept 2 1945?
>This is an high number for storm fag
I'm សើច at your life
Warsaw, 5-12 September 1944
Then get /leftypol/ out of /pol/.
think about it, if you had bunch of jews lined up and u had a gun, how many of them could you kill in 30 seconds. alot more than one. its not that hard to imagine especially with multiple executiioners.
Let's remember that the exterminstions only started large scale in '41, and the average per day death count reaches ridiculous proportions
That's two Jews per minute.
So sorry basic arithmetic is too hard
>They must have been super busy.
Well yeah. They were.
So I hope you're beginning to realize what was so horrific about the holocaust.
f off slav
t. german
Did enough prewar record survive to show which ones are real or just a random pile of ash? They didn't base this simply on eyewitnesses, right?
German efficiency
>"war crimes"
Jewish magic
why are /pol/acks so dumb?
It was the will of Christ
The overwhelming majority of holocaust victims were not even combatants. Even if you're going to be an edgy nihilist about ethics during war that shit is not really defensible.
When you're the KGB just pulling number out of your ass to hide your own war crimes you can do whatever you want.
At least until the iron curtain comes down and Poland can change the fucking sign.
Pic related.
Well, the SS had about 800,000 personnel at its height. Even if nobody who wasn't an SS man killed a Jew in the context of the holocaust (which we know isn't true, as you have considerable testimony about how they would bring in outside help during the Einsatzgruppen purges), that just means that guy needs to kill 7.5 Jews.
In 6 years, I think they can manage.
60,000,000 people die in the biggest war of all time and you don't believe 11,000,000 unarmed civilians could be killed by arguably the most powerful army in the whole shebang? c'mon that's not even that much.
>hurrrpa durrrrpa reality has a left winged bias ahurrrrrrrrrr durrrr
kys spergie
Lmfao if I ever saw a retard on here unironically say Stalin's purges and famines were by jew's I'd rip them a new asshole, that'd be some 5th dimension autism
Jews did the Holodomor
Well hes succeeding
Stick around for, I dunno, a day tops.
in occupied soviet territories, jewish villages would be wiped out with all its residents by einsatzgruppen. either everyone shot and thrown in one mass grave, buried alive, or locked in one big building and burned alive.
my relatives can attest to the fact that residents of a nearby jewish village were all buried alive in one mass grave.
I'm gonna slap your shit
The numbers matter because there are countries where you get arrested for questioning them.
This board is full of good goys protecting the chosen people.
Keep up the good work!
-JIDF staffer
-mentally ill teenager
>t. JIDF admin
Op, do you have try kill a person. Is easy thing in world.
>no oxigen
>no food
>no water
>no hygiene
>no healthcare
Shut up. Most us hate the jews. But we hate the /pol/ more.
I could single-handedly kill 2735 jews a day, but it's illegal and morally questionable.
Trow a coin between the jews and watch the show.
Someone really rustled your jimmies
fake, they didn't have facebook back then
GG senpai
They didn't have a holocaust either