/assg/ General

Morning Routine edition.

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Stabbed over Breakfast:

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why are survivorfags so entitled?

>waah you fucking camping piece of shit, you hooked me after the gates were open and didn't run across the entire map and let me get unhooked

Psst user, how are those dailies going?

I've now gotten the swamp map 6 times in a row. What the fuck is going on tonight.

>Why is the side that's stronger and constantly catered too by the devs because it has the most twitch streamers entitled.

Truly the sphinx's riddle of our time, never to be understood.

What is the answer to the riddle anyway?

literally just had this, I have no idea what they expect me to do with only one dead and gates open

if you don't want to get camped don't get downed, god knows that's easy enough with all the fucking Fischer-Price baby bullshit the game gives Survivors

>flashlight cheese fails
>running loops fails
>pallet stunning fails
>speed boost perks fail
>sound bug fucking Killers fails
>get caught
>get downed even with massive speed boost after getting hit
>gates open
>Killer camps

these fucking infants

I want AJ gf.

Is there a counterplay to flashlights blinding you in the time it takes you to break a pallet/lift someone? I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. They just stand in front of me and if I do the 2 sec action I'm blind.

>What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?
That riddle?
Its Man.

I keep pulling out yellow flashlights at every single chest, multiple games. I dont know and I am scared

Lifting someone can be countered by flicking your mouse directly upward or to the side, you may still be blinded, but you won’t drop them. As for pallet blinds, I have no fucking idea. Shitterd do that at safe pallets to “Outskill” you.

>Killer games have been less stressful than survivor games for me lately

Welp. I can’t wait for this event to be over

>400 hours
>only 2 survivor games ever
How do I play survivor without my hours making me look like a shitter

who cares what those retards think

You just play survivor desu. At the end of the game, killers will see that you have barely any good shit and are a rank 20, and then those hours mean nothing.

Alternatively, stop being so insecure about your hours, cause no one really gives a shit.

>few more coins left
>queue into lobby
>3 guys with toolboxes
>streamers, escape cake, 2 event offerings
>not even 2 minutes in and someone sabos a hook
>d/c, told them it was the sabo's fault and left
feels so fucking good

I haven't seen a single freddy and only one hag in 40 hours. Are those killers just really weak or do people not play them much because they're difficult like nurse?

Freddy requires post gen builds and playstyle, which isn't for everyone.

Hag is bad if people can crouch, which most people can.

>Playing as Huntress with my new mask
>Carry a survivor to a lunar hook
>Laurie breaks the hook with a yellow toolbox that doesn't have any sabo add-ons
>There's a normal hook no more than five feet away
>Hook the survivor
I know it isn't going to happen, but I really hope we fail this event and nobody get's the Feng Min shirt. These idiots don't deserve anything.

agreed, hope it's a chinese themed thong for myers or something to fuck with them

They're weak and not very fun to play either. At rank 1 it is mostly Hillbillies because they are powerful, fun and don't take as much skill to play as Nurse, even if there is a decent skill ceiling.

It's a good day to be Myers main

I have had 5 freddies in the last 6 matches, niggas everywhere - most of the people playing him have a solid 3-400 hours as well still super easy to dunk on

hillbilly or huntress. although not as common as hillbilly; her billy and nurse are all you see at 1

>watch stream of pro killer
>turn a corner find a survivor
>down and turn another corner and find another survivor
>survivors never spend long near pallets or loops

>be me
>survivors are always doing separate generators
>always have another loop to run to
>never fall for mind games
>always manage to pull off side blinds and body blocks

Am I doing something wrong?

They're pro killers because they only get matched with shitters.

If the streamer is high rank, you're probably just wasting time and not being as perceptive. A lot of the killer's job is finding people when they're trying to hide. You might be walking right past easy kills because you're not used to visually finding them immediately.

You say your survivors are always pulling off tricks, and not falling for yours. Obviously this will change as you improve. As far as knowing where they are, this is more that will improve with time.

Keep at it, Killers are always feeling underpowered in this game, the devs all main survivor and listen to reddit bullshit, this patch in particular has a lot of Killer issues and some recent bugs with sound/scratch marks that makes tracking Survivors (you know, our entire job) a lot harder.

It's always more rewarding than being a faggy Survivor main though, I don't understand how those bullies sleep at night

It's not the first time I've thought to myself "Why do streamers get such shit survivors to play against while I'm up against Ochido fanatics?"

>still complaining about face camping
it already got removed you cucks

watch tru3 rage quit and never upload it to jewtube cause he only get 1 hook.

franklin a best, A BEST

>No cute 80's trad goth/punk gf ever
It hurts

>playing bubba
>have only sacc'd one person by the time the gates are powered
>knock Down a nea and decide fuck it I'll camp her
>meg and Quentin decide to dive bomb the hook at the same time
They had the fucking gall to accuse me of hacking as well

I keep fucking up flashlight saves

Too early and I blind them and the person doesn't escape
Too late and the killer can just look away

What's the sweet spot here?

>tfw no franklin
>tfw no ruin
life is sufferin

Gotta get it the exact second the animation ends

I've levelled bubba to 50 and now I'm levelling hag what should I level after that?

Who you maining? I see Hillbilly's Enduring as essential now but Nurses Calling is super strong too.

Mostly LF, because he's my highest level killer and the only one I have any perks on

Go enduring first, bubba is a killer that needs counterplay to looping.


I don't even like Tru3Ta1ent, but god damn that team looks like AIDS

how do I throw hatchets correctly? I end up wasting tons of time trying to get throws that the survivors just dodge

If you want to make a lot of throws, use addons & tinkerer that make your throws faster. Don’t be afraid to miss during this, but do your best to hit em still.
The hitboxes for her hatchets take a long time to learn because the enviroment is what fucks her up. After you learn what you can avoid & what you throw past, the rest will come naturally.


>Everyone says how Nurse is extremaly difficult to play
>Literally mamaged to git gud with her in like 2 rounds

>Everyone says how Billy is good but easy
>Can't play him for shit no matter how many times I try

Whats giving you trouble with billy

I can't aim with his chainsaw at all, I constantly bump into stuff when using it to run and always miss when using it to kill survivors.


Ya need to practice and use it only for movement at first

Like said, mastering the basic movement is important. I would recommend taking any addons that help reduce your stun time, so you can still experience the travel nuances but not be so busy bumping into stuff that it becomes an annoyance. If you get any offerings for him to go to coldwind or macmillen, I would recommend burning them, since they’re good practice maps usually.
After you understand how his chainsaw works long distance, it’s super easy to use it in short distance.

I keep getting killer dailies and I don't feel like playing killer still. This event has been pure cancer.

The most you can do is to go around the pallet and try to mindgame the fucker into getting a hit. Once they get hit once they'll most likely run away from the pallet they want to blind you at. Of course, not always viable because not every pallet is unsafe and sometimes you'll just have to eat the blind. Sometimes it wastes a lot less time than trying to mindgame the pallet, and unless they're using Odd Bulbs the blind won't be so long you lose track of them.

On Streams then maybe they're just that good, but if you watch YT videos some streamers upload, I assure you it's because they only upload the things that they're doing well in.
I swear Marth88 gets the dumbest survivors ever. I remember a video where he was boasting how good he was at Nurse but it was obviously the survivors being absolute idiots rather than him doing good blinks or plays.
There's also the now infamous bit of Tru3 ragequitting after getting meme'd hard.

Fwiw, I came back after the patch fix to the stuns & killer is pretty much back to normal. I’d recommend giving it a shot.

>watch tru3 anything
>endless bitching about survivors
>there are no other decent killer streams
He won't be happy unless everyone is running Deja Vu 4 times. Meanwhile all survivor streamers are clones of some underaged faggot with nasally voice and think they are hot shit because they can do basic loop and spam flashlight. There's nothing to watch if you want to learn how to git gut.

Too late, already trashed them and got survivor dailies instead.
In any case, even with the sound fix and flashlight/pallets reverted, I've been kinda tired of Killer for a while already. I might play when I get a daily again, but right now I really don't feel like it.

That’s understandable. I’m kinda burnt too, especially after grinding killer ranks last season. But I havent gotten all the coins yet for either side, so, rip me.

>Check global achievement stats on steam
>1.3% have the 1000 survivor sacrifice achievement
>1.3% have the sacrifice obsession 30 times
How the fuck does that happen

What a fucking retard. At about 3 minutes in, he misses an easy chainsaw on Feng Min. Keep in mind, Feng Min is the obsession. After two mallet whacks, he decides to pick Feng Min up, knowing she has DS.

He threw the game right here. What kind of retard picks up someone with DS? To make ti even worse, what kind of retard picks someone up with DS when you have someone else hooked and you know two people are going for the save? What a terrible play on this man's part.

Holy shit, he couldn't even chainsaw someone spinning in circles? I mean, he wasn't close.

Majority of the playerbase refuses to touch killer outside of dailies.

Without going into detail, when you chase someone in the open it's better to charge the throw and let them run away a little futher than to try and hit them with a slow throw when they are closer.
You can't dodge a charged throw, it's almost instant.
Learning huntress takes time, just like learning the nurse.

I want to be a killer main but I literally feel dread when I play it. If I get a survivor daily it's just "Oh boy, this will take one whole game to do. Easy" but if it's a killer I rationalize it by saying "If I can get my daily and at least 1 kill I'll be good"

Learning nurse blinks is easy, learning to PLAY nurse is hard.
Tried my nurse at rank 1 today after grinding there with billy, oh boy.
Same with the huntress really, it's much harder to find survivors that are good against non standard killers than against billy.

>play Huntress/Nurse
>get 4k
If you are too shit to play girl killers you go Billy and facecamp, just like all Billy mains.

>How to spot a survivor main in 3 seconds
Why do you degenerates make it so obvious? I mean even good survivors know that playing killer sucks, means you are just a bad survivor, the worst kind of scum.

it's just $11 bro :)

>I'm bad therefore everyone else is bad
90% of rank 1 killers are salty Billyshitters. Stay mad.

you know this game is fucked when this looks a bit like an average game

A vid of Tru3 not 4king, rare.

and this hack has the word talent on his username?
also what was so toxic outside the last teabag?
He actually played like shit because he's an m1 billy.

Let me guess, you spent 1 million on her, bought 2 perks from the shrine for another 400k, and played her with 3-5 blinks.

For curiousity's sake, if a survivor DCs / quits in a match, do they get anything from it? I hooked a guy and the game shown he disconnected right afterwords, though the game gave me a "Rage Quitter" BP bonus. The guy seemed to be really new to the game, so I finally hooked him up for real like 15-20 minutes into the match after the gate was open and he kept crawling around towards me while I'm revvin, so I'm just wondering what all that kind of player may have lost due to being salty.

Why upload this? He's just encouraging more people to snipe him.

>almost 10 million
What kind of Feng Min cosmetic are we getting from this?


Fucking hell.
>4 Insta Heals
>4 BT's
>4 SC's
>Thick mist
>Auto haven offering
>" That tunnel and camp was unnecessary :) "

Doesn't lose his items. Very likely that they will dc if they have a purple flashlight or something good.

Does it affect their BP payout at all?

>Injured but in BBQ range and able to hide nearby downed Meg because IW
>Fucking idiot Nea comes running up to me as soon as Billy hooks Meg and starts healing me, he sees us because Nurses
>Immediately downed


They lose 3 pips and don't get any BPs for the match.

literally every game where i don't 4k

>gates open
>somebody gets cocky and gets downed/hooked
>i sit there and camp the hook because what the fuck else am i gonna do other than run from gate to gate and t-bagged

a baby

just never finish revving unless you can see the survivor, you will literally never miss a saw in your life

Playing survivor solo during this event is a fucking chore holy shit.
Holding M1 down and pressing space sometimes has apparently never been harder.

>Watching my teammates feed the camping killer and they all begin to play musical hooks while I sit slaving on an event generator.

This happened to me in two games in a row.

>facecamping with billy

>start game as killer
>down somebody right away
>survivor ragequits
>find somebody shortly after and down too
>other survivors just come to you
>turns into a farming game
>this is literally 1/4 games approaching 1/3

It doesn't matter. He could have won the game if he didn't whiff the chainsaw on the obsession around the 3 minute mark. He made matters worse by picking up the person after misplaying, giving her a reset opportunity with DS. He knew the other two survivors were going for the save. All he had to do was down the Feng (which he did, but should have done faster), slug her, and gone back to the hook, where he knew people were going.

He misplayed, regardless of offerings, items and addons.

I played her with nothing at the beginning (Now I have the BBQ, whispers, nurses calling and shadowborn) and I still only use the faster charge and bigger range addons.

>get called a hacker because I found somebody working on a gen
How do these people get past rank 19 again?

I'd show the chat but the scroll bar is bugged or something.

Strong load out. Shadowborn is the best quality of life perk available on Nurse. Once you put on your tracking perks of choice, that fourth perk slot is just personal preference, whether it be Make Your Choice, Devour Hope, Shadowborn, or Ruin. Even NOED is acceptable to help when you have a bad game. I'm used to not running Shadowborn so I like Devour Hope. At the minimum, it extends the game when they go on a totem hunt. The Pocket Watch is probably her best addon.

>Finally get a Scratched Mirror on my Myers
>M&A is at tier 1
>No Lery's offering
I just want to be spooky jumpscare man Entity, just gimme the stuff

On the plus side, it's best to play your main killer (hopefully they have BBQC) until you max out the next killer you want to play. That way, you'll start with tons of addons and offerings. By the time you max out Myers, you'll have enough memorial offerings for plenty of fast EWIII games and enough mirrors/offerings for meme games.

If you git gud at billy you can use the initial "flick" to take extremely sharp corners and scare the shit out of survivors who think they are safe by running around a rock.

>chasing a meg down a straight
>can hear flashlight claude behind me
>begin rev
>180 at the last second
>nail claude
felt good man

what the fuck did i just participate in?

>first guy gets hit
>within 5 seconds there are 2 other survivors running distraction
>one gets downed and RBT'd, as i'm carrying they immediately try to bodyblock and flashlight stun, both get hit once
>hook up
>they start window/pallet healing with self care right next to the hook
>two more downs within 20 seconds
>instant hook dives, never running more than 15 feet away to heal

last guy just came in and gave up completely

How is everyone else doing this month?

Last month I got Rank 1 killer right before the end. This month I'm trying for rank 1 survivor. Currently at 8.