AD is better edition
AD is better edition
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where can I sell my euw account?
I wanna lick Zoe's armpits.
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
Nerf Kha'zix!
xth for living bodysuits and all the implications that carries
Ruin top lane.
too late
Vision of Empire (W) cost changed from 90/100/110/120/130 to 70/85/100/115/130
Demonic Ascension (R)
heal increased from 15/30/45 to 20/35/50
Demonflare health drain value changed from 150/300/450 to 125/300/450 (at 1/12/16)
This will definitely fix him guys
>literally Venom
Oh boy the capeshit influence is getting strong.
Saving top lane from tank cancer.
Your last played champ is now the main character of the last anime/show/movie you watched
How does it affect the movie
yorick isn't a tank
Why is riot so bad at designing female champions. Compare them to Ivern or Jhin or Braum for example
Has riot retired anymore skins? I want to know if I’ll be the coolest kid on the block with my slutty kitty kat, kat skin.
Actually an important poll about the game itself, not waifufag bullshit.
Someone at Riot has a thing for dark hair with pale skin. Guess they got tired of their redhead fetish.
>Hurka durr preemptively nerf shyvana, xin zhao and twitch in case those PtA "buffs" help them
>54+% winrate Warwick for several months? It's fine summoners he balanced
Do you need any more proof that Certainlyt controls the balance team
Just got Ornn and Vladimir shards, are either of them worth getting?
Can either of them carry hard?
Icould just turn them both into blue essence and save up for camille
yorick can be a tank but theres almost no reason for it
>Compare them to Ivern
>Compare them to the most unpopular champion Riot has released in over half a decade
I like my women as pale as a spooky ghost.
that's what I said but with more words
listen dude its 8 in the fuckin morning. just let me enjoy the thread before i go to bed and dream about being riven's alcohol
you could die 6 times to renekton etc and they still cant 1v2 if try to lane swap to get bot
riven can't afford any alcohol
Which girl has cute girl feet?
As well as you can kill a singed or Tryndamere or Yorick in lane until he's 0/6/0 and he will still be able to carry the game. I just wanted to know if it was just me or not. This game is a mess lol
she sucked off a dude for it
Is that.. .Ashe and Kat?
Pls respond this is important I’m vain as fuck
What about Ornn, Jax, Draven, Tahm? You have to admit that like 90% of the female champions could be just one but in different costumes
this post makes no sense
do your own research lazy bum
yeah probably
you can pay her in alcohol for playing the third wheel in your gay relationship and she'll gladly take it
Actually an important poll about waifu matters, not some game bullshit
Aatrox rework when?
He made Zoe
He hasn't been leashed since Warwick
So what?
Boys want to play with good looking women
Girls want to play as cute girls
Who actually wants bizarre "female" characters that you can only identify as female because of their voice. Nobody who actually plays videogames.
Why would the pick matter when they're all basicly the same girl?
Yeah male champions have a lot of variety like Draven looks nothing like Jayce, Jarvan, Ezreal, or Rakan. Even between Jayce and Jarvan who have dark hair and blue eyes Jarvan’s facial features are much different. More rugged looking, the nose is different, the eyes are sunken, the hair is longer.
Xth for Riot has already confirmed that Kai'sa is gay.
I'm not against hot female champions but atleast don't make the same champion over and over again. There are a lot of different typers of hotness. Not everyone needs to have literally the same model and face.
>plat shitter for two seasons
>make a playlist of the clash of gods theme and KA KA KA KA KACHI DAZE and listen to nothing else
>hit diamond
nice game, ningens
for vayne
They gutted runes wtf is this perk bullshit I want my early game cheese
it's very simple, riot (among many other companies) considers a move like putting in an "alternative" female character in risky, because they wouldn't be feminine enough, and couldn't be made into something you can sell. Zoe and Bard are incredibly similar to each other in theme, but zoe is a little girl, and bard is a weird sack of wind with bells attached to it. Riot could've made Zoe into something new and exciting like bard was, but then they decided that having a little girl instead would sell better. That's the thought process behind it. Female champions are usually wearing some skin-tight outfit, have nice tits and asses and thighs and midriffs, and are bland as fuck. Not that that's a problem. But the creativity of the game still takes a big hit. Female champions that deviate from the norm or the expected are highly unpopular, just look at Illaoi, kalista, quinn, lissandra, cassiopeia, camille, rek'sai, zyra, kayle, anivia, and even ashe.
They aren't bad at it per se, it's just that there is a format that they prefer to follow.
Ornn's dead and won't be resurrected for a long time. Too impactful in pro play.
Vladimir is untouchable. He'll never go lower than A tier, so it's always a good idea to pick him up.
We just had a fag and a pedobait champ, I think they need some time to cool off from the degeneracy and release a nice wholesome champion.
Why would that add anything to her character since she's supposed to be in the fucking void.
Can you show me examples?
'sometime soon'
You should compare her alternate skin to vayne's project skin. Basically the same shit.
Are the people that want Twinks going to be after he's good again?
People seem to only want champions to sit on their face when they're good.
For me!
It's not degenerate our love is pure!
It adds her having a wife! Which is important because she fights for me!
>Trist and Leona die for double first blood at lvl 3
>I get Irelia and to 4/0 and myself to 2/0
>Corki feeds his damn ass off
>Trist says "Relax you're 7-2, you'll carry" to Irelia
>Irelia runs in 1v4 a few times and Trist spam pings her "Respawning" ping
>Irelia tilts
>"I'm going to throw this game cuz you dont deserve a win if you feed lane"
Why do we play this game meant for literal children again?
Ana from Overwatch is one of my favourite female designs. In fact the only two heroes from Overwatch that look generic barbies are Mercy and Widowmaker. My favourite female league design is Kalista.
Overwatch has no good female designs though.
And no twink champion.
Shit game.
>negative winrate
>in silver
I bet you use the young ana skin.
well, yes.
you're in the minority.
I've never felt in less control of a game than in Season 8 Silver. Maybe I got bad from last season.
Overwatch character design is much better than League’s. They have tons of variety.
No her base design is too good. This is how you do a badass old lady, Riot. Not Camille gross.
>tfw no IRL Sona GF
Now thats really cute
Also: they don't have any monsters, or flying characters, or animals, or a character that is two characters, or an anthro, or a straight white female, or an ugly character, or a character that is nobility/royalty
>Tfw no yordle bf.
>talen is the first and only champion to have THIRTY NINE magic resist at level one
What in the ever-loving fuck is going on in TencentRiot's balancing department? This nigger now has 30% more MR than Kassadin who is supposed to be THE anti-mage carry AND 20% more MR than Galio who is supposed to be THE anti-mage tank.
>flying characters
they have two of those you dingdong
>not Toxin
He is already insanely good. Too bad we have to buff him for the silver 5 balance team.
Over buff poppy!
I am talking about aesthetics only. Oh and Winston exists. Especially their females are much better designed.
Talon used to have a silence to be an anti-mage
Fuck off, Camille is great. Verbally abusive yet proper British old lady cyborg reverse Batman. The sword legs are pretty out there but the rest is gold.
>no animals
I don't even play OW but they have that monkey and orisa
i have to wonder, in the event you lost your armor, would one worry about covering up again or just fight and deal with it later
like guy loses his armor, his dick falls right out. would he use that to his advantage or hope he can defend it more
>Ezreal, the ADC that was supposed to have a weakpoint in that he doesn't do as much DPS as other ADCs does way more DPS than Lucian
why is this allowed
She doesn’t look old at all. This is LeBlanc is an old woman guys!!! All over again.
woah slow down user next youll be telling me sion has low health and thresh has low armor!
So did Kassadin.
It should've been an aerial shot with her outstretched body plummeting towards the ground, the remains of two blasted creatures in the bottom left and the top right showing off an LZ she's clearing with the "missiles".
What makes you think bard is male?
This is what I don't get about you people? Would it really add to the "creativity" of the game if riot said tomorrow that ackshually malphite has been female all along? Would rek'sai mains not be playing her if she had been male?
I've literally never seen anyone give a fuck about this outside of internet malcontents.
>not using your exposed dick to intimidate your enemy
It's all about the VA
Overwatch has 26 characters and 11 of them are female. Of them you could toss 8 under the generically attractive female umbrella with only 3 standing out as different.
In League 49/140 champs are female, and of the 49 you could say 35 fall under the generically attractive category and the rest are either fetishized or whatever.
So realistically OW and League have roughly the same ratio, except OW has seemed to put out this idea of character diversity and purposely not sexualizing female characters, where League has done the opposite.
We are talking purely aesthetics
She doesn't look old because she's pretty much a cyborg.
Kassadin has his -x% magic damage passive, he doesn't need to have high MR. Galio has his W shield.
If you can't tell whether bard or malphite are male or female why would I give a shit about your opinion on male and female design?
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
then your point is mute
Which is LeBlanc is using dark magic to keep her young all over again. This isn’t diversity, this is lame.
>we're both men
>show me what you got
the biggest weakness is our greatest weapon
but i do have to wonder
>poppy fighting
>gets hit hard
>armor falls off from some latches/welds breaking
>undershirt probably cloth
>gets torn from fighting
>tits fully exposed
like in this case other than the fact she'll probably die, would she focus on the fact her tits are in full view or would she not give a fuck
i wonder this shit about the military too because women are in there and i cant possibly imagine them doing shit while fully exposed until they find some makeshift shirt or some shit
Lucian has more waveclear and I can't think of anything else Lucian does better. He's less skillshot reliant? Kind of? Oh, he can build crit items I guess and get cucked by randuins, that's it.
>tfw someone respectfully kept our jungler level-headed despite his ping spikes and desire to surrender
>tfw all I did was roam to the effect of moral support and help jg get a quadra in the final push
Sometimes it feels wrong to get the most honors, I wasn't leading the team by any means this time.
I'd ask you to stop being retarded but I know that's pointless.
Talon not only has good health, good base AD and good armor in the earlygame, now he also has the best MR of any champion. He's gonna take a gigantic dump over literally every single mage in mid until he either gets hotfixed or patched in seven months after he's been in every pro game.
Lucian is the best ADC in the game. He needs to be kept underpowered so that you can enjoy the others. We've been over this several times now.