Fighting Games General - /fgg/
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blanka is pretty cool
approximately 15 hours until TFH release, brehs
post marvel combos
are there any fighting game characters who frequently use every last one of their tools in high level play?
Wearing clothes seems so weird for animal people.
wish i could explode my pine berry inside elphelt's womb
I wanna lick Elphelt's stinky, sweaty pussy!
Tell me about Cody and Sagat. Why did everyone lose their shit when they were announced.
Is this Killing Bites?
two fan-favorite legacy characters
It's kind of sad how little people care about sfv at nlbc lmao.
>Why did everyone lose their shit when they were announced.
because they're popular legacy characters? fuck kinda question is this boyyyyy
Tell me about baneposting in 2018.
>win more than i lose
>still somehow end up with less lp at the end of the night
this ranked system is fucking garbage.
vegeta is and always will be a nigger for killing these guys
cody was kind of unexpected and got an interesting redesign. sagat is something everyone has been begging for since launch
agreed desu
it's always like that when a new game comes out and it still pulls consistent viewership
cody is the most reddit character ever made and now he has a design that makes homosexuals moist instead of looking like a homeless bum
Ginyu > Burter > Jeice >>> Recoome >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Guldo
yes and and looks like he has some sharp fangs
how is dudley not the most reddit character in street fighter history
Should I buy Them's Fighting Herds?
Will I be labeled a clopping brony faggot and made fun of for playing it?
What if I only play the Lamb?
>the most reddit character
what the fuck does that even you fucking retard
>Will I be labeled a clopping brony faggot and made fun of for playing it?
>capcom adds blanka to sfv
>playercount drops even lower
really makes you think
>Will I be labeled a clopping brony faggot and made fun of for playing it
you already know you will
Q exists
>Will I be labeled a clopping brony faggot and made fun of for playing it?
yeah, i will too cause im going to buy it too but im not into the pony stuff, shit its only 15 dollars and has ggpo, why not buy it
because kokujin is pretty cool
Juri is prime reddit
>NLBC switched over to SFV
>WNF is doing SFV
vappa seething
fucking nigger beats me with 1 hp. gotta love that feeling in this fucking dumpsterific game.
And killing Nappa.
even if it wasn't a ponyshit fighting game let me just get this started
>skullgirls engine
literally lol. this alone would be reason enough to persuade people not to play that shit.
This is your brain on jive.
blanka isn't even as gimmicky as he use to be
Cody is a literal meme character with dumbass mechanics. Sagat’s claim to fame is having longer normals than the rest of the cast and being generally broken.
Dogshit characters
>be a fraud
>can't close out a round
>combos are so unoptimized that you somehow leave the enemy with 1HP
>blame the game
Akuma with a sword.
so did you try and go in on him instead of siting back and letting him kill himself?
elena is fucking huge holy shit
Yeah you might as well and once the game dies in like a week or two you'll be able to refund it no matter the hours since it's early access
nah it was some faggot bison he was all over me and my electric missed by 1 pixel and he light kicked me. he was 2 ranks higher than me too wtf.
what the fuck even are the UDON SF comics anyway?
I actually like the feeling of Skullgirls very much. I enjoyed my time with it greatly when my buddy and I were just doing 1v1's.
I've decided I'll get it. $15 isn't a great expense and ggpo is a huge plus from my experience with it.
RIP Punk
I am going to buy jive, I am going to main Birdie like ourguys based IRL bigbodies Xyzzy and MenaRD and I am going to UNGA the fuck out of your cute sniff waifus.
what are you going to do about it faggot
I never knew this. Neat.
Toolassisted oki calc is pretty good for knowing what to do on defense.
That's not even true btw.
is it out on ps4? i'd get it on pc but my network adapter is broken so i could only use wifi.
Nothing because I play Abigail
Sniffers don't play fighters, they whale in mobile games like F/GO
Play Abigail
Steam fucking sucks they wouldn't let me refund SFV even when they installed a rootkit and I had 1 hour played.
Play Abigail
enjoy ur game bro
street fighter is for fucking faggots
i don't wanna learn all this frame data and frame kills and whiff setups and shit. i just want to play FIGHTING GAMES, not DO MATH.
this is why smash and DBZ are the best.
Why do we need this general? Just make an anime one and a SF one and then we're done.
*vroom vrooms in your path*
we've been over this.
I thought it was just a pc thing. Probably will head to ps4 eventually. I may be wrong.
whats the point in that
some sniffers whale in fighters too!
all those games are dead tho
im posting in this general AND playing anime games RIGHT NOW
what are you doing to do about it bitch?
Do Ed players actually think he's mid to low tier? Ed is clearly high tier but every Ed main truly believes he's in the lower tiers.
Every game has frame data
thank god chun-li is hard and annoying to play, otherwise I'd be poor as fuck
Diaper post of the day
Fuck off retard I want to talk about a bunch of games if anything NiggeRS should get the fuck out and Dooberz should stick to the Dragonball general
I made it to super bronze guys!
skullgirls engine is godlike tho
i whale in both
*activates Knife Edge in your path*
>laura players that don't use her sports costume
are they stupid?
>fighting game general
>only game actually talked about is sfv
Are you motherfuckers as hyped for soulcal 6 as much as I am?
how do I somersault akuma's fireballs like daigo
Fucking retarded frogposter
tell me what series this sniff is from
now shut the fuck up subhuman get that ass filtered
makes sense cause this is the anime and sf general
Either July or November
remove guile
>Laura players
>Are they stupid