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female pandas
Shit game
female trolls
why is this general so much more endurable than the private server counterparts?
I have all da blood elves I need mon. Fo' da Horde!
KHF mascot, checking in!
Moonguard Alliance
Doors open to wowg!
What did she mean by this?
Post your comfy almost spring transmogs, winter is almost over.
You do have comfortable light clothing for spring don't you?
remove sylvanas
Gnomes? Hypnotized?
>you will never be forced to worship a pit lord's feet.
Why live?
Reformed scars guild since old one was disbanded: EU-Argent Dawn!
/w for an invite
no tier again
Too common. Draenei are sexy, not cute. I may just level a dorf or gnome priest.
After German autism shattered the outcasts have reformed to be:
@ Argent Dawn - EU, Alliance
>scenes women and hordelets will never understand
If only Pandaren actually looked somewhat like OP pic/were based of OP pic
Fierce and strong, instead of fat and retarded
The Pandaren wouldn't be a mistake then
>It's another general of Horde power fantasies of raping Alliance women and killing Alliance men.
When would you losers stop?
>every class and spec has like 4 buttons now
>these buttons get shiny when they are supposed to be pressed
>there are still people who do 40% of the dps they could be doing despite this
cute gnomes
>summons an anvil
thanks blizzard
I still want a drawfag to lewd my gnome
>alliance schizophrenia and paranoia kicks in
Reminder this is what KHF looks like:
>After German autism shattered
what happened
join EU Argent Dawn
robbed the gbank and disbanded and then deleted the discord
That velf
I told you last thread run mythic+ with me
>There are actually people who have seen this and still manage to think that Alliance are the bad guys in this series and Horde are the good guys
so many gnomes to be hypnotized, too bad im us
This kind of trolling works better if there are actually posts in the thread even vaguely related to what you're saying. Here's your (You)
>tfw the greater invasion point is just not there
why?were you bullying him?
In ze Light, we are one.
But user, what do you do with the gnomes AFTER they've been hypnotized? Just a-asking for a friend, I'm definitely not a gnome priest with a hypno fetish...
I told you last thread I think you got the wrong person.
He fucking cries, what a pussy.
What the actual fuck
Is this a split from scars or some members decided to rename it?
why do mouth breeders care so much about transmog?
I lick on them until they wake up and are all confused why their skin is covered in dried saliva
King Anduin is PURE and CUTE! Take it back!
same. just join another realm group.
Scars disbanded see
All Hail Tyrande
Humans are scum and evil by nature. Alliance are the bad guys.
Nope, they left and we reformed it.
Is there 2 of you teasing me? how about we forget them and focus on us
autistic krauts who decided to ruin everyone's fun because they didn't want to play the game anymore
Compared to the demon blood slurpers?
wowza these things are easy with big gear
it's all the members some left no split guild
fuck off trap
I'm on Alliance, but not on Moonguard, so doubt I'd be able to help much. And yeah last two times you replied to me I have no clue what you are talking about.
Will Jaina be a mainstay in BfA?
Anyone who believes in something hard enough can wield the light. Morality has nothing to do witg it.
Stop f@king posting my toon ...
Whats the name of that addon that makes quests more immersive?
Immersion or Storyline
not the only one, 8 of my characters are fem gnomes
good mog post closer pic so i can copy it
>nelf males look like shit
>nelf females not canon druids
>fem worgen look bad
>male worgen have dumb casting animations
It's tough being an alliance druid.
as a raid boss
what does it do?
>be orc blood dk in ioc
>immediately turns into one-sided fight, alliance gets into keep in 5 min
>notice nelf hunter on ramparts with 7.3m hp
>starts shooting at me in the keep courtyard from the top of the fucking ramparts where the turrets are
is there a hunter perk or legendary or something that lets them shoot from fucking halfway across a bg?
what's a good minimalistic bag addon that doesn't fucking destroy your cpu like Bagnon?
>be Alliance
>get absolutely fucking steamrolled by the horde in fair combat
>beg a higher power for aid
>the light / blizzard answers and deus ex machinas you a fair chance
>alliancebabs think this is a heroic moment rather than a mocking analogy
cant make this shit up
Best and cutest girl
How do I get 930+ gear?
LFR hasn't dropped jack shit, normal Antorus can't be PUGed without 930+ on my server, Greater Invasion points only spawn weekly and even then the past 3 times all I've gotten is sargerite and AP.
How the fuck do you gear past the veiled argonite gear?
>nelf females not canon druids
pls educate yourself about druid and nelf lore brul.
Welcome to bows
upgrade your fucking toaster dumb thirdworlder
boe gear from the ah
I got three characters, and havent decided what to use my 110 boost. I probably will make a femgnome hunter to boost.
glug glug
>some shitty last-minute asspulled lore so people wouldn't get upset about nelves having a gender-lock for druid and priests
>nelf females not canon druids
That hasn't been true since WC3, nelfs were also the only druids in WC3 but they had to give them to tauren so both factions could have them in wow.
Adibags and then buy a new computer.
Aw that's too bad, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot somewhere. Keep in touch user feel free to stop by!
get a cpu from this decade
hmm yes delicious anduin tears from crying for staring at the sun too long
>briefly blink out my zonked out wow state
>my eyes accidentally fall on the trade chat
>people are having retarded debates on whether you non-12 year olds can like justin bieber and play as pandaren
ahhh trade chat
I really want to play druid but all horde druid races looks like shit
Should've known what to expect from this shithole lmao
>tfw no rated AV / IoC
It is a known fact throughout Azeroth that the biggest sex bulls are dwarves, this because dwarves are known to have girthy cocks and rock hard erections, women of all races love dwarves, human women however seem to be turned of by their height.
fem nelf druid are less of an asspull than any other druid in the game, it should be male nelfs and nothing else