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I love Cherche
I'm hard for Hardin
new banner when lads
Begnion dindu nuthin.
>3 extra thread
What the fuck did I say /feg/, get your god damn shit together.
Who had it better in the past year /feg/?
Who had it better in the past year /feg/?
Are you orbs ready, /feg/? You do have orbs, right?
>[thing]fags at it again
kill yourselves
Who will be on the Legend banner?
I think Slavery and burning down a forest due to rumors is a thing
no, the hand of Fate will guide me. If it's pullable I can luckshit it.
>bait banner
when will newfags understand old fe games are also garbage
Yeah, all 14 of them.
My orbs are comfy and cozy
Safe until the 28th or later
This, we should listen to the leader of /feg/!
I've set aside like 30 for this banner and then will wait to see what else is announced.
There was more threads because of you today
i don't need a blue armor because i have a merged effie and i want some actual new units
Whatever you say, Raul
Gonna snipe greens for Grima, hopefully I can get him relatively quick and be done.
>Implying Tellius wasn't the beginning of nuFE
But the Telliusspics will start screeching if you point it out. Then they attack pre-Tellius games as their only recourse.
What's wrong with slavery?
I'm gonna wait until the trailer for the next new heroes banner before I decide what I do with my orbs.
>we have our first Gradivus user in the game
Finally, took them long enough.
I have 172 sitting around right now. I kind of want Hardin but i don't like my chances.
But FE6 was the beggining of nuFE.
Who is Camus?
What's your favourite book /Feg/?
At least Tellius dared to tackle a somewhat sensitive issue with racial conflicts. Every other game is just "homeland unga, other country bunga"
I have 3 orbs right now.
I will continue to waste all my orbs trying to get Hector.
hey, same amount as me!
Those pretentious treefuckers deserved it.
We're over here boys.
Who is Camus?
>spic getting upset about tellius again
oh boy here we go
>tfw feg hates fateswakening
>told me only to play conquest out of fates
>bought all three anyways
>have really been enjoying br so far
Maybe it's because it's my first fe game, but I'm glad I don't trust Veeky Forums on anything
how big is hector's cock?
0 but got Hector and Ninian off of the Valentine's banner so oh welp
So every time a pickpocket steals a watch in Begnion Sanaki is to blame?
Sounds fucking stupid, she did nothing wrong and devoted her life to bettering the lives of the laguz in her country but still has to make special requirements for them to be happy.
What special does Elincia want. Is it actually the memebow?
does manga count
Imagine using Laegjarn's headpiece as a handlebar while roughly pounding her shit hole.
How many orbs do you have saved up?
Why do you think we don't see Hectors wife in FE6?
>Everybody is wasting their orbs on Grima
>Ashera released a year later with 200 hp and broken prf
At this point everything is bait
Luna or Galeforce to actually take advantage of Amiti. Moonbow is a waste due to it's 2 CD
Use Ririna thread, ignore Muslims and Xenoposters
Which 2 FE girls would you use instead for that OP pic?
Ask Eliwood
Who the fuck is that?
thats a lewd OP
FE6 was the beginning of post Kaga FE, the three GBA games are this. Then, in Tellius, the introduction of the holy trinity of shit Tellius girls (Nephenee, Ilyana and Mia) taught IS the power of shitty mass produced generic girls, and they decided to drop the idea that they should make a good game for that. Of course, the golden run of FE was FE3 to FE5, three fantastic games in a row.
Wasn't the point that they didn't kill the senator and their forest was burnt down because the beorc were idiots?
Eliwood knows, ask him
>100 orbs right now
I am going to watch until march 2 for the banners to overlap to see what are we getting in the other banners before getting baited again
I think this is the third time I have read this post or a similar one to this all starting with "imagine" today about her and anal.
Fates and Awakening are pretty good games. They're just not good FE games.
Birthright isn't bad, it's just piss easy so people suggest playing Conquest which has a more standard difficulty. At worst you can say Birthright is merely competent.
Revelation is actually terrible though, so don't say you weren't warned.
How long has it been since you read a real book without pictures?
Well no wonder Ephraim can't read if Seth destroys his books
/feg/ so autistic some of you actually obsess over if the thread has a Xenobased or Pokebro character in the corner
She absolutely looks like the kind of girl who would be in a butcha-u anal doujin
Who was in the wrong here?
295 at the moment
A wise choice user.
as long as it distracts the long time imagine posters i'm fine with looking at this choco.
Yup I got +Atk -res VLilina and +def -res Vlyn. No need to roll for Vector, so indead I saved 67 ftp orbbs so far, and I haven't even touched the Warriors maps yet
Even Corrin is better than him.
Heavy Blade
>the state of /feg/
what do i do with this becky?
45/35 offenses with Brave/LaD
Hardin dindu nuthin. Camus found a better wife.
You ARE saving your orbs right user? You're not getting whalebaited are you?
Its obviously porn
I don't think Hardin actually cared in FE1 or even FE3 Book 1, he was the one who recommended Marth lead the army in the first place.
I want to facefuck her and make her addicted to my cum.
How did you guys beat Robin with Fliers? I have no mage fliers.
t. xenopokephile
Kill yourself Silasfag.
fuck Micaiah and her stupid Sacrifice
might roll some additional orbs on the free summon
>Try to give your new character horns to make her look intimidating
>Accidentally give her jackal ears and make her the target of future FEH rape doujins
>GBAbbie in denial
GBAshit is the reason nuFE went to shit in the first place. Post-FE5 was an utter mistake.
Saving for what? Every banner is bait.
Camus died. Zeke is pure character assassination. We don't recognize him or the fan fiction continent known as Valentia here.
We'd be riding her wyvern while doing it, too.
I have yet to get you despite rolling greens all months.
My faithful army of Bartres, Arthurs and Berukas is protecting me from your harm.
When FE for the switch comes out, will /feg/ discuss the storytelling, gameplay, strategies etc or will they be postin "imagine anal sex with (insert new female character from FE Switch here)"?
i had to put WoM 2 on everyone to clear it
Birthright really shits the bed later on(to be fair, so does conquest) but its early segments are just ok, not necessarily terrible. Revelation is just fucking awful all the way through.
Fuck off Kaga.