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Oh shit, don't FUCK with Duma and anime
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
Good job Felicia! I might stay in T20 one day!
2nd for imagining doing things with Fjorm
PMS Celica is shit
Why couldn't we have gotten Berserk Ashnard or something cool like that instead of her
What is your other highest merged units and how many merges each?
Subhumans that use the term birb snek and doggo should be sent to serene's forest and burned out
+ atk tharja or +atk lilina for red blade ?
I've been using +atk tharja for a while. Wonder if it's worth switching to +atk lilina who I heard i's also a monster with blade
So, do you like the new banner, dislike it, or are impartial to it?
Nice Gladion's arm in the pic
>felicia user is a t19.5er
wtf I thought you'd be well within t20 by now
>brainlets aren't seeing the Gladion on Celicas right hand
Why do people not understand the theme of this banner?
When you think about it, isn't Expiration shit? It's just Lightning Breath with more Might and no defensive benefits.
Lilina is much better with Raven TA. She covers a vast majority of units with Raven TA and Swordbreaker, if you want strictly blade memes Tharja is better if she is speed+
I hate Celica, but Hardin and Grima are cool
Suggestion on robin build? Also what do you think of pic related build for the maid
Wow, these OP editors are getting really, really, REALLY autistic about slyly editing their shit into every OP.
Nice catch.
Raven TA? Her Defense is pretty lacking, isn't it?
I'm excptionally fond of Frederick. My only regret is that I can't aim even higher up for him now that he's at his absolute limit. He was my first summon in the game, and merging that one into the 5+10 I was building was the best feeling. Any of you folks super proud of a particular unit of yours?
Super excited about it, will aim to get everyone on it if possible. I'll just full summon -gray.
Lilina has one of the highest atk stats, so she focuses more on one-shotting, which happens fairly often and will be necessary as opposed to relying on Desperation.
On the flip side, Desperation and having a better speed stat gives Tharja an edge at tanking.
I'd still go with Lily though
+1 NY!Corrin and +2 Nowi! I have only had a modern phone since the start of November. I did have a head start on release via an emulator where i exclusively rolled colourless for Felicia!
Hardin carries it
It would be awful if it was Grima+Celica+Takumi
I'm mentally retarded and I need someone to spoonfeed me Infernal BHB
3 of the suggestions last thread didnt work and I dont have Iote's Shield Seal to give to Myrrh
>falseflagging Judgdralfag wants to scare people into using his thread
Nice try, grandpa. Where is Gladion?
I've been wanting possessed Celica from Echoes since halloween, it's cool how they actually did it. Grima is cool, but his neutral art looks fucking weird, and Hardin is Hardin.
Celica's glove
I'm pretty excites for Grima just for the animation
Friendly tip to a Feliciabro: Try to get your Nowi to atleast +5. Good BST will get you to score high
above the Beloved Zofia.
w h o c a r e s
I would say that's extremely good! She could fit in any team and handle any magic users with ease. With a staggering Glacies bomb on anything else!
Not too sure about Robin, sorry! If you thought up that Felicia build I'm sure you would have better ideas than me anyway!
The 40% damage reduction goes a very long way. I have used it for a while So much so she went all the way to +10 19 base defense isnt amazing by any means, but it is definitely enough, and it can easily be buffed slightly higher
Celica is shit but the other two are really cool, hope i can get either Grima or Hardin.
im not even the guy that pointed it out lmao
>not being comfy T19.5 master race
Ayra, B!Lyn, 2 dancers. I'll even give you a video, too.
If you can't figure it out after this, I don't know what to tell you.
I thought about blade Lily being a res tank / ploy too. Witch is something +spd tharja can't do. But I don't really want to build raven TA lily. 19 Dev seems to low
Meant for
Imagine using Laegjarn's headpiece as a handlebar while roughly pounding her shit hole.
>What do you say, summoner? How about we walk arm-in-arm and you put a baby girl in me like I've always wanted? I'm all yours... Go ahead, fuck my pussy and we'll cum together...
How did they get away with this?
I'm looking at the circled region, but all I see is black. Where is Gladion? I'm not big on Pokemon, but that's the edgy dude that looks like Owain, right?
why not -def
i think you might be blind m8
I could only imagine doing her from behind, that face makes me flaccid.
The bigger picture is the damage reduction you are getting from both, which is 40% against all greens and colorless.
what was wrong with the jugdral thread
Real thread right here, don't let the Poke"chad" win
Did Fjorm get a tan and breast implants?
How tempted do you think ISIS was to make berserk Ike like that recent card
Post Kozaki characters that are better drawn by other artists than Kozaki himself.
Oh, I'm planning on that! I'm just giving her QR3 next and then more merges. She's got the QR3 seal currently and vantage but she's a bit weaker than i like so I would like her to have CD3/DD3. She's decked out with SB and Aether of course!
Not that it really matters a whole lot with NY!Corrin giving 8 of each defensive stat!
is it a bannable offense to shitpost the same thing repeatedly across threads
like isn't there some rule about quality
i can't even make enough filters to avoid these people
She can one shot things on the counter with it without having to take any kind of breaker.
Post yfw Skadi has built in Close Counter.
What does /fag/ think it'll have?
I like Kozaki, but Azura just looks better in this style
Yeah I'd rather stick with Pokéchads.
I'll only roll for him if he shoots hadoken
Nice try, smug red man. I see you there.
where are people seeing this shit
Threaten Spd
ironic you post a pee pee poo poo wojak on a blue board while complaining about post quality
i try to not to roll for unit i don't like no matter how op they are grima might make me break that rule. not that i have anything against grima or robin per se, just that i really really hate that art.
i like celica but she seems to shit and soon to be demoted plus i'm drowning in swords
i'm surely spending at least 50 orbs from my stash sniping hardin
>he is f2p
that's not thracia, retard
Gross, no thanks.
So what's the best healing assist ?
>Eldigan, Cuan and Sigurd
So this ... is the power ... of Celicucks, woah
>ebin gladion shoop
>Fate tards joining in
Why does this fucking general and its posters still exist
>Free character
>being good
Love the concept, not sure I want any of the units that badly besides as fodder.
Chill Spd interests and terrifies me.
Are you like 4? You type like an absolute fucking mongoloid
I like the valentines banner better just because the art is better for me in my opinion. I'll do 2 summoning sessions and then get out.
People are starting to see things now, good job Pokebitch we're almost all paranoid
>Vandalizing /feg/ OPs now, like those tryhard poketards and xeno2fags
Come one bros. Don't be laughable. We're better than this.
Hahaha, yeah, brave lyn sure is bad!
Is bold fighter H!Jakob a real threat or just a meme?
>can't win
Are you a shitter
If you can do Cavalry on other GHBs then you should have no issue with Narcian run of it.
/feg/ is clinically retarded lel
Next banner is a dark mage banner.
Gharnef, Jedah, Nergal, Iago
Good or nah? Who gets what color? Should Iago be replaced with someone else?
>So cucked they got locked out of /v/ and into a furry containment board
about what time is the update?
i wanna be ready for the shitpost
Legitimately scary if you ever make the mistake of letting him initiate.
10pm est