>tfw no heir
Tfw no heir
>implying the genetics of your heir matters
adopt someone like cao cao
How old are you?
I hope I'll have a large family.
Are you still a youth?
I have hope that you'll have an heir.
>tfw heir is a complete failure
>Tfw am heir
>Tfw heir dies in a hunting accident
>tfw your nephew with 2 martial and 3 learning becomes next in line to the throne
>pic related
>tfw your brother would rather adopt an heir than turn the empire over to you
As a man you can still get an heir no matter how old you get so long as you don't get castrated
Just stay healthy and get rich, you can buy a wife for yourself in the future and have all the heirs you want
>tfw heirless
>tfw hairless
I spit rhyme as your empire decline
yeah it sucks being bald
>implying there would be anything worthwhile to inherit anyway
How much stewardship?
>start a game as Chief of Rostov
>marry German princess
>she gives me a daughter
>"Oh well gotta keep trying"
>Start asking neighbours for concubines
>first one gives me another daughter
>"I'm still young, I guess"
>wife pumps out another daughter then dies shortly after
>marry Hungarian princess who is taken as a concubine by raiding Finns
>marry Ruthenian courtier who gives me another daughter
>already in my mid 40's
>concubines pumping out daughters for me
>seduction focus time
>all ladies nearby are chaste or just outright refuse my advances
>finally bed a foreign noblewoman
>no one wants to cuck me so I can raise my wife's/concubine's son as my heir
>in my 50's with ten daughters
>Letting raiders take your capital
That's what you get for not having your Retinue anti-cucking squad parked there at all times.
>have brother as heir
I will carry my family name for far longer than it would survive in a line of descendants.
All my levies were busy fighting off Ryazan and it was too early to have a big retinue. I really should have mentioned the fact I was being constantly fucked with by the Cumans, Ryazan, Suomenusko rebels and later Kiev/Ruthenia the entire game. Novgorod also laying claim to my Northern territories didn't help either. Besides, most of my retinue troops would by Light Infantry anyways because I was still a Slavic tribal chiefdom.
>be strong, charismatic, loved by the people, be a born leader and primed for the position of emperor
>tfw your delirious dad executes you because your stepmom whispered false rumors into his ear
>gives position to incompetent younger half-brother instead
Who am I?
Can I condemn this man to slavery?
Pretend I do not feel his agony?