Lamb and Wolf Edition
Lamb and Wolf Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did Blizzard make this?
Second for my wife
Nihilist chaotic clown champ when
Built to suck dicks
Lord Jesus she could suck a man's soul out with those.
Small child that has a red cloak and uses fire magic when
literally annie
>instead of skellies or the big fuck off golem it's a flayed halfling abortion
Fuck you blizzard.
>when you want to GP ult and and accidentally click the minimap
Shaco sucks
The worst is the Arcade one (the cassette)
You can have big fuck off golem but I want to do the suicide bomber build where you lose armor for every minion you have.
post main
If she sucks your soul out through your dick do you become part of her symbiotic relationship?
>tfw no qt petite gf
>tfw no rough sex followed by cuddles
>tfw no falling asleep together under the stars
>tfw I lost to Lee Sin as Sejuani
>suicide bomber build
Guild Wars 1 Suicide necro build was the bomb.
Why do you have to remind me the good things are gone...
>tfw support
>almost always winning the botlane
>on a win streak
>suddenly a streak of mid/top feeding
>happened every single time
Don't tell me Riot don't have a hand in this rigged shit.
>Shit on enemy midlaner
>He gets a double kill on my jungler and top
>He starts winning the lane
>Somehow im the one to blame
Xth for gassing all waifufags/avatarfags and ERPers. Take your shit to the discord, no one wants you here.
Considering her situation and other skins, I genuinely would enjoy this as just another look rather than a sexy skin (minus the ears because those are obviously there for fetish appeal).
idk senpai I just enjoy slapping my debuff curse, going straight in and draining my health to damage enemies and occassionally becoming untergetable just like I used to in that other game
>no main
>no waifu
Currently I'm enjoying learning Syndra, not sure who's next.
Waifufagging is not against the rules. I think you are just a normalfag that can't handle it
Xth for strong and manly Anons invading my jungle
*teleports behind you*
*locks in blue card*
what is inside lolg?
Vg is litrrally a containtment board for waifufags newfag
I want ahri to gank me
>doesnt even pay attention to thread developments and just comes in here to shitpost
Zed champion shard and 2 key fragments
How the fuck is Vayne still at a 50% winrate after the massive nerfs but Kog just disappeared from the game just by messing with his % dmg a little?
>years later the warwick email meme still exists
Straight up boxer champ when? I'm tired of using Knock Out Lee Sin and Vi
fuck yeah m8, upvoted!
lets keep the general thread open for famous Ecelebrities and trendy lets-play youtubers!
He probably thinks people posting pictures of a champ while talking about said champ (and not even lewdposting) is avatarfagging.
even worse, 150 BE and 2 key frags. No picture because I legitimately thought there would be more and clicked through
>urge to 'bate
>lose hours of my time
So I resolved to just play League instead since I can't just abandon it and give in and it's so much better since I'm actually doing something. It feels like my key fragments drop a lot faster now, too, now that I'm not wasting time in my spare time.
>trying desperately to get away from a bad teamfight
>Tristana jump
>click the minimap
>jump toward the 4 enemies
Feels bad
But what if they take your stacks?
>playing the guessing game for something whose only variance is a champion shard
>"user, I can't decide what to wear today! There's so many good options. Can you help me pick out an outfit?"
So user, what should she wear today?
kindred's stacks spawn in the enemy jungle, not her own
It's okay. Receiving honor is a reward in itself and you got a lot of it to get where you are.
>get in game
>shit darius getting his ass kicked
>go top early
>he dies
>kill riven
>moment she dies reconnecting message appears
>no Internet for 30+ minutes
>any spectrum customer in my area is without internet
>see results of the match
>loss but got a perfect kda
well I didn't know that
Reminder that Kai'Sa is literally wearing a living void creature
On her skin
On her body
Well, I can't blame you for not wanting to know almost exactly what rewards you'd get from honor this season on the official page. Could legitimately make it all less fun.
Oh yeah...
>Dark outfit is sexy and lewd
>Light outfit is elegant and alluring
I don't even know
Don't be rude to your support! Your support is not just a walking ward and shields!
>make a new account
>rammus runs it down mid from minute 2
>convinced he was a bot
>turns out he was a troll
I hope she has an animation for petting and playing with it to some extent. Like the cannons are actually its eyes and split head
I like to help her get out of an outfit if you know what I mean
>Veeky Forums made you
More people to cuddle !
Made a thread on b, that's the name that won
>getting flamed for autolocking in blind
>tell them to shut the fuck up and play
>they keep flaming despite me doing the most
>get a 10-game chat restriction
>he goes to b
Is her pussy enhanced by the symbiote?
Can she grow a dick thanks to the symbiote?
Is the symbiote fully fused with her or does she have a regular nude female body underneath?
Is she shaved?
Can she reproduce?
why live desu
>ywn be a void creature tightly wrapped around a sexy waifu
>Can she grow a dick thanks to the symbiote?
I hope so.
RoA or protobelt first with swain? assuming the enemy isn't a heavy AP or AD char
Can I be rude to bad ones?
It's just for the trap threads I swear
Why are these kind of shots so fucking hot? It's just the lower part of the face and the neck but they're super lewd.
>get special weapon zac 'cause he reminds me of Venom
>we now have literally a symbiote champ
>is nothing like Venom
shit sucks man
To _abuse cute support mains
I want my adcs to violate me and to use me like a cumdumpster
i told you last thread that swain wants people near him. protobelt. sure, youre more thanky and have more dmg with roa but whats the fucking point when everyone runs away from you
>discovering support in League after only being able to kill to save teammates in previous games
Of course not. I'm a body-blocker, stasis enabler, polymorpher, stunner, healer, shot-caller, turret-tanker, charmer etc.
jin crushing balls
Comics are for children. Grow up.
Why would I want to give you satisfaction?
Hey pixelcuck. You have a PBE account. Can you check something for me?
Does spellbinder activation break evelynn stealth and does each individual cast of her Q give a stack?
>that spoiler
I'm good, I rather find someone to dote on me, pet me, cuddle me, and make me feel like a princess before I get on my knees and suck them like a proper slut
too bad I'm an ADC main
>after only being able to kill to save teammates in previous games
it's funny, the game I played a shit ton of before LoL was Super Monday Night Combat and I mained Support. I miss that, I remember someone told me the closest person to play as both a damage dealer + support role was Kayle
What server? Who's your favorite support?
I want a adc to self insert that isn't gay, black or nuts
No! Maybe - I don't know!
have you tried GLP my fren
can you repeat that but explain in a simpler way
Where do I find a cute support main to verbally abuse and treat like a punching bag until they cry whenever I have to let loose some steam
wow you're actually correct
Defend this shit, lolbaboons.
I had a cutiepie support main to do this to, but now he's left me. feels sad, man
that's a fighting game sprite, user
I really love her design but of course they pushed her into a gimmicky jungler that kept getting nerfed.
adc main here
fuck supports they always bully me when i'm not doing too well
The symbiote is obviously female and one of Rek'Sai's abandoned children.
They'd also compete between each other if they ever found a mate, the winner being the one who can handle the greater level of affection is it will be too much for the other to handle mentally.