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Sakaguchi did nothing wrong edition

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Feels good, man.

I am probably the slowest retard imaginable but I just realized that the license boards actually look like the zodiac signs, nice.
Also rate my job combos, I just went by what felt right/at least slightly in character to me.

And I should probably not be a retard and actually upload my shit

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

>validate me
No, kys retard, I couldn't give less of a shit how you play the game.


What's new in OO and RK this week?

Sora's kit is fucking amazing, gonna spend at least 75 mythril on him. Just because I don't have more.


Maybe Chapter 6 throughout the week, followed by Balthier in sunday.

KH event tomorrow, Sora's a top tier spellblader and Riku's a decent dark user.

fuck this bird tbqh

should update the OP post from now on to include what's new this week for OO, RK and BE.

At least you beat it
How the fuck are people beating it?
He gives no room to attack with HP since he keeps spamming AOE, and then he gets 8K brave out of nowhere wtf

is it okay to reroll for tomorrow's kh event?

when you shred it's brv to 0 then use setzer's brave freeze
"Y-You didn't forge about me, right, BEApe-kun?"

>reposting your unfunny shit
fuck off

Oh boy, here we go. Uncensored mod support for FFXV confirmed.


Son of a bitch. Shouldn't have brought my Golem team.

like clockwork

Whoops. Edge was supposed to kill him for the 6th time even.

You will never be THIS assblasted about some shitty mobage.

I literally completed it with a level 1 setzer first try, no sweats broken.

BRV FRZ is a hell of a drug.

Pull for me

Why would I want a doggo when I have CAPTAIN BASCH FON RONSENBURG OF DALMASCA


I can't into planning damage, but it's done.

your "game" is dead, get out of here fag

Son of a bitch.


convince not to pull on his banner for the like 20% chance of getting his USB

shut up dumb ape


20% is better than 3%

God help, me, this is the most autistic thing I've ever seen


Unless all the rest of the relics are dupes, you should go for at least one pull.
You're not one of those faggotrons pulling for that scotland toilet-tier KH shite, are you?

>Autistic RKManlet's shit gets deleted
>FFBEChads win since a long time
Let's fucking push everyone that isn't FFBE players out of /ffg/. About time we got rid of the trash.

>1200% ST 1 Hit Physical Attack + Ignore 50% DEF

Is ara the new Ang?

hahaha, even mods couldn't handle the amount of autism in >206010402

He got banned just now and his post deleted.

Fran's slender, brown, heeled feet.


yes user, ANG IS THE MOST BROKEN FINISHER in global. Tomorrow is the last day you can pull him and doge.

What's wrong with the be hater guy relax man is only a game

i have 6 fucking dupes and they're the best items on the banner otherwise

after seeing hiroshit openly support mobile game publishers I wouldnt be suprised if gumi intern had mod powers

I already have both
Too bad ara is literally useless, the sad fate of dragoons and old ladies

Insomnia ruins gameplay featuring dead soldiers, corrupt Magitek, Cor and the surviving Crownsguard/Kingsglaive.

I don't mind shitting on Gumi, they completely deserve it, but the 1-2 resident autists spamming this shit every single fucking day for no reason other than their autism gets really annoying. And I assume it's just one or two of them because they have very distinct writing styles.

>Let's fucking push everyone that isn't FFBE players out of /ffg/.
But then the thread will be as dead as the game.

Yeah looks bigger than I thought. They added the ahrinans from Kingsglaive as enemies too

at 8 mins in one of the people there asks about Iris and the dev said play to find out

>I already have both

i'm jelly. Somehow I can't get either of them.

Spent 50 tickets and 10k lapis so far on this. I did get my 2nd orlandeau, third lunera, first gilgamesh and first blossom sakura. And yet i'm going to throw another 5k tomorrow...

and no I have not spend a single real penny so far, it's all the tickets and lapis I saved up for the past few months for not pulling at all.

I'm still here.
Though, I think they basically just removed it because it counts as borderline spam.
Was fun while it lasted, though.

I got ang with a daily and dogo with a 4* ticket trying to get rikku V2
You need to don't want them to get them

I'm just happy we don't have a GW2 general situation on our hands, yet. But who knows how crazy those fuckers will get.

I fail to see the issue when nine times out of ten BEfags are source of shitposting, I don't think I have to remind you how this all started with "RKmanlets"

>he gets 4 rainbows in 70 pulls
>meanwhile I'm still sitting on my daily Bediles after 200+ pulls
I feel like the game is telling me to stop. At this point I am just TMR farming and hoarding for Tifa anyway.

>rikku V2
>can't equip first weapons
>don't have 100%+ passive LB
>lb is more expensive than rikku's

rikku is still the only way if you need to LB every fucking turn

Hey, user.
Let's celebrate with a beer.
BF2 servers in JP is up.
The end begins for FFBE JP.

>did a 5k pull to try and get Ang
>got Dog

It's true. You have to not give a fuck about getting them and you'll get them.

>>can't equip first weapons

Hope you got that free tanky Ariana. Her tmr is actually BiS for anyone who can't use weapons.

Those fuckers are equally shitty. I do not mind banter of just flat out insulting if it's a chain of responses, but there's a ton of posting of
>BEApes do x!
>RKManlets do y!
without any fucking context multiple times in
every single fucking thread. At least come up with a reason to shitpost instead of posting this generic shit.

>there are people in this thread
>that aren't going to pull on a first-pull-half-off banner with top-tier
>for a character with THREE Legend Materias, all granting Haste+EnElement

i'm sure you said the same thing about OO killing BE when it comes out. Stilling waiting on that.

Are you fucking retarded?
Which fucking instrument give +LB?

That female guest/presenter makes my ears bleed. Holy fuck, these Jap "cute" voices are annoying.

OO killing BE? Never said that.
I'm not that much of an naive idiot to think that just because one mobile game comes out, another will die. That's not how markets work.
However, all I'm sure about is that FFBE won't die because of OO. It'll die because of BF2 and how Alim will move resources more and more towards BF2's development compared to FFBE.

I never said it gives LB. Just having more spr and hp makes it BiS. And if you need autorevive every turn, you're a shitter. There's not a single trial where you would need autorevive every single turn if you are properly geared, buffed def/spr and have the right tank.

Question is though - why would they? BE is doing pretty well for a FF mobage and SE probably still wants all those whale shekels. I doubt they'll abandon it that easily.

>OO killing BE? Never said that.

Bullshit. I've seen you manlets claim BE will die over and over and over before OO was out. You faggots claimed it's the BE killer for months before it was out.

I don't care about Kingdom Hearts desu

any help improving my Sealion team I can kill him with a bit of help from RNG but I CAN'T sub 30.
Alphinaud and Vincent have fire+ weapons/armors but I'm not sure If these are fine or if I should put them stat sticks instead.
OK has BSB, Penelo USB, Y'shtola fully dived with WALL and BSB, Papalymo with OSB and Ley Lines SSB, Vincent with BSB

as for other team choices:
>Fire SBs
Maria BSB (cm2)
Lulu BSB
Jecht OSB
Balthier SSB (imperil Fire)
Delita BSB

>Handy SBs
Firion BSB
Rosa SSB (medica + MBlink)
Galuf SSB (AoE crital hit to 50%, maj.regen and enFire to user)
Bartz BSB1 (cm2)
Mog BSB (hastega + faithga with major cure on cm1 and mag. break on cm2)
Vanille USB
Alphinaus BSB and Deplyment Tactics SSB
Ramza USB, BSB1, BSB2, chant, Tailwind, Shout
Marche USB
Tyro USB, instacast for 2 turns LMR

any help?

If you team is getting wiped every turn, you need a tank.

kyaaa yattaaa *squeals* oooooooo sugoiii

>muh RK boogeyman

BE is doing well, but the problem is "How long?"
You know why BF1 died? Because people were doing too many things in one turn and over-stacking buffs while mitigation and stat values were reaching ridiculous amounts.
I'm seeing the same thing in FFBE JP.
Heck, the fact that the Genji Armor boss requires stop resist, something that's been rare for some time, already is telling me that we're going to have bullshit mechanics soon enough.
It's a matter of time. I've seen it in BF1, I've seen it in Puzzle and Dragons, I'm seeing it now.
They won't abandon it, but the quality drop will be noticeable.
I need proof. I'm autistic, but I provided proof even in that imgur image.
If you refuse to even quote me, then you basically are more untrustyworthy then an autistic kid, jimbo.
Unless you want to keep backpedaling towards the door.

>all granting Haste+EnElement
actually, what happens when you put 2 EnElements on someone?

So you're one of those that got baited by the first Marche banner, which was in every way worse than this one.
Literally a case of
>blame yourself or god
The only good thing about GL RK is the foresight for banners, next time use it.
Anyway, Orlandeau USB returns with Ramza CSB in the first extreme fest banner, but have fun getting Elarra'd instead of getting good shit.

>I need proof. I'm autistic, but I provided proof even in that imgur image.

I'm not autistic enough to go back tons of threads for your bullshit. I got better things to spend my time on. You can pretend it never happened all you like but everyone who browsed these threads will remember.

The one in the main slot overwrites the other one. At least that's what happens with Jecht(has enfire and endark LMRs).

>stop resist
Good thing I have Ayaka and Chow then

Then which mobage will last an eternity? BE will die eventually, sure. However, I am having fun playing it today.

And it sounds like you already stopped playing BE, if so, why are you so obsessed with it?

>Calls me out
>Asks for proof
>Backs off

I have a tank and malboro kills it every turn

Is Elarra shit or is it just in comparison to the other goodies on the banner? I kind of wanted to use her

Woah, Woah. Hold on there, I'm not obsessed with BE.
I'm obsessed with the BE community. It's fun to poke fun at them and see them start getting ABSOLUTELY mad when I start pushing buttons.
You've never seen such a community who would absolutely explode when you start even mentioning some things.

Single target reraise exists, dark resist exists for free. No need for rikku lb if only the tank dies.

I dunno man, you seem more upset than the “BE community”.

*Daily draw guarantees him a minimum 3*
thank you awesome deal btw

Am I? Huh.
All I did was just BF2 troll posts. Most of them have been light-hearted.
The imgur link has been a bit forced, but I tried to do it almost like Internet Historian-style of chronicling the past few days.
If there's people who were more upset, it'd be that Char poster and the 50 Cent guy.

I hope that fucking 1/2* magicite is a joke. At best you can use it for inheritance, but wasting a slot on it is pants-on-head retarded.

Anyway, I'd personally slot Ace, especially if he's dived. IC3 is incredibly useful, and he can use Tritoch if you don't have multiple copies of CF. Remember that his BSB on top of being instacast and granting enfire also gives party p.blink, which can edge out the damage quite a bit.
Papalymo too is useful to start with Ley Lines, CF spam and peppering with OSB cast.
Absolutely use Ramza if you have the LMR, otherwise up to you.
I'd also give Y'shtola TG mode RM if she's using curada and shell.
If you want a chance at sub30, drop Penelo, literally no good sub30 party has 2 healers.
Dive some of those characters user, it goes a long way.

both you fags shut up

I don't know man, I may not be as emotionally invested in your shitposting so my perspective may be a bit different, but all that I am seeing is perpetual
>BEApes do this, BEApes do that
shitposting during the last few days with a few very obvious shitposts thrown in as a response such as . If you count that as genuine responses, you might be mentally challenged. Otherwise it's just people discussing their things.
I'll give you the Reddit side of the picture though, those people are genuinely retarded.

Now kiss

Every time a ff mobage comes out, another one dies.

>RK comes out, ATB dies
>BE comes out, JMV dies
>Mobius comes out, Mobius dies
>OO comes out, BE dies

So in OO, if you crystal enhance one of your units, the enhancements labeled as STATUS are just added flat out without any costs, but the ones labeled PASSIVE are the actually selectable abilities, right?