Does /twg/ have something against women with sand in their vaginas?
Nolan Sanchez
Gabriel White
I hate sand.
Evan Garcia
imagine being so insecure about your masculinity that you have to complain about evil women being in a video game....
Noah Rogers
Logan Jones
How can elefun compare to a strong and indepentant african wimmen with a bow?
Jordan Flores
/twg/ nerd bois on suicide watch
Christian Sanchez
what an ugly drawing i'll wait for next thread
Joshua Martin
>historical "women"
Ayden Wood
Poor boys can't even escape their woes through games anymore.
Mason Thomas
Levi Rogers
Charles Myers
>/twg/ doesn't want THIS
Justin Edwards
Jeremiah Clark
I almost died laughing
Mason Brooks
good to see fantasoys bringing the autism as always
Luis Murphy
>be Veeky Forumsfags >CA gives you a shitty DLC for Rome II about one of the most boring period of the roman empire >half the dlc re-uses attila assets >"yes, but it has a female leader!" >Next historical dlc is british spearmanii vs celtic spearmanii, using attila assets >next his game is a fantasy version of the 3 kingdom >suddenly, a light appears >a new dlc for Rome II >the dream of a complete campaign is finally here >it's a bunch of sand peoples who didn't have any influances at the time >"Yes, but it has a female leader FLC!" >it also re-uses attila assets
Liam Perez
Those Rome 2 archers have maybe the biggest tits in Total War
Brandon Gonzalez
>you need a source to affirm that a leader with no experience whose only use would be as a figurehead, was a figurehead, and wasn't allowed to take the helm and prepare and execute extremely important engagements that would determine the future of a people, ABOVE the heads of (male) individuals who would have had experience at things besides crying about getting raped and having speeches falsely attributed to them by an author well over a century later >you're supposed to believe chiefs with actual experience bowed to the words and dictates of a woman with a grudge and nothing else to her name, rather than believing that they used her as an emotion rousing figurehead to prod others to shame and fury at the Romans who could be so cruel >my sources are non contemporary embellishments, 20th century historical fiction novelists/poets/other embellishers, and the doubtable impression of Romans on Celtic customs on the British isles, which are recorded at least for Gaels and show women indeed WEREN'T treated as equal to men socially or in "regal" succession nor was there any wife and child swapping faggotry going on as Dio affirms (probably copying Herodotus' recording of the customs of Libyan/North African tribes or something to make them seem exotic or whatever) sure phám
Isaac Martinez
History is getting blacked on your eyes.
Benjamin Torres
I'll make all my generals black females how mad are you /twg/?
Jack Moore
Goddamn whiny millennials
Owen Hughes
I, for one, welcome our new chocolate mommy bowwomanii.
Austin Williams
>blocks your path
Jaxson Howard
Kingdom Come is the last bastion for white gamers
Carson Nguyen
Boudica literally brought ruin to her kingdom, so it's not really a 'progressive' story at all.
Ethan Barnes
wew lad you could just not responded, nobody would have thought lesser of you. >no source Okay.
Samuel Evans
>black >posts an ethiopian fuck off post real blacks or just don't post ok??
Jonathan Rodriguez
tfw no stacked vampirefu to succ me
Levi Murphy
but Etiopians are the closest I have to the Kushites
Charles Powell
>unfinished, buggy game with shitty AI and horrible combat system is good
Zachary Perez
That's a Jap.
Brody Gutierrez
I'm not saying it is, it was and is heavily romanticized though.
>I have no argument Did you just google "boudicca warrior woman leader source primary" or something? You're clearly an idiot.
Aaron Morales
Way to out yourself as a pleb who has never played it
Tyler Ramirez
Why does he look so much like Costanza?
Joseph Howard
Shhh kid.
Grayson Cook
>Saba >Agricultural and fertility bonuses from the famous Marib Dam >Great Dam of Ma’rib: A unique building type which provides faction wide bonuses to agriculture and fertility and can be upgraded with technologies, but requires upkeep to maintain. This seems familiar somehow.
Luis Baker
You sound like black people who defend black panther and teat it like it's 2nd coming of Christ just because it panders to your political views. Get over it. Game is shit, it needed few more years in development.
John Hall
t.oastie roastie
David Fisher
Cooper Ramirez
>I'm not saying it is, it was and is heavily romanticized though. But we're discussing the actual history, which sure as hell didn't play out like it was handled by your imaginary group of competent male commanders.
Justin Sanchez
I'm rather amused that Rome II is still getting content. It makes me wonder how long Sega will have CA milk that particular cash cow. That said, I'm still mad that Empire divided wasn't made for Attila.
Is it me or are their faces a whole lot more reddish than the rest of their bodies?
Cooper Sullivan
Why is there niggerposting on /twg? Is total war: Africa finally announced?
Aiden Roberts
>"Stop right there, crackers! I heard you were disrespecting Creative Assembly's brave and innovative new DLC! What do you have to say for yourselves?"
Aiden White
A mob of Britons commanded by somewhat experienced male chiefs stood as much of a chance as a crowd of Britons commanded by an inexperienced woman. They couldn't get their shit together when the Romans invaded and they could levy like they normally would so why expect them to get their shit together when they're in a far worse position.
Jonathan Phillips
The terrain in attila is pretty brutal sometimes
John Barnes
post more...
Mason Hill
>men occupy political/millitary/leadership roles in 99% of cultuers >ah yes actual history was actually feminist and was always progressive
One begs to wonder why feminists, blacks etc even had to fight for equality and their rights, considering that apparently history was always full of women and blacks being equals fucking everywhere... Where did it all go so wrong...
Luis Campbell
Ok, give me their emails and I'll send them a group message. What is your point? Game sells well means it's good? Guess PUBG is the best game to ever come out in history of video gaming.
Cooper Rivera
>I-I yield, treat me any way you want, I'm your slave
Thomas Perez
We're discussing Boudica, user. Try to stick with it, will you?
Lincoln Hernandez
Pubg is unironically the greatest massive multiplayer shooter ever
Samuel Brooks
Nicholas Kelly
Jaxson Nguyen
friendly reminder that grace unironically browses /twg/, and is likely here right now shilling
Eli James
They're incredibly weak.
Jace Moore
You could have started the thread with better brown.
Leo Scott
H-hi Grace, if you're reading this. How are you?
Dominic Gomez
>more fucking thinly veiled /pol/ and /r9k/ posts How about no? Let's discuss why Thrones of Britannia will be the greatest Total War in history.
Henry Clark
army logistics,so per 100 people only 1 would be a career soldier
Juan Williams
Sorry I'm more interested in Desert Queendoms
Logan Hughes
>that >brown ???
Alexander Perez
you have blacked panther to watch, nigger
Liam Thomas
>more historical nigger pandering for old and shit games instead of getting on with more TW2 content
Absolutely pathetic. I would have never purchased the sequel if I had known this was the kind of garbage treatment we'd get. I'm at least glad I didn't buy Tomb Kings and I'm not buying anything from CA until the entire trilogy is complete now, and I will buy it from a 3rd party website so they don't get a cent from me.
Fucking faggots.
Nathan Baker
Buodica being an example as to why Gaul was some progressive feminist paradise is the same as saying that the story of Joan of Arc proves medieval france was a feminist paradise as well.
This doesn't change the fact that Rome, Gaul, the Germanic tribes and pretty much all cultures across time and space were patriarchal.
I find it interesting how progressives quote Tacitus when he says how the germans and gauls sometimes toook women into battle. What they fail to mention was how the germanic tribes were monogamous, heavily punished adultery/sodomy/degeneracy, did not racemix and were 100% blonde/red haired and blue eyed and tall. (To the jealousy of the romans, who were mixed..). But i guess that's not progressive so Tacitus needs to shut up.
Matthew Jackson
I don't take your meaning
Easton Johnson
is it just me or are miners with blasting charges really fucking strong in autoresolve one of my units just got over 1k kills against greenskins
Jacob Sanders
>Buodica being an example as to why Gaul was some progressive feminist paradise What the fuck are you talking about, you stupid shit?
Ian Garcia
>commies butcher history >hurrdurrr /pol/ best part of r/m2 was the mods and we've all seen whats the support for that has been like since dlc
Lincoln Russell
Any hybrid unit is esentially 2x as effective as any normal unit.
Elijah Hernandez
CA has never truly supported the mods at all, modders had to figure that shit out themselves.
Oliver Wilson
Posting superior brown
Robert Flores
Generic animu bitch Does she at least have tits?
Jason Ross
stop posting anime you faggots
Liam Gray
continue posting anime, my brothers from across the seas
Jeremiah Foster
>we wuz kingz n sheeiiit
CA has officially gone full SJW
Asher Allen
>tfw you realise that they are wasting resources on faction DLCs for a 6 years old game to which no one will ever return
is this the Paradox Interactive level yet?
Jayden Adams
Wait what? Are they serious? female warriors? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA and another game-genre dies.... fucking sjw and pc
Noah Green
>Total War Warhammer had FLC's and DLC's almost every month >revive the illusion for the franchise dead after Rome 2 disaster and Boringtila >CA instead of follow that path went full retard wasting money in Kangz and Womyns memes
Hunter Wood
not so fast
Matthew Cook
damn look at those fucking melons
Anthony Morales
Nah it's just a little extra something for loyal fans We still have a lot of new and unique content coming up
Connor Myers
Jacob Thomas
Reminder that there were female warriors in Rome 1 and Shogun 2. And in Rome 2 itself, before this DLC.
Asher Moore
We already have this screenshot in higher quality, attached to post Please do not waste Veeky Forums bandwidth with unnecessary lower quality screenshots
Brody Ortiz
I hope CA dies for this
Ethan Gray
fuck off Grace
Christopher Jackson
yeah but back then everyone knew it was just a memey joke, now they're acting kind of serious about it
Luis Scott
*opens YouTube* *sees new Total War trailer* *it's Rome 2 DLC*
g-g-guys? what's happening?
Asher Foster
Back then it was realistic but in the old egypt there weren't female warriors. Maybe a few but not 50% of a unit.... This is a pc-agenda and bullshit.
fucking ca
Leo Harris
They're probably doing it for new employees to gain some experience.
Jaxon Wood
Forgot these lovely ladies.
Robert Cruz
They were historical and were put in because they made sense in the way they were portrayed.
This however is hot fucking garbage. Jagged Alliance 2 had a female antagonist and it was awesome because she was done well, she was a woman because the developers wanted to do something interesting, had an interesting idea for an antagonist and such. This however was put in the game not to fullfill an artists vision but to pander to a political motive. Not only is it completely historically innacurate, it also caters to politics. It seems that in a mass democracy + internet everything has become politicized. We all live in campus now. You might not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.
Matthew Phillips
CA is looking to cash in on the success of black panther
Aaron Evans
nothing that concerns your cracker ass
Tyler Young
>tfw haven't played Warhammer 2 since last year
Hope everyone is doing the same and not being a pathetic cuck who is enabling CA's current release cycle that heavily favors old historical games rather than their newest and most popular game.