bully edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Is there a 'begginer' assassin jungle? I've only really played tank jungles and they feel SUPER slow.
I really like that picture.
Why aren't you playing tight hammer yordle of rough anal pounding?
Xin Zhao
Assassins in general aren't beginner friendly but you can always try out Xin Zhao if you want practice in how to effectively single out targets before switching to Kha'Zix or something.
Kha, literally can't fail with no mechanics.
Or I dunno Wukong or something
I've tried Xin and HATED his playstyle. His kit feels absolutely ancient.
>enemy team has a fed Yi, two tanks, lulu, and adc bait
>we can barely kill galio(mid) and mundo and I am veigar with 1000AP and tristana has mortal reminder
>I took the rune that gradually gives more AP because I knew this game would take fucking forever
>yi standing in bush waiting to flank
>tab the enemy team realize NOBODY HAS SWEEPERS
>yi standing right on a fucking ward
>walk up to him and combo his ass
>;proceed to win game because they keep standing in warded bushes trying to flank
fucking tank meta shitters
go fuck yourselves
>team didn't honor me for making the game winning move
fuck this system
Warwick sort of.
I dont really like poppy all that much.
>tfw no qt petite gf
imagine encountering slayer Jinx in the wild, seeing a human male for the first in years probably makes her horny as fuck so she tackles you and forces you to mating press her
>pbe zoe player
>doesnt know shes nerfed
fucking how
kaisa upsets me. stealth doesnt need to be in the kit
These buffs don't do shit. And I don't think Swain is all that bad to start with honestly.
Do NOT do this
>His kit feels absolutely ancient.
>I've tried Xin and HATED his playstyle.
If you can't get into Xin then you shouldn't be playing assassins period because they have way more margin for error than he does.
Kha'zix is easy. Mechanically all he asks you to do is jump on targets who are alone. And his reset and invisibility can make him more forgiving.
imagine actually going outside and getting laid
people unironically only play on pbe?
>>His kit feels absolutely ancient.
By having no real mechanics whatsoever? When every new champ actually gets to move around and do things he just kind of stands there, it's boring as fuck.
>nuLiandrys tomorrow
>new bruiser keystone in the works
Feels good. I need to get on PBE to test that keystone.
what did they do to him? dont see shit on surrender@20 atm not like i know how to navigate the place anyway
>win five games in a row
>start getting shit like Ezreal mid, Miss Fortune support and Quinn jungle
Amazing how this system tries to make you lose so hard.
there was a guy with level 300 on pbe so yeah, people do unironically do that
>nu Liandry's on the Urgod
Alright then you definitely shouldn't be playing assassins if that's the mind set you have because you won't accomplish anything beyond shitting the bed and ruining people's games. No offense.
Check the 8.4 patch notes. Just go to S@20 and scroll down it's right there.
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
this. edit "america" on the hat to noxus pls
1. Seek help
2. Amazon would be more likely position she'd use on you. You'd know that if you ever got laid once in your life.
Because as much as I love playing poppy I don't love losing by making troll picks.
I'll see what I can do
do you really think its that easy for him user
>large amount of players are retarded or don't take the game seriously
>anons are surprised when these players get into their games
stop bitching about "muh forced fifty" already it's autistic drivel
so is all lost for kaisa, VO was shit, design is shit, only things left is the lore ,wich could be awful, and gameplay and seeing her kit this part might be ok
although these days shes not really an assassin after 6 unless youre fed
How easy is shaco to play?
His ult seems confusing on how to use
>liandries buffed
>rylais buffed
these changes will make full ap singed high plat viable and im ready
those buffs are better than you think. atleast now everyone will stop saying hes shit even though hes perfectly fine atm. the only problem i have is he will probably get banned more
This doesn't answer my question though
implying top laners can even play ADCs like Tristana or would want to even 1v2 the enemy bot lane
that is a nice poro
Support obviously stays bot with your toplaner
>play Xin
>he literally feels exactly the same as he used to before his rework
Kai'sa is like Camille, mediocre VO taped on a potentially great champion, however lore is shit, and therefore she won't ever be popular for anything but how broken her kit is.
Nobody cares about any of the new champion's lore these days, Jhin and Azir were probably the last interesting lores we got.
Shaco is trash don't play him.
Kindred a cute! CUTE!
>mfw this voyboy box box conversation about hentai
holy shit box box has autism 100%
>tfw no fertile Void gf
>numales are scared of alpha male Jhin
like pottery
I mean I'm not high elo so anything works here really.
>damage amp
>% max health damage, doubled if movement impaired
>activates with Frozen Heart
I tested it out, and you do the same damage as usual (boosted by the damage ramp, of course), except you burn people even faster.
>so I may as well have just picked top lane in the first place when people are better off picking ranged cancer or tanks for top lane
That wasn't the point of my original post.
explain this shit
>twink asian with mental disorders
>has a reaction image folder
im 100% sure ur autism is on par or even worse because at least those degenerates can attract a fanbase of other losers
That's what pissed me off playing support so much trying to get gold.
You might win a couple, but then you'll get 3 matches in a row with an ADC who only runs up lane and dies or a top lane that just absolutely feeds his ass off.
the point of your original post was shit
>afraid of "ranged cancer"
>wants to take melee laner against 2 ranged laners one of which is dedicated champ on shutting down melees
kindred needs more skins
>Enemy team locks in MF
>Enemy team locks in Alistar
>Supports turn
>Support thinks
>Support thinks long and hard
>Support locks in Rengar
The design isn't that bad with the helmet on, but the VO is extremly lazy and bland for a champion that people wanted for years
Shit champs nobody plays don't get skins.
>tfw no fertile void bf
literally no one wanted this champ what the hell are you even talking about
Ha she is either barren de to the suit eating her slowly or can only have voidlings
this rune is fucking stupid
riot what are you doing
>Bronzie giving advice.
>has a reaction images folder
sick autism threshold
at least i dont bring up hentai in actual conversations with people i barely know
people keep complaining that there are no good keystones while they play a tank top now they slap true damage on it as if tank/bruisers weren't already cancer lmoa
people wanted kassadin's daughter
but expected her to be corrupted or deformed
>Akali still the most bullshit champion in the game
>Because she's getting reworked will probably never get touched
nothing wrong with voidlings
People have been asking for Kassadin's daugter since the fuckers realize, same shit with the ruined king and Caitlyn nemesis
>Wants to play assassins because he wants to do flashy shit but he doesn't have the patience to actually know how to actually look for openings and capitalize on them
>take melee champ bot lane
>take this rune
>remove both with literal ease
>at level 1-2
but no one wanted her?
ban her, I ban here every game
You know whats even better?
This rune works on her so she's about to get even stronger
>Archangels will be the new morellos replacement
Never thought I'd see this. The other lost chapter items suck because they don't give enough mana now without the morello passive on kills
look at anyones post who posted an image that qualifies as a reaction image. tell me they arent fucking losers, find me ONE non loser
Well we got "C", because Camille is C right?
t. Silver player
I bet you complain about Garen too
Why does wolf have a FUCKING GIANT HAND
remove minion block
Then I can't ban Tristana, who's played a lot more.
>riot nerfs ap items again
this fucking sucks
you realize Varus exists right? Tristana isn't a problem
user its ok its just [ [ [ E X P E R I M E N T A L ] ] ]
this rune will be the only thing allowing bot lane to stop feeding but also snowball so hard you cant even get to the 15m surrender
I'm in Gold and I've yet to see an on-hit Varus, these apes have no fucking idea how broken Guinsoo's is.
holy FUCC
sustained/poke damage mages got a huge fucking buff with the new liandries and rilay actually being worth buying again, Azir and Vlad are going to be even more obnoxious
whats the issue with varus
How does it stop feeding and snowball? Someone has to be feeding for you to be snowballing
I want her to sit on my lap
first person to break the stalemate
fucking gold shitters, all they need to do is stay back and build guinsooes and they can't eve nfucking do that
his kit and passive with guuinsoos is really strong right now. Trist and varus top adcs, below them are xayah twitch mf, then jinx, then everything else is all skill that nobody has
>nerf 80% of the ap items
>buff 2
>nerf those next patch anyway
>look it's a buff!
Has someone made an image of Xin with glowing eyes yet?
Guinsoo's is OP but because only two and a half champions can abuse it Riot pretends it's not an issue. Current Varus you barely use half your kit.
>Nasus builds 0(Zero) damage items
>Takes half my hp with my Q
What a fun champ