>Recent news Orchid's dagger FLB released with small Trium and DATA+echoes on ougi Valentine themed SSR Medusa SR Naru and SR Teena released You can now autosell N/R weapons and summons at the end of a quest Robomi event added to Side Stories Guraburu Free Quest added on February 16th Aphrodite will get her FLB, Arulumaya will get her FLB, she will get a 4th skill Final Chapter of Pandemonium will be released on Late Feb What Makes The Sky Blue rerun will feature the free Baha Weapon again Crits will work on other null element enemies like Ubaha. Lecia's dagger FLB at the end of February GW changes, now you can change GW weapon midway once, also other changes about ranking and bosses Class Champion Weapons FLB will increase the level to 200 and add new skills and passive.
>Schedule for February: 1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety (SR Zoi + one of the previous SR Zodiac) 2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns 2/11 - 2/21 - My First Valentine 2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses) 2/22 - 2/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part I 2/28 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning. gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
>> 205926646 Again this excuse? How much more your crew will let him be a leesh? Kick him and let someone who really want to help bellabarca join.
John James
My cute wife Silva
Kayden Carter
Someone update the pastebin now that Quatrebois disbanded
Kevin Morgan
As a new player, should I focus on building a juutenshu over my first baha weapon? If the latter, should I always get a dagger?
John Kelly
Camden Rodriguez
>try to use melleau >slow, takes time to get both DEF and ATK buffs going >shit proficiency >skills are kinda lackluster At least she tanks lots of hits, after reset I'll try taking her to a real raid
Nicholas Myers
Adrian Green
Melleau is cute.
Xavier Miller
Why doesn't Lyria have any foot porn? She's literally the main character and wears no shoes, so why doesn't she have any foot porn?
Charles King
Latter takes less time. Post team/characters
Camden Jenkins
Colton Stewart
Joseph Ross
>tfw had days like this almost every day of the year >until i bought an air conditioner electric bill went up a fucking lot but was worth every penny
Luis Thompson
Lincoln Brooks
Bentley Murphy
>Why doesn't Lyria have any porn? fixed
Sebastian Parker
post account details in this thread
Elijah Bell
Cameron Hernandez
holy shit arulu have a shit kit how can 5* fix this shit
Gabriel Reed
Dominic Peterson
He is a slow guy let him please.
Ethan Rodriguez
How do you use alt accounts to slime blast? Both on the same browser, one on PC and one on mobile? Also can you get banned now with all the zoibois?
Luke Evans
>he doesn't know how to use Arulu the absolute state of /gbfg/ bab
Brayden Scott
Give her a 4th skill that gives 100% party wide TA for 10 turns la
Matthew Collins
No one actually liked Quatre in that crew like usual.
Cooper Sanders
>try Priconne >get this Now what
Tyler Cooper
main tab+anonymous tab alt slimeblasting was never bannable
Oliver Hill
Arulu is so shit she should be an SR
John Foster
You have your own general champ
Brody Williams
You mean main team? Fire Metera, Anthuria, Sen, SR Zoi and Lucius. Other SSRs are water Societte, Forte, Orchid, Sara and Eustace.
Nolan Myers
you reroll for Djeeta until you get banned
Jack Clark
Evan Lee
having more than one account is bannable
Mason Anderson
>she's not actually a real llama FUCK THAT GAME!
Jayden Brooks
I'm going to FUCK that goat
Jayden Jenkins
Is anniversary celebration at the end of this month or the next?
Jaxon Gutierrez
Easton Perry
I feel sorry for their ex-leader being tricked by everyone.
Tyler Moore
They made lennah a 9, I'm sure they can save her. Also why is she an 8.5? Just because of veil and delay?
Blake Moore
Triple the cap on her nukes, give her 25% attack down instead of 10%, 30% skill damage cap up on her 2nd and a DATA buff, a 4th skill that gives 50% echoes to someone, a self buff on her ougi and a new passive that can be whatever.
Jordan Howard
It's really simple. Beafriend's dancho got burgerboi'd and didn't tell anyone in the crew, and only posted in the thread about it. Which implied the crew was just going to be dead. Maybe a bad assumption, but I wasn't the only person to leave at the time, Snacks did too.
Michael Cooper
aren't celebrationsts around the 10th of march? That's like, 2 weeks from now
Isaiah Richardson
djeeta / notfeenachang account 488740893
first come first gets
Leo Gomez
Mason Stewart
Couldn't you just Google the release date of the game? How fucking stupid are you?
Kayden Scott
>First Skill: >Now 1m cap, inflicts 10% atk down, def down, Earth def down, data down, debuff resistance down, etc >Second Skill >100% skill damage up >50% skill cap up >Lowers cooldown on every skill by 1 >Third Skill: >Now randomly picks a number between two and four >uses delay however many number of times she rolls >gains a stack of Prediction for every charge diamond delayed >Ougi >Uses all stacks of Prediction for DaTa boosts for the entire party depending on how many stacks used
Did it.
Connor Sullivan
Please please please help me 5415C8BA
Zachary Reed
It's a crew "leadership" thinks we can beat a crew that averages 30 ranks above us on day five episode.
I wonder if other gbfg crews are so poorly run.
Kayden Evans
We didn't have a discord then the only way he can tell his crew was through this kuso place atleast he told his crew, he could have just quit
Robert Johnson
What free bahamut weapon I should get when skyblue rerun happens if I already have a sword, dagger and gun?
James Morris
oh forgot password
Elijah Morales
what is it
John Russell
Too good, please reconsider
Chase Parker
>5415C8BA I'm gonna leech.
Gavin Hernandez
because they had free legfest 10 roll before and legfest isn't on the tenth fuckface?
Ethan Hill
Henry White
Axe if Arulu 5* is OP.
Gabriel Jones
>he didn't get the memo lmao
Dominic Martinez
I thought the swearing was hurensohn
Joshua Long
yeah but its the password in this case, also it means son of a dog(bitch), not son of a whore (hurensohn)
Matthew Martinez
I guess my takeaway was the message was more along the lines of, "welp I got banned cya game" than "whoops I got banned, someone please hold the crew together until I get back". Maybe I'm misremembering.
Jayden Davis
>wtf bros, why can't i stream grubble for money?
Easton Campbell
but why Cag Who do you really love
Colton Fisher
It's a bit sad that boxdaisuki, the pioneer of character meme crews, died prematurely without accomplishing anything
Christopher Price
Bad post
Cameron Sanders
Who are you quoting?
Gavin Young
Beafriends was a thing way before Boxdaisuki
Ayden Howard
>please level my account for me while i'm on vacation and i'll steal it back later. drake.jpg
Gabriel Taylor
>he doesn't know his /gbfg /shitposting lore timeline Yikes
Julian Diaz
>literal scum leader
Dylan Sanders
Andrew Hughes
Just admit you saw the chance of ditching him and took it. One person dying should not kill a crew.
Jace Edwards
>le ebin 1 man crew that posted recruiting but never let people in I wonder what could the reason be, stupid faggot
Gavin Ross
Kill yourself, turbofaggot.
Wyatt Parker
nignogs gotta stick together. Can you make money with 5 viewers?
Cooper Cook
Yeah, kick the guy who gave warning about not being available more than a month in advance because he's trying to be better than a filthy neet
Ryan Rodriguez
You use a lot of erunes. A baha weapon that supports them would probably be better. I assume you're below 101
Jordan Cox
What would you suggest, sandbagging? What else is there to do on day 5 except burn your meat and see where it gets you
Mason Martinez
luckily we had very good fukudancho and members
Brayden Edwards
I wish KMR banned all spics, indos and chinks Then this game will finally get good
Anthony Stewart
Not the case at all, I legit thought the crew was going to disintegrate. I wouldn't have left otherwise.
Jayden Hall
fuck off naka
Jordan Baker
Priconne actually banned Chink IPs
Austin Miller
You can make money with one viewer, so long as that one person is dumb enough to donate.
Eli Evans
Absolutely based. Acidic post.
Jace Hughes
>mfw i tried logging in 4 times thinking it was a gbf account
Brody Morris
why are people giving away Priconne accounts
Nathaniel Edwards
That's fine. You're just a pussy then. No loyalty whatsoever to stick around for one gw to see what happens.
Easton Peterson
so they can reclaim them later when people have dumped hundreds of dollars into those accounts
Brody Cook
Veil and delay are decent utility, it's just that you have no reason to bring her outside of fights that demand you veil or die.
Landon Morgan
>he thinks pioneer means first no, it means being a selfish prick that fucks up the place and takes over without regard to the people who were actually there first.