/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >Winterfest 2018 Giveaway
Log in every day of the campaign to get 10 quartz, 7 chains, 2 lamps and 1 scarab

>Winterfest 2018 Gatcha
Nitocris (Caster) is always on rate-up
Cleopatra: 21-23, 25, 27-1, 3, 5-7
Ozymandias: 21-24, 26, 28-2, 4, 6-7

>Kara no Kyokai: Garden of Order Re-run

Void Shiki is always on rate-up
Asagami Fujino: 22-24, 27-1
Artoria Lancer Alter: 24, 26
Elizabeth Bathory: 24, 25

February 2018 Monthly Mats
>Eternal Gear
>Magic Cerebrospinal Fluid
>Chain of Fools

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View listdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:



Why does she have yogurt all over her hands?


I love Hokusai's heavy sagging breasts

Nobu a CUTE.


Let's be honest, what's really the point of the memelist? Every time it gets updated it's based off the last challenge quest we've had, and the next one to come along won't play out the same. So really, the moment it gets updated it also gets outdated.

The only things that are set in stone are: Merlin is busted and makes everyone else good by his presence alone and Okita is the best buster memer to use in general. Past that anything goes.

Do not post lewds for the rest of this thread

I'll sacrifice a thousand suns to Shub-Niggurath if we get a Carter Foreigner for White Day.

Not a problem

>Okita has god tier NP gain and can spam NP every other turn
>has a dodge
>crit generator
>has star absorb + crit damage
>can do buster nukes if needed

Musashitters can't even compare with her shit NP gain outside of double hit

Just try and stop me

Oi-chan's breasts aren't that big.

How long until the Dead Heat Summer Rerun?

At least you guys aren't as bad as boatfags right now

I don't understand how does someone "sustain" injuries against Cu. Aren't his blows kinda fatal? I mean he's using a spear and Gil always striked me as a bitch who wouldn't last very long once injured.

That might have actually been the best fight in the whole VN and we got cucked out of it. Someone should draw a doujin about it. Cu actually piercing some holes on Gilgamesh even going through his armor, and Gilgamesh losing a lot of blood but still fighting with fire on his eyes a worthy opponent.

It could end with Cu at his limit finally finding an opening to activate Gae Bolg and Gilgamesh using his massive luck stat to somehow survive it losing an arm to it and binding Cu at the same time. They have a small chat praising the other one, then Gilgamesh brings out a regeneration potion and Cu just laughs at how impossibly OP he is, then gets executed. No shit this would have been the only decent Gilgamesh fight, all of the other ones are stomps from either side. This may have been on the level of Kotomine vs Shirou with both smiling all bloody and pumped up.

It serves only to discuss in hindsight about how useful some servants can become. For example I'm always stocked to see Amakusa was considered great and amused with Osabakahime going so low. No practical effect, just some observational fun.

>being this mad that your waifu is low on the memelist
Cool your autism pepe

What's wrong with fucking boats?



it's amazing how there's actual retards that believe the memelist and defend it

That might be the lewdest pic I've seen for a fgog thread. This won't be staying up much longer, I men without zooming in I thought her breasts were fully showing, those areolas look like nipples from afar.

Ushi animation update when?

Oh nothing, its just now they're all in a frenzy over some new boat I guess
Pic related it seems

Still a month at the earliest, 2-3 months realistically.


Nice fresh pasta


So we have can't bring supports to the challenge quest in 4 hours?

>tfw just realized Shuten was in Faiz
Avenger Kaixa when?

What is this expression trying to convey

Freedom and potatoes

And you people complain about Boudica.

Something looks off about her head, but I don't see how people could get too upset with this.

>tfw I actually recognized Aoi's voice
>tfw I also recognized her face
Truly an adult loli.

Be nice to her, she just has a lazy eye

>Avenger Kaixa when
After Saber Faiz and Archer Delta.

>hat might have actually been the best fight in the whole VN and we got cucked out of it
That's the entire point.

Is lancer raikou better than karna?

Oh I don't think you really understand. People are so mad they got the main twitter account suspended

So Nasu wanted to make the Fate route the worst one and he wrote himself into a corner? So he just offscreened it.

>Gil tries to tell Cu to fuck off and let him chase Saber
>Ath n'Gabla
>"you cheeky motherfucker"

But Faiz's final form is Blaster so he has to be Archer because Nasu and or DW are going to be lazy when it comes to the Gunner class


>Gil always striked me as a bitch who wouldn't last very long once injured.
Gilgamesh took hit unarmored from Tiamat, then decided to respond with canon fire and held out for hour(s).

He's actually pretty good in melee, good enough to own Saber when chaining NPs from GoB. Don't think Cu would worry him that much.

Although this is FSN Vanilla Gil, so you might be right about him being a total bitch. His character hasn't exactly been the most consistent across works.

Welfare Saber Faiz
SSR Rider Delta
SR Avenger Kaixa
SSR Archer Faiz Blaster

You're right.

I thought this was the new american ship, but man she looks as plain as the rest of the Japanese ships he's drawn, you could swear she'd be part of that group instead.

What the fuck. How?

I actually found it hilarious that both Gil and Cu planned on betraying each other the moment Kirei was out of sight.

This fight could actually have been Kino and it wouldn't be jobbing on Gil's end since doge is actually strong. Way to fuck it up, Nasu.

I'll take it over Takao's shit, potatoes are cute at least.

What triggered him bros

I still fail to see the problem. But hey, local retards managed to see "tracing" in Parvati's case. Guess boatfags are not that different from them.

Mass reporting. Twitter just assumes the reported target is guilty so they just take them down with bots

>decided to respond with canon fire and held out for hour(s).
>for hour(s)

This is a flat-out lie. Once Tiamat entered the city, it was Kingu who veeeery briefly held her back with his chains until Ereshkigal was ready, and Ishtar nuked the area. Gil even says that the only reason he could afford to shoot his canons himself is that he would be dead in minutes so he was fine using all his energy.

What the hell, I mean is not really that bad. Holy shit in comparison we look like peaceful hippies.

>potatoes are cute at least.
The cutest.

When Grailed, undoubtedly. She's the only lancer I've seen that maximizes their damage trait that DW loves to nerf.

>Yfw, Lancer's have high mod but low star gen to balance...but then dw decides to nerf their atk all the fucking time.

What was even the point?

Where my Circebros at

Show yourself, fellow shikifags

Gilgamesh in FSN had his arm cut off and body cut down the center and was still fighting without a single wince.

The guy has innate talent, skill, ability; but he just doesn't try to improve or try hard. So it seems like he doesn't have ability to he's cowardly, but he can back up his talk entirely when he actually give a shit. Like that time he beat a computer at chess. He can take hits just fine without losing his sense of mind.

Does that confirm he doesn't literally posses "Anything" inside his GoB? People always talked as if he was a Fairy that could grant any wish by bringing out whatever was needed, but he was fatally wounded and had enough time to bring out some ultra-healing potion and he didn't.


Tiamat was chained for at the very LEAST, one hour. Because the Babylonia team was waiting for Eresh to set up the underworld, and she needed several hours to do so. Ishtar says outright that at some point, she'd prepped her NP an hour ago.

You're forgetting that when Kingu chained Tiamat, Guda and Mashu were knocked out. The scene after it had a timeskip.

>low star gen
But their star gen used to be the second best until Mooncancer and Foreigner were released.
Star Absorb is bit lower but nothing that gay Gil and Enkidu CE can't fix.

this is your best SSR saber from now on
say something nice about her!

It was faster than I thought it would be.

She's both cuter and hotter than Musashi. Musashi's clothes and hair are too tacky, though if they were both nude Musashi MIGHT be better.

Ty based memefrog for standing up for us okitabros

no thanks
musashi has fatter tits

after non-Kuro welfares get their interludes

>best SSR saber
Did I miss something? What happened to all of the rest of the SSR Sabers?

post snek

Holy shit

Alright so i'm trying to look for Kancolle's general but nothing is showing up. Where is it?

No, this is my best ssr saber

Present and accounted for.

I really wish we got some art on Musashi without her weird hair piece. Servants always look better with their hair down, nothing fancy. I'm hoping for a costume like that for Nightingale.

I used 5 grails on (you) but the tubercolosis is STILL there!

Fuck off.


Sorry, I only have her on NA. Hoping I'll get her or Fujino in a couple days when I have enough quartz to roll.


That's still Nero Bride.

that's still Musashi

try harder, 5.0

>and she needed several hours to do so

And half a day had gone by by the time you returned to Uruk. There is nothing at all to suggest HOURS went by during that fight.

So to get my waife higher on the memelist I just need to make a video with her memeing a challenge quest, right?

>People taking Pepe's shitpost seriously

>Nip servants are the best saber, lancer, berserker, and foreigner
>Weebs are the best support

I want to smell her boobs after she works out and lick her sweaty armpits

Don't forget that Gil took Excalibur to the body, point-blank. And in return, gave us what was probably the only dignified moment he had in FSN.

Quetz best snake.

Is he shitposting though? He sounds like he genuinely believe what he's saying

They both smell like roses.


>Gilgamesh in FSN had his arm cut off and body cut down the center and was still fighting without a single wince.

Gilgamesh in FSN had his arm cut off and body cut down the center and instantly turned his tail and ran, stupidly exposing his back to an enemy perfectly poised to finish hacking him in two.

What the fuck are you talking about? He completely lost his shit as soon as he was hurt. He choked, turned, choked again, tried to turn again, all but ensuring Shirou could get the cleanest hit possible, and only got spared from that by the grail ballooning up.

Yeah, half a day.

They needed 24 hours. The fight didn't last long (though this is hard to tell since our perception of time isn't 1:1 to their own), but what does that matter? The timeskip (confirmed by Ishtar) happens after Kingu chains Tiamat. We don't see what happens in the interim, only that Gilgamesh was still alive despite his earlier injuries and Tiamat was still chained.

/jp/ you newshit

>nearly 210k damage
Level 100 Okitakek BTFO