Why is there so much hero worship for literally one of the worst presidents ever?
Why is there so much hero worship for literally one of the worst presidents ever?
Because he did great speeches, and was very folksy.
Because most conservatives try to focus on his grandfatherly appeal and ignore the disaster that was his economic and social policies. Aside from the war on drugs, mass incarceration, and numerous coups around the world, Reagan killed the fairness doctrine which fucked mainstream news media beyond repair. If you're wondering what happened to the quality broadcasts you see from the 80's and before, Reagan happened.
I think the fact that his reign coincided with Gorbachev helps a lot.
Because he was charismatic and told jokes and like any other figure that is praised by a particular political ideology, he was seen as the messiah by his folk.
>expecting conservatives to read the facts and reality
>expecting the average voter not to vote based on their feelings and how other people tell them to percieve the state of the world
Post the Reagan comic
He's not a politician. Can I get a hallelujah?
not at all a factor
Just an employee of the country's real masters
Just like the Bushes, Clinton and Obama
Just another talking head telling lies on teleprompters
If you don't believe the theory, then argue with this logic
Why did Reagan and Obama both go after Qaddafi
We invaded sovereign soil, going after oil
Taking countries is a hobby paid for by the oil lobby
Same as in Iraq, and Afghanistan
And Ahmadinejad say they coming for Iran
They only love the rich, and how they loathe the poor
He was an actor and had a fair amount of charisma. Plus the Bushes were fucking terrible, so Reagan is the last president that Republicans look back on fondly. It's a serious case of rose-tinted glasses.
Same reasons why people love Obama
People love Obama?
He was a mediocre president at worst
People unironically called him "the greatest president" multiple times around me.
Not him but yes, mostly because the awfulness of the election made him look amazing by comparison.
Lots of people going
>man I'm gonna miss Obama
>Obama was actually pretty great wasn't he?
>the Obamas are so classy
Not sure if this sentiment will last or if the decades to come will tear his reputation to shreds, but he could very well become the Democrats' Reagan.
He's in the bottom five. Jackson, Nixon and Wilson were all worse, in no particular order.
0/10 bait
Who's the fourth man out, and why Wilson?
It's very dependent on whether the Democrats continue their course as charted or take a more distinct bend to the left. I could see that being the case if the power structure remains more or less the same, but there are a lot of people on the left who are extremely critical of him and if they made their way to the top his legacy might get uglier-looking.
The nostalgia for Obama and the desperate pleas for the return of Diamond Joe are solely because the two candidates we received are so unprecedentedly hated and bad. I don't think there will be hero worship of him in the future. He will probably be remembered as a successor to Clinton's legacy of kowtowing to Republicans in the hopes of passing policy that isn't quite as awful.
If the party actually shifts left, maybe puts someone like Ellison as the head of the DNC, incrementalism will be remembered as a foolish step in the wrong direction. One that resulted in one of the most disastrous election years for Democrats in recent memory.
The fourth out might honestly be Ford, just based on how little he did.
Wilson was delusional. Upon his election he declared that no one could have prevented his ascent, as he had been ordained by God. He was obsessed with trying to bend both the United States and the world at large to his will, to the point that when his list of demands that included the League of Nations got largely laughed-off by the people who'd fought the actual war, he borderline lost his mind.
Don't hate on H. W. He was actually competent and only lost to Clinton because of that fucking kike.
>Remember that God ordained that I should be the next president of the United States. Neither you nor any other mortal or mortals could have prevented this.
>he says after only winning because Taft and Teddy split the vote
what a nigga
>Gulf War
God willed that the vote should split.
If you believe god is omnipotent, etc. Anything that happens is god's will.
Yeah but if it was GOD getting involved then you'd think he'd make the result more convincing.
it's the economy stupid
Coz people will do whatever a charismatic leader would want them to do even if it against their self interest
>one of the worst presidents ever
He doesn't even make it on the top 10 list of worst presidents.
People remember Reagan for rebuilding our military that Carter destroyed, un fucking the energy crisis Carter did a piss poor job with, slashed taxes by an absurd amount, him surviving the assassination tempt, and rebuilding the US economy.
What people don't remember or don't care to remember was him giving missles to Iran, starting the war on drugs, and started the downward spiral with debt caused by cutting taxes
>rebuilding the US economy
Well he was better than Carter and did some genuine good.
He's really just overhyped by modern conservatives, he's not really the god of American ideals they make him out to be.
He's to the right what Obama is to the left.
>He's to the right what Obama is to the left.
We can also thank him for quality mental healthcare.
The only wrong thing he did was not cutting government spending enough
>Won the cold war
>revitalized the economy
>worst 5