Aesthetics edition
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Aesthetics edition
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ded game
ded tread
don't say that
any way to use the m103 effectively? seems every one pens me with ease
the usual hull down AND dont get shot. the HD rework made that shitty turret even worse
Is the Grille 15 literally the worst tier 10 TD in the game?
>gun is super accurate but has worse turret dispersion than a 183
>is supposedly mobile but has worse terrain resistances and effective hull traverse than a 4005
>only 100 degrees of gun arc with in an open turret with no armour
>is tall as three apartment blocks on top of each other and has no camo
>has third worst penetration on AP and gold for a tier 10 TD, only more than the Badger and Foch B
why havn't you moved to RU yet?
i get motion sick with 100+ ping,
what is the least expensive tier X?
leo 1
grille 15
certainly not the e100, stupid box that needs 100% gold ammo.
does it fare better in pub games with standard AP?
>g*rman tenks in MMXVIII
yeah, you'll have loads of fun in a e100 loaded with ap, trust me.
plz no bully with sarcasm
nvm I'm illiterate.
it fares better, of course, but few people won't load gold against it. Still, there's a good chance people will pen its turret frontally with normal ammo (turret front is 275mm effective, and since it has shitty aim time, you'll most probably get a shot for every shot you take)
Q: Are there ANY plans whatsoever?
A: If you’re asking about the Poles, then there’s a lot. From what I know, there are no fantasy tanks. But if the tanks will be more Polish or more soviet – I can’t say.
Any idea on the tonks?
Tell me why you don't have all russian tanks unlocked
Shit, I have 5 mil creds sitting in storage. Should I buy the e100? It's the only tier X I have unlocked
At least one T-55 and possibly even a T-72.
sure, you'll save 30% on it.
is it fun to play? Do you break even or lose credits alot?
oh god yes
It's fun, but like other anons said, you gotta spam gold to unlock its full potential. It costs a lot to run full gold (I don't run premium acc), but it can break even or even make some profit if you have a good match using gold sparely. Matches where you die with 1/2k damage will make it drain credits, tho. Full repair costs ~30k, 5/6k per gold shot (don't really remember).
yes to which question?
shit, that's expensive.. what's the least expensive tier X?
not sure, I would guess it's some t10 light. I have the test server here, I'll check it once it reopens.
What's with the recent influx of Wehraboos? In the last few threads I've seen numerous posts asking about German tanks when it's a well known fact that all German vehicles not called the Skorpion G, E25, or WTE-100 are shit.
Should I sell my Fatherland IS-3A now that I have a Defender? It's my most played tank at 605 battles so there is some sentimental value to it but I honestly will never play it again.
fuck off back to 2014 fag
>he doesn't play on the China server
>he didn't drop a grand to get an unnerfed Waffle
Lmaoing at your life
>low quality bait
The E75 is also bretty good, could have a turret face buff or maybe a mobility buff.
Also, I present you my E100 buff.
Only Russians think they won the war and everybody hates Russians
You forget t-55a :^)
>tier 10
>ever not losing credits
t. orange
t. bluesshiter (and im being generous)
t. years of premium time and every premium tank ever sold in garage
If you think blues don't make a profit at tier X you're the most up your own ass unicum I've ever seen.
If you never sling gold rounds, deal 5k+ damage, and survive, it's easy
well yeah, you need premiun acc my dude
t. blueshitter
>Lakeville Encounter
>half of your tier Xs go valley
what the fuck they adding mbts now? whats even the point
proof? Also first generation MBTs have been in the game for a while.
oh sorry, wrong game
When will tank customization be available to other tier?
Jagdpanther is so sexy.
Base on aesthetic alone, what is your favorite tank?
yeah i have felt like it depends a lot on who's shooting you too. If they have any brain cells they will know where to shoot. But to make it harder for them try to engage from slightly longer distances, there you can use your amazing snap shoting and they will have a harder time trying to hit you when you trade.
>"""""""""""""""other""""""""""""""""""""" tiers
when they start bringing profits to this game, WG doesn't give two fucks about anything below tier VIII
where do you think you are
Any chance those drunkards at WG will implement actual armor thickness on the tank models and abandon the current pixel thick sheets with arbitrary numbers attached to them? Really getting tired of these kind of frontal """penetrations""", where the grenade hits the very edge of the turret front and the side armor is somehow nonexistent and is ignored in the penetration calculation. Like you hit the very left or right edge of the turret front of the E 100 and it somehow pens despite 150mm side armor and the turret being like 4 or 5 metres long.
>Laughing Mahou
What is a grenade user?
Tank shells or whatever. They're called Panzergranate in german so I just translated it word for word. Cut me some slack.
>1.4k base exp on obj 430 is 1st class
Trading a measly 64k credits for marks))
What tank will make me stop masturbating to thicc anime girls?
A gas tank
>47%er in a sconq
>full gold
why did they decide to make the t-34-85m better than the regular t-34s?
because it was free
This tank on 9 is mental. What were they thinking?
honestly it's not even that good
also 390 alpha instead of 440
Heil Hitler
Did they nerf it before moving it down a tier?
ofcourse, thank fuck
from 3.1k DPM to 2.5k, accuracy nerf, engine power nerf, ground resistances nerf... pretty much everything was nerfed
That sounds awful. With current WG as it is I wouldn't have been suprised if they just moved it down a tier without changing a thing.
it's basically a slightly slower E50 that has zero hull armor but great turret armor
Swedish lego tanks are best.
I quite literally pee my nuts off every time I play Kranvagn.
>Carrying for this
Please end me.
naisu goabbi :D:D
>2k damage
Well technically, it's "trying to carry", I give you that.
> download moe mod
> enjoy seeing my marks increase real-time
Feels pretty good man
is the 9.23 common test over ? i tried getting in like 10 times
It is everything the WZ 120 wishes to be.
>has zero hull armor but great turret armor
U wot? The amazing hull armor is the best part of the tank though.
I was thinking about this as well, the armor models should use voxels instead of those thickness areas. It would solve all problems regarding incorrect armor thickness in armor edges.
Is the defender on sale already?
fucking negro fags, answer me.
started playing again after getting out for a couple of years
>hello darkness my old friend
is this supposed to be good ?
from what I've seen on the youtube, worse than blitz
Just realized we've got MBT-70 on WoT Blitz
>that all German vehicles not called
1/10 bait
kek people complaining that the defender didn't appear on the premium shop as announced, wg na solution? sneakly change the day the sale begins
the fuking what ?
There is/was a 1.0 test. Check the article on the website
t. not a nigger
>unreal engine 4
what is this 2000? but I guess its impressive that it's on mobile
They don't mean Unreal Engine 2004
>unreal engine 4
you baiting?
Remove Skorpion G
then how would I make money?
Remove light tanks
Remove Donald Drumpf