>tfw to dumb for this board
How can I be a Veeky Forumstorian without having to literally study 3000 years of human history?
>tfw to dumb for this board
How can I be a Veeky Forumstorian without having to literally study 3000 years of human history?
honestly? like if you're legit dumb?
find whatever book they use at your local high school when they teach world history. something ridiculously entry level, like they start with Sumeria and end with 9/11. read it cover to cover.
boom you now have a better understanding than 75% of the population.
Look up the things you don't know. Branch out from there. Read the sources on Wikipedia.
do something like what says and just look into more detail whatever you find most interesting.
nigga we're all dumb people merely pretending otherwise but citing books n shit we've read.
Pick a specific area and period that you have an interest in and read about it.
read 1(one) decent pop history book and you'll be more knowledgeable than 50% of this board
now this is shitposting
Post smug_voltaire.jpg and
a lot.
Just read about the things you want to
That's what I do
I'm never going to know all of fucking history but I can read about the bits that interest me
You can just study what interests you. History is full of neat stories and what's more it actually happened. Reality can be a much more entertaining story teller than the human mind, a writer in 1016 could never have imagined what would happen over the next 1000 years.
You don't have to be particularly intelligent. You can be the smartest person in the world, but if you do not value objectivity, remaining free from bias and avoiding leaping to conclusions you will be a very bad historian. If you recognize your limits and don't go beyond them you can be reasonably sure you are in the right.
for context they are a loose confederacy of German states that butted heads with the pope throughout its miserable history.
You don't. The only topics you need to know here are the Romans, the Mongols, the World Wars, and maybe the civil war if you're American
Just talk about WW2 or Muslims over and over.
Gain a brief understanding of the history of the world that matters (Basically the Mediterranean and the Middle East/Persia, then add in Western Europe from the middle ages onwards).
After that, read what you like.
This is proper bullshit OP. Most historians only know a lot about a certain period in time according to their study choices.
I actually studied Engineering but I've always been interested in history, mostly reading about ancient history ever since I was young. I know more about that than my sister who has studied history.
She's a walking encyclopedia when it comes to modern history tho especially on 20th century Russia/USSR. Which I have not much interest in and just know basics about.
very easy.... READ!
if you're not very young then there's zero excuse and you should actually kill yourself
Yeah, sadly this. WWII is the only history society at large cares about. God, I hate normies.
Remember, if normies are really that dumb, it should be easy to get them to do what you want.
But I can't into charisma senpai
Just read about a culture, empire, country, time period, etc., that you find interesting.
>go to the history section of my local chapters book store
>literally all about WW2 or the Civil War
The secret is simple, emotionally appealing messages with as much repetition as possible
Don't worry about consistency or truthfulness, as long as you tell them that there's somebody out to get them who wants to lie to them and disagrees with you.
Ar-are you me?
Read the books, discuss them here. Reading is excellent, but it's even better to discuss.
Discussion and discourse helps to consider viewpoints you may have not considered or seen before, and it may also force you to defend your viewpoints and positions. What good is it to have viewpoints and positions if you can't defend them? Doesn't that seem nonsensical?
>read books, discuss shit here.
Honestly, you can just laern it from lurking. It's like listening to music /mu/ talks about enough and after a while you'll have a pretty good understanding of what they're talking about. Just keep lurking and you'll get most of it eventually.
Hopefully not or I might have to see a shrink.
Pick a single topic and autism on it hard
Eventually you will see the applications of it
What did you mean by this?
Go to your library and check-out Great Courses. They're for free. You have no excuse.
You don't. This is why every historian is a specialist. There's simply too much history for one person to know everything about everyone everywhere.
This. I just went to my Half Priced Books and the non-war focused history section consisted of:
>Nazi Germany
>Everything Else
Seriously, it's kinda sad. At least I found something on Europe from the 17th to 18th century.
I torrented a bunch of history lectures by Modern Scholar and listen to them while I'm doing other things. I feel like I know some basics about classical and medieval Europe plus a smattering of Christian history.
>Not mentioning the most powerful region in the world for 2500 years.
Chinaman is dissapointed in you
There's always the "I had a shit history teacher but naturally lean toward studying history over time" approach.
For me (and hopefully many others) it probably goes like this:
>Play historical games
>Play paradox autism simulators
>Take interest in "alternate" history or "what could have been"
>To fuel this you learn about what was actually the case
>Usually start with your own country
>Then the countries it interacted with a lot
>Then the countries around the area
>Suddenly you know quite a lot about Europe (for example)
>Study bits and pieces all over the world
>Learn lots of neat little historical tidbits (Mad Jack and his sword, Battle of Tara, Weird Kings, etc)
>make threads on Veeky Forums about your country with a bait title regarding something you want to learn about
>shitflinging starts
>pick through the shitflinging to find arguments
>research the arguments
>decide "okay, I know quite a bit"
>go out and buy books now that you won't be totally lost
Veeky Forums is actually one of the most retarded boards on Veeky Forums.
Just do the same as all others here: simply pretend to know about things. Wikipedia is your friend. Otherwise use image macros from /pol/ and /int/ to back up your point.
Basically this desu
The rest comes naturally if you seek answers to your questions. For example, I first learned about the Byzantines in high school. Looked em up, and learned all about the ERE and Constantine, etc.
You're too dumb for 16 year old left wing teenagers who have read guns, germs and steel and a howard zinn book and think they know intimately know modern human history? Maybe you should start with /leftypol/ then
just go to /pol/ and post in their history threads. You'll fit right in.
People bitching about the quality of the board are always the ones bringing it down the most.
No way are you dumb OP.
The only way to knowledge is to admit that you don't know shit.
You're already smarter than the vast majority of fucktards who start threads on this board.
You know, the typical Veeky Forums bullshit.
So good for you. Keep searching and learning.