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2nd for eu's place at ti this year.



>no battlepass
>no cute heroes

>people post their turbo games

uh.. this game is truly dead..
why don't you play LoL? A more fun game with better characters and better voice acting ;) atleast ability got weight to them ;) and the characters design is better with an amazing lore, not boring only serious champs like dota :)

>dota 2

nah you guys should play hots instead, they got voicechat today

which hero would you rather play against

tinker or terrorblade

play AD


unironically this

>real account stuck in ancient hell
>make smurf
>playing with numbered divines in unranked after 10 matches on the account
If only the real matchmaking and mmr worked as well as the special calibration algorithms.

>sticky napalm with dots
look at this gayboy

doesn't have voice chat so it goes in the garbage can

>not getting at least one dot with napalm
>flux someone
>they try to get near an ally
s y n e r g y

>not just getting 4 passives like a true ad professional

voicechat makes it a toxic ass pools of retard
as if most mechanics of dota (mana break, invoker invoke, micromanaging) aren't obnoxious and toxic

>voicechat makes it a toxic ass pools of retard
>despite not having voicechat, everyone in the league complains about everyone being "toxic ass pools of retard" already
hmm really ups my intelligence

don't even remind me

yeah i usually instantly mute if someone is using voice for anything else than greeting and maybe asking for help if he is getting dived

>that wyvern

Where can I stream ESL one?

their website
twitch restreams via ingame

friendly reminder that Slacks has severe autism and anyone who likes him is also incredibly autistic

>you are challenged too

fnatic had to beat navi and kinguin to get where they are.

What a strong team.

Post you're favorite Matumbaman picture. This one is mine

It's a shame how fucked he got by his bad genes tbqh

his genes made him one of the greatest dota players ever
urs made u a retard

is this sarcasm? I cant tell

Inhouse UP
lobby name: Veeky Forums :b:inhouse
password; vidya

hes right you know

atleast i'm not ugly lmao

later nerd


>tinfoil guy
>not wrong

>Inhouse fags can't fill the slots any more because they've been irrelevant for years
>But they still want to jerk off to how great they are so they beg the thread to fill them



>play offlane pango on dire
>very early game
>our pudge is chasing a fucking lvl 2 bane around bottom river rune
>ragepings me to come help (as if we could do shit, both of us lvl 1)
>i have double wave coming to tower anyway
>dude complains next 35 minutes how fucking bad am i for being """"afk"""" and losing lane to pa (i was almost 1k ahead of networth of her at 10 min and solo killed her once since their bane fucked off)
>end the game with 9-0-14 stats (literally second most kills+assists in team after mid ember, second most damage, again after ember)
>retard allchats and begs people me to report me for being afk and bad player
shame its usually the worst retards doing the flaming

He's probably going to LP since everyone has had that autistic Pudge spammer on their team at least once.

it is pretty interesting to go on incredible win streaks but then suddenly get some of the worst fucking players you've ever had the misfortune of playing with in a row

i can handle getting one bad team occasionally but after going on a 7 win streak only to get 4 ridiculously bad teams in a row it really triggers the ol' pattern sense.

>get bashed once

nice game dotards

Had Lasso + Sprint + Leap + Firefly once.
It was fun.

Has it ever been this fucking dogshit in the history of dota playing pos1?
>get to watch your retarded shit mid feed
>get to watch your retarded shit offlane feed
>get to watch your retarded shit supports be useless and feed
>all while you can't do anything about it

not worse being an offlane right now
>see every "easy" lane feed while you struggle to get some farm

Support life is best life.

Ayy lmao

You know I was at work today doing the daily grind and I started thinking about Dota. I'm not the kind of fag who just says "Oh this patch ruined the game and why I stopped playing." and I do play some games every now and then, but I started and just couldn't stop thinking about how fucking hard Valve failed with Dota 2.
Now don't get me wrong I will forever be grateful Blizzard didn't get their grubby hands on it as it wouldn't even be Dota in the first place, but I legit feel there is some alternate timeline where Dota 2 has like 4 million concurrent users every day and is the game every 12 year old around the world would say was their childhood 10 years from now.

Here's why I think it failed
>Overall Support
Past 2014 Valve just did not give a fuck anymore. Barely any new heroes, seasonal content dwindled into nothingness, no new modes, nothing. I know it's always had a bad rep around here, but it took Turbo Mode SIX FUCKING YEARS to release, a mode people were asking for forever.

>Custom games
You saw this one coming. The community told Valve exactly what they had to do to make it a success. "No most popular". "Make an easy-to-use intuitive editor". That's it. Valve not only did neither of these but also fucked over game creators by destroying their games with updates. The foundation that would attract an entire new audience to the game was pushed out flawed, then never updated or changed and left to rot, with creators even publicly crying out for Valve to do something. Bravo.

"THE BETA IS OVER, THE GAME IS RELEASED!" Valve said. And then nothing fucking happened. There was no trailer, no cool update or mode to turn faces, just a man screaming in an empty stadium. This would set the example for how Valve would treat the game's recognition for the years to come.

Just me putting out some thoughts. Chinks, Peruvians, and Slavs will keep this game trucking for a long time, but I genuinely think it could have ruled the world once upon a time.

I'm still very new to the game, and climbing the mountain that is the learning curve. I'm not embarrassed by my rank. It inspires me... challenges me.

>your lanes still lose even though you're dodging two supports in your lane constantly

i just can't man

i just can't

you do what you want but don't bother supporting in ranked below archon if you want to climb
no one should have to babysit HC spammers that leave fountain with boots and don't skill their burst damage

Team ''protect Miracle- guise xD'' is fucked this major. Their pattern has been deciphered. I don't expect the amerimutts to live up to my expectations and beat them tomorrow morning but the Chinks will surely break the code once more.

>Win lane by a lot
>all other lanes lose
>lose game

I've not managed to catch any of the VP games, how they doin?
Obviously somewhat well since they've not dropped a game.

Uh, Liquid play OG tomorrow though?

Pros are already used to dealing with 1v9 against Miracle. The problem is that 2v8 is much harder (gh).

Why are you all still wasting your time and your lives posting in these threads and playing / watching this shit game?
Isn't it time you moved on?

Honest questions here.


uh... we even have casters dumbass i'm just inviting here for new people who are interested

Getting one of the fags who don't play to """cast""" doesn't count idiot. I remember how 5 years ago you idiots tried to host a tournament then when nobody showed up you had to beg reddit to fill the slots.

if you win mid lane or safe lane as let say an SF or troll you can actually do something.
If you get buttfucked playing dark seer / centaur / clock and you see your SF going 2/13 and 20-minutes-BF jugg you know it won't go well

Well the Chinks figured Liquid out. It's a very simple solution, ban TB and pick:

Dunno, i just shut up because i know i dont play perfectly either, and calling others retards wont make them play better. I wish it did, but it doesnt.
In fact it makes me angrier when i complain.

I haven't been able to spectate this ESL very closely. I was certain that VP was going dismantle everyone after they got rid of that manchild Lil and recuited a top 3 in the world PoS4.

Are they steamrolling like I anticipated or is a ''barely made it'' situation?

Yeah, just like TI7

why people think new heroes = game better

I mean, i love it new content, but it is not a legitimely complain if you already have 11X heroes

Of the 3 games, I think only the second one against Mineski was close, I honestly think Mineski would have won it if not for nana chain feeding on timbersaw, but VP held it anyway and won so I'd say they have a good chance at winning

>have my main account at 2k since 1 year and a half, got there from 600 mmr
>bought a tbd account for shit and giggles
>can't get past 1600mmr
>normal behavior, full of afk,wooden pcs, and smurfs

wtf, how is this possible

>big win streak against retards who fight over lanes and are clearly way worse at the game than your team
>start getting literally unwinnable games with retarded teammates that fight over lanes and play like fucking trash against enemy teams with clearly better players than your teammates
Unwinnable game loss streak currently at 3. Totally not curated and rigged game experience.

does anyone know if you can buy the chat wheel packs?

because you're shit at the game?

>buying an account to play a free game
>calibrated even lower


>player picks antimage
>lose game


Who else doesn't play dota anymore but lurks this general for god knows that reason? 2 week hiatus doesn't count, I mean permanently retired. What was your pinnacle MMR?

i quit after 7.00 but started playing again a week or two ago
2.9 shitter but i play on a garbage laptop with 30 frames
feel like i could be a solid 3.5 or 4k but who knows

The audio options for the chat wheel were temporary.

>enemy picks AM
>win so easily that game is boring after 10 minutes

dood just 4v5 without me for like 30-40 minutes and then we'll win oh whoops it looks like the enemy team made up just as much farm by winning team fights and taking buildings

its not my fault we lost

>get so bored and done with the game that you get sloppy and die after taking 2 rax
>get memebacked
>game lasts 20 minutes longer than it needs to

I just played against a top 100 Invoker(I'm 2.5k) as a social experiment, I know him in person and asked if he'd be ok to play against me. He agreed only under the conditions that I don't spam links to the game. Needles to say there was a 1 million light years gap between our skills, he was lvl 15 and I was lvl 7 at one point. Didn't kill him once.

big if true

>I know him in person

did you guys kiss?

I am stuck at 3K. Well, I am not playing 24/7 but hell this is literally going up and down, up and down. My highest was 3.5K, I just want 4K.

*wins ur lane*

That's cool. I played against a TI winner in my shitty unranked pub game and managed to kill him once.

how do i play bane?

what's the social part of the experiment? just call it an experiment my man

Learn to fuck with the offlaner, steal denies, and generally just be a huge nuisance.

No I only fuck slim feminine boys he was chubby and beardy.

You just gotta crash the enemies lane with no survivors

walk into lane
use skill on enemy hero
repeat until level 2
nightmare to setup ganks in any lane of your choosing
in teamfights just keep your skills on cooldown and sit in the back so nobody can stun you and interrupt your ult

but i can already do that with ogre and i don't die to the slightest touch
i just feel like other supports can do what he does

>implying that Liquid isn't just baiting them

Liquid knows this and they're purposely baiting teams into taking out Miracle- while GH, Matu, and MC gets farmed.

or pick him into a good lineup and realize nightmare is fucking godly in the right place

>invoker+bane = free sunstrike
>razor+bane = full static link damage
>also stupid as fuck bane+sf where you take enfeeble level 1 and the midlane can't play the game

>make enemy deal literally 0 damage

How shit do you have to be at this game for this to be possible?

that third one sounds hilarious