League of Legends General - /lolg/

Doujin Tags Edition



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>another fucking thread for this slut

I wanna put a thumb in Annie's butt.

I want to protect this smile.

post your op.gg

She's new though.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>tfw no qt petite gf

>The first proper female that isn't fat, brown or degenerate fetish in AGES.

>play zoe
>build rylais crystal scepter as my third item
>watch the tears flow

>waaahhh, my wait didn't get a thread



Pig champ when?

>hashshinshin started the trend of TOP SUCKS THIS LANE IS IRRELEVANT
>all my toplanes for the past month have been drooling retards
>literally feed the enemy camille/riven/nasus/gp
>all my lead that i had as an adc means jackshit because i get dove 24/7 by all those champs
>then the feeding toplane always says "BETTER BOT WINS XD"
Perma bann anyone who plays that role when?

Then it proves his point, the complaining user sounds like a confused bronze player and to be fair when youre are there you get people that deliberately want to stay there.
Getting out of there is piss easy tho.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

if your team consists of 3 tanks with cc and a decent adc with hp% damage you will win your game

Is this skin rare or I should dust it just fine?
I think it looks like garbage to be honest

porn like this shit pisses me off
i grew up with a pig boi and he was PURE.
gas those who lewd the oink

Riven already exists

Kinda disappointed I knew the sauce on this.


top is for chads

so you're diamond 3 and still think you can beat gp as malphite in his current state?

Give me the best tank support runes and build for my boy Rakan

>everyone honoured someone, you receive a little extra honour
>tfw wasn't honoured

It is garbage, toss it. Pretty much all Olympic skins outside of maybe Hockey Jax are garbage.

All you need for Corki is Urfrider.

Sseth is def a chad

All the decent top players migrated to other role.

If you're good

>tfw no warring kingdoms Vi


The issue with ranked is that every player should do 20%+ of the work and climb consistently, but even if you do 30%-40% of the work, you lose if your faggot teammates do 5% of the work

Of course if you're a diamond smurf who can do 80% of the work on your own you will have no trouble climbing. The issue is that bad players have easier, faster, more impact than good players

so if gp isn't hardstuck d5 what happens then

if you're a diamond smurf that only works until you get to plat, then it's up to your dumb team to listen to you and also other diamons will start to be in your matchmaking


Is Thresh a better Blitz???

>Hash says top sucks because of broken champions
>my laners feed these broken champions

Formulating thoughts, friend

>tfw no corvid skin for Azir to empathize your high IQ plays

Just dodge the Q

that's not the point, if you're diamond and you get to plat you're not really smurfing anymore

that's like saying "im smurfing" in silver when you're gold 4

Sivir get in the fucking robot


she's getting gutted this patch user, just hold on for a little longer

I actually fell for the WK Vi meme last year and I prefer Officer with chromas every game. It's not that great of a skin.

Every day until you like it fag

>dodge first q
>2 seconds later she tries again

>be the only one to hover a pick
>get self concious

>tfw play Zoe
>R over the wall with my Q at enemies defending the turret
>watch half their hp disappear as my team collapses on the sleeping target

Yes. Blitz is being kept hostage of his grab despite the fact that stronger CC's exist in the game with power budget to spare for other skills.

>hover fiddle top every game
>teammates waste a ban on fiddlesticks without fail

>new content
>getting threads
wow you're right
I'd rather have threads with waifu OPs right when new content is getting released or big e-sports events are on

I can already tell Kai'Sa is going to be fucking cancer.
But I'm a sucker for the Void lore, and I'll probably play her for the first week after she comes out.
What date does she come out? So I know how long I have to save up BE

>Tfw the japanese server was a failure.

Feels bad.

>Call someone a faggot
>instantly account banned


I think it's about two weeks

You don't even have to do 80% of the work every game. You can do 80% of the work every so often. Then you can slack off doing 20% of the work for a few bad games, then do 40% for a few games, then another 80% and you'll climb.

Pretty much as long as you compensate for a shitty teammate once every other game you'll climb. The fact that you're not climbing means you're not as good as you think you are.

>What is illaoi
>what is camille

Thresh feels more like a pseudo-amumu that can save a team member with the lantern that no one clicks.

Blitz is literally claw game: the champion.

last promo
place bets

it was a failure because FUCKING WEEBS wont fuck off to their own server and MUST ALWAYS INVADE EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH JAPAN
ya know i once though samurais were cool NOT ANYMORE. THEY'VE RUINED THE MOST BADASS THING ABOUT JAPAN

call people a f\aggot and a n\gger the system can't pick it up



>hardly any jap doujins featuring monsters getting it on

Feels worst

>has the same range as jinx from level 1
>has better AoE damage potential without building runaans
>has self peel, mobility and a slow
>has the hardest area denial of any champion in the game barring maybe Viktor
>AND he has a good laning phase
How is the Emperor of the sands balanced, /lolg/?

Actual grandma. Kill yourself nigger

gragas team

>game is already over at the 10 minute mark before you can do anything

fun and interactive gameplay xD

japs are to dumb to play something that isn't a mobile game.

he isn't, his rework was a complete failure because azir mains consider having an overloaded kit with no weakness as part of his identity

""""hard to play"""" ex dee

Wow, don't cut yourself on all that edge there kiddo

The weebs might be actually the ones who keep the server alive.

>stuck with shitty korean porn forever

>azir mains consider having an overloaded kit
People who wanted the shuffle weren't Azir mains you mouthbreather.

So I figured this was a meme but it's actually pretty decent, fun as fuck too.

i lost faith in rito balance the second they released kalista.

they drove everyone away with their cancer

>AND he has a good laning phase
If riot actually understood how to give lategame champs bad laning phases, this game would be a lot better

If you were top you could have tele'd or roamed mid

If you were top and your jungler was getting his ass handed you could have helped for easy 2v1

if you were mid and anyone was in trouble you could have helped

If you were jungle you could have counter ganked, or got a lane fed

if you were bot you could have literally just killed your lane opponents, controlled dragon in turn taking jungle pressure off other lanesn and got fed as fuck. It is 100% entirely your own fault.

What do I need to do to get out of s5. This shit is awful. Teemo was always my go-to when it came to winning but I can't even win with him. This game sucks ( ._.)

But that's Xayah.

Her bird feet are barely noticeable most of the time and hardly all that "degenerate" anyways.

Illaoi is basically real womyn incarnate.
Camile has those gross gigantic robotic legs, definetively degenerate fetish.

stop playing top lane and especially stop playing teemo
it's really that simple

Those kdas are tragic. What causes yoir low kills and high deaths?

Okay when the fuck does my honor unlock after being chat restricted?
Cause I have had several games where I legit get 3 or more honor from my team and i'm STILL level 1 and locked.


Fine, whatever.

>dying that much

>61w 89l
you are beyond helping. consider suicide

>support main
>can't play anything but Nami

is literally unplayable
riot has ruined the game so much that if you don't have 3 tanks min you're making the game artificially difficult and probably going to lose

long long time.

Nips wanting to play league are ameriboos to begin with, so the might like to be around with americans.

considering honor is supposed to scale throughout the year, you're gonna be an honorlet till atleast june if that lmao enjoy having no keys

being an ameriboo is better than a weeb in my opinion

>Playing PC games

>Her bird feet are barely noticeable
At first. But then you realize how much she uses them to pick things that fall to the floor, grip your windscreen wipers, and capture prey.

Stop dying and pick useful champions you fucking faggot
Seriously nigga how do you die that much on Vlad without getting kills and assists?

t. Amerimutt

I'm actually kind of curious about the new possible "mages are ADC now item" Riot has in the works, i can easily see Azir becoming a massive cancer in the bottom lane.

holy shit i love bard