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How about that Hardin
I'll post here instead, let's see if the 8 retards who posted in the other thread can too
I like it. Having Gradivus is a plus and he looks great.
Just want to know what the other banner is before I go all in.
Wish we got the cool turbaned version, but hey at least he's in
What's wrong with the other thread?
Remember to report dupe threads
If Grima is a summonable villain now, then why does this bitch need a GHB when she's not even a villain? She doesn't even have the "she's the Grima possessed version" excuse anymore
Nice unit with nice fodder
I'm actually really surprised that no one of the new characters has 3 skills
Do you think Grima will have a unique death animation since there are technicallly 2units on the screen when he transforms
Has Gladion in the OP, some shitposter, probably the same guy who makes the Xeno threads.
If we use it he'll just come in to shitpost saying "Haha you all used my thread, Pokechads win again" or some stupid shit.
Oh boy I can't wait until we have two different threads going at the same time and both go to limit like the other day
Stop right here Grima
it's by the idiot who keeps forcing gladion OPs but he copied the xenofaggot (assuming it's not just the same person)
Haha you all used my thread, Pokechads win again
that's incredibly childish on both sides.
It's the same with this fucking thread look at the bottom right
Look at the bottom right.
Because BTomebreaker is a really valuable skill that they absolutely have to gate behind a limited unit.
Not that I actually need it, but it's completely retarded that it's unavailable normally, despite not being a super great skill.
>18 posts in the other thread
And it's during dead hours too so that may very well happen.
I can already predict it, this thread is gonna get more posts but the autist who made the other thread is gonna keep it bumped, then when this one hits bump limit he'll link it, and morning /feg/ won't fight it since it's early and they'll use it anyway.
>Raul said to use this thread
>sick of Pokefag shit, so I listen to him for once in my life
You know I gotta give the guy credit at least for having this type of autism. Well played
What's that even supposed to be?
t. pokeanon
>fight it
Jesus Christ I should wish you and all the shitposters would just fucking collapse but then the general really would be dead
The real laugh here is how dead other generals are that we're being shit up by four other generals now. Technically an entire containment board and three generals, honestly.
it´s too late now
It's gonna be ridiculous how well hidden the guy may start adding this shit to the OP pics from now on
You're not going to fall for this bait right user?
>new terrain type that blocks fliers
Damn, IS realized how strong they are.
Duma is going to get into FEH?
They are coming right boris?
It's Gladion's hand.
Fuck Raul, so much.
Suck my dick, bitch
You're just covering up the fact that you either got played or are a fucking collaborator
I'm thinking they'll give Hardin mixed defenses and low Spd but not fuck huge Atk, maybe a bit lower than VWood. That way he'll only completely shaft Gwendolyn and VWood but won't be able to harm Effie since she still has that Berkut's Lance WF niche.
Probably like this if he gets in. Nice pauldrons.
Someone make a real new thread. If not I'll make one.
I did a little test for you guys. I did 10 sessions on the Summon simulator where my goal was to get all focus heroes. The results were 271, 253, 493, 434, 172, 400, 413, 325, 526, and 205 orbs. If we calculate the median for these numbers, the average amount of orbs you'll need for getting all the focus heroes are 363. Good luck.
Also, did we really not use the previous thread because there was a pokémon character in it the OP image? For people complaining about autism, you're pretty autistic yourselves
Armored dragons why would you not fall for this?
I'll admit I got bamboozled too. The only way to be free of this shit is to just hope the guy making these gets banned
>we're going to end up with four threads going at once again
No wonder people laugh at us.
>three (3) active threads
I don't want this autism, but I want to spite the Pokefags more
I thought you tried at first to do a thread like this one and that was fucking obvious
Well played
Yeah, it seems pretty autistic to me, but who cares really.
Might as well just use whichever thread picks up the most, and that'll be the one the picky autists choose.
Someone write smut about XenoChads, FateBulls, GranblueOverlordMasters bullying us, the FireHicks.
>implying you can bully a hick
Neph has proven that hicks are the strongest, angriest people in the world.
Because that art is God awful and
>Male Robin
Yuck, no thanks I'll save.
Proper thread, move on over now
Only if it's Djeeta
more green dragons for my wife pls
>first the Pokefags baits us by planting Gladion in a whole cast of FE characters
>we realize it, but it's too late
>then he settles for a smaller scale one
>we recognize the old trick, and hop to the new thread
>the new thread had Gladion's hand hiding in the grass at the bottom-right
He'll run out of tricks eventually
So I recently started again after quite only playing about a month on release and thought about what team I should start to build to get competitive. My 5* 40s are b!Lyn, Lucina, Nowi and Ephraim but I also have Fae and A!Tiki already, so I thought a dragon team would probably be best right? What should I add in the 4th spot if I go dragon team?
Making him green is nice because it makes falchion his perfect counter
People like you are going to get /feg/ banned, and we will deserve it.
Is /trash/ really all that bad?
How many fucking threads do we have up because of all of your collective autism at this point? 4?
Trash is sincerely one of the least shit places left on this site, it is full of degeneracy,
sure, but at least threads are on-topic.
What if they release a free female version of Grima, but they make her the male Grima's Black Knight? Shittier skills and lower bst
Stop same/falseflagging, stop replying to him AND FILTER HIM ALREADY.
You fucking assholes are ruining /feg/ just as much as him.
>Djeeta will never sit on your face and bully you with her big dumb sweaty butt while she MVP's raids
Why even roll anons... best girl is right there.
Or they can make her the exact same but Blue.
Us, and not the FateBulls that post literal Child Porn. Sure. Stop being dramatic, you highschool girl.
Get someone to give you a good ass pounding, might get the broom out of there.
Celica is blatantly worse than the other two skill wise. They could have been a bit more subtle with their obvious demote bait.
who is the Stannis of fire emblem ?
>I'm the Pokefag
Fuck off
>Erotic roleplay
>Fapping Together
Those are all generals over there, and some generals are mixstures of some of those, pony inflation for instance
Does that answer your question?
I let them know. We deserve to get laughed at, bros.
Great vision, strong character, will do anything to get what is rightfully his, but got lost a bit along the way. Too much fire.
>Making her better
It's about making a free Grima my dude, not a different Grima we would have to roll for
I also like being bullied by superior gentlemen from greater generals.
I-I mean w-what the fuck b-bros!?
Dragon emblem teams no have 3 greens to choose from but only 2 blues
Alright, who are you rolling for?
/trash/ is the best board this site got in years.
Yes it's shit and most people can't even look at the frontpage of it but that is why it filters out so much cancer other boards are flooded with.
Shouldnt you be getting ready to stab your wife
you know guys there is nothing wrong with gladion desu
why the autism
When does the new banner start?
Tomorrow my dude
He's basically the Takumi to Lillie's Corrin
I hate that faggot so much. He abandoned Lillie because "MUH NULL"
5 days!
I'm tempted to put off writing the Ayra femdom summoner fic just to write something quick about possessed Serika
>BE are the only ones autistic
If BE meant Brave Exvius, thank god we'll never reach this levels of depravity.
Will it involve Piss, or rough forced cunnilingus?
>Possessed Serika
>first hypnotized Eirika, now this
My dick will explode desu
>Will it involve Piss
No you fucking degenerate
>hypnotized Eirika
Blue would only make her better against Falchionsfags. Green is a great colour desu.
Touché. WHat about the rough, forced cunnilingus?
>gets fucked by the writer despite being the only one with a brain
half of the cast
updates usually happen around 3 pst right? will we get a data mine around then?
Perhaps. Would rough, forced cunnilingus with a side of 69 suffice?
>Its a /feg/ forces a stupid meme that wont die and creates more boogeyman
Stop acting like people of Veeky Forums dont post in multiple threads, no one gives a shit about your retarded imaginary thread war that you are forcing
Honestly fuck you all, its bad enough you keep feeding attention to the gardener but this is way worse because i least i can filter pablo or whatever his nigger name is
>Niggers are actually using the other thread
No wonder this shit was going slow as fuck
Does anything this retarded general does even surprise you anymore? It honestly wouldn't even surprise me if we officially split now.
>the Virgin Gladion
>the Chad Raul
Gee feg, how come the jannies let you have TWO generals?
The absolute state of /feg/
At this point I legit can't decide what general is the biggest shitpost.