Subligar Edition
>Eureka 4.25
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/:
Subligar Edition
>Eureka 4.25
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/:
Other urls found in this thread:
first for lizards!
Post your neighborhood.
shameless joy
>when u see a catboi
I only have an apartment tho
>buy game on steam
>activate key
>Refund hr later
>2 days later buy again
>account suspended
>key invalid
now i have to refund AGAIN
outside the mandatory (many) dungeons you have to do with people, i've pretty much played this alone. these aren't that bad anyway since no one says usually.
i don't like how every time i log in i'm bombarded with FC invites though. one guildleader has sent me the same message since level 1 to 54 now every so often.
really enjoying this though, a little sad i didn't start playing earlier.
thanks for not reading, do not respond to me.
where's your house, I'm gonna come pet you
loling @ ur lifr my dude
let me breed
You can /busy if you like to not be bothered by tells or invites.
what server, bud?
it's like i really have friends....
imagine staring at a 2'x1.5' rectangle for 10+ hours a day while never moving and doing this for over a decade
isn't that just crazy?
do you still think of me?
Reminder that Rule 13 literally has a sentence in it which pertains to not using avatars as reaction images.
Report that banevading phoneposter.
garrin is dumb lmao
you sound like a smart person
all the time.
Do people hate highlanders now?
shut the fuck up beepy
hey that sounds like my ffxiv experience now
I wish I didn't
Highlanders are still pretty neat tho
yeah, a lot lately. i miss the fun times we had.
Come on Kaori, we need your threadly dose, remind us you're here, shit out while posting something obvious or pointless, "bud"
this discussion has been had countless time and the conclusion is literally always that posting pictures of your character in an MMORPG general is not strictly avatar posting
>garrin and sugi
>just want an erp egf to run content with
>on a dead world, don't want to move
how you juts gonna own a man like that
do it be sugi
i never rly knew him
The timing on your sudden return to this thread is both ridiculous and ironic. You won't trick anyone into transfering, not anymore you manipulative shitlord.
wen can i eb
All the women look like ultra dykes and all the males use the same face and eyebrow makeup.
he's like 4 foot tall LOL
Why doesn't Jeph put on a tripcode?
faerie bros ww@
I'm on mateus, but it's 5-37 shirogane
inb4 beppo meltdownies
ultros bros ww@
>sarah eliminated so hard he stopped posting
>unnamed pony eliminated so hard he got banned and stopped posting
People love avatarposters! Anonymous do nothing! Nobody reports avatarposters in game! Powerless!
You'll find them 4 years ago in the past.
Who can craft me DRK fixes
"mom said it's my turn to play"
Where's that album?
200iq catboy actually
oh i had no idea about a /busy thanks.
i'm on jenova, friend.
glad you're also having fun.
devteam said they're messing around on the class, wait a bit more.
next step is removing mateus from the op
>Jeph still not eliminated.
Fix it retards.
Ban the fuck.
lf attention seeking lala to be my one and only
>finally make a balmung alt
>get a tell from a random in the QS asking to fuck my abs
>they D/C randomly
Just wait for him to slip up in game and say a single wrong thing in /say chat, keep stalking him
Food fit for a king.
wtf.... no
I like how easy it is to find your posts.
> Lag spike.
> Missiles stop in place, take hands off controller for five seconds.
> Missiles speed across room to other edge, see explosion on body and a vuln stack.
Please help.
Do not let up.
Make him repent and regret.
Make his friends feel unsafe.
find another one pussy
You already cleared. Why are you even in that instance.
if xiv was f2p i'd make lv1 char and shit on fran daily from multiple accounts, hit his friends, it always hurts
This is sadder than any death in Stormblood, to be honest.
goodnight /xivg/!
I want to lewd this cat
yeah my /fc mate blames lag every time he fucks up as well, but in reality he's just a shitter
I read that as bane-evading phoneposter. then i reread it and got disappointed
Shit, why couldn't it have been Karen's dad?!?!
Right there.
How do you feel about
whats the fashion report for this week? i NEED that makeup kit
>not online
I'm convinced you are a fake.
post your abs and maybe I'll resub and finish the job
dont you have another school to shoot up in florida
I wish Awena actually treated me like a friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Can always make trial accounts and harass in say.
I'm on now.
Who is this?
IGN? Do you drain cum well?
Are you on Balmung? You can find me in the Quicksand.
I always help people after O5S-O8S weeklies. Nothing else to do.
nobody here plays this on steam right?
I'm not, but I can be. I'll look for you. Hopefully those look good in game too.
I'll wait.
Quick, name the worst BEAST TRIBE
i hope you're having a good night
Sylph, who else????
Hello yes I am flame quartermaster
What would you like
pretty good but it seems you'll be getting company so I'll save my $15 for now, have fun