Not Dead Yet Edition
/dg/ - Destiny General
how did this general die and /mgg/ live?
we were supposed to be the ones to make it through all the shitty updates
lol dead
FWC is for gay scifi fags
NM is the true chad choice user
How do you guys feel about the coming changes to pic related?
last thread was over a month ago
it was literally about 5 days ago, senpai, with another that 404'd 8 days ago
Not true.
coolest gun aesthetic wise. pulses getting a blanket buff. Lance getting it's explosion perk buffed. only to bullets per shot so ammo is conserved. could actually turn out broken. I can't wait
I'll bump, not because I want to see this alive
but because I want to see all of you in despair
General reminder that Astora is strictly for bully
>space AN94
fuck yeah
nth for waifus
just wait until Taken King II
we'll be back
Destiny 2 is a fun videogame created by Bungie and published by Activision.
thanks alex
Fuck you you fucking piece of shit fuck you
picrelated is kawaii desu tho
Nice Clan, robo nigger
rate my warlock