League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best skin Edition

Old eyosongive.us

7 is my new username

lulus diaper





> RRRRRRRIGHT THROUGH THE COUNTER STRIKE, OH i fucking love it, its like having fun except go fucking kill yourself riot just go fucking kill yourself, god damn it dude, it's not even fun to play this shit, i see her coming towards me, i counter strike before she even fucking q's and then IT GOES THROUGH, like i joke about this but its fucking pathetic this company it's pathetic, GOD DAMN IT DUDE

how does it make you feel Riot is embracing this


Which league girl needs to be put in her place with a good ole mating press?

what does cunny mean in this case?

Reminder to never bully your support!
even if it is Zoe support!

FUCK OFF to trash where you belong


I love jinx


>it was an actual bug

Hashinshin was right.

Mating press is a boring sexual position.

Do you have to be a fucking retard to play this game on NA with all the retards on that server?

What is this black shit that keeps showing in my client when I alt tab? Does it happen to you too?



works on my machine

Xth for strong and manly guys using me as a cock warmer...

Kha'zix is just not okay! Is he getting any nerfs?!!

Remove true damage.

is swain legal in ogn right now?

Have some self-respect!
I agree!

kill all lolgays

Them pity buffs

swear to god i can't tell if only homosexuals play this game nowadays, or has it always been that way.

So what's her accent? Aussie or South African?

What's so disrespectful about it? Confused...

Should be. Unlikely he'll see play though.


Poppers will get her chance to shine one day.

You can't be serious!

might be enough because all top tanks are in the gutter right now except Sion

I would but you're probably too small for me.

>you will never spoon lamb on a cold winter night and squeeze her plump fuzzy ass for hours

This new champ is shit


I wish that was a boy

The players in high elo NA seem like faggots, meh no wonder no1 tries on that server.


Because she is not edgy ?

What?! He looks fine!

I love Sucy

The halfbreed is in desperate need of a Pressing.

nice hairline senpai

Join the club comrade.

That's okay! I can just sit in your lap while your playing the game having your dick inside me.

>Morde Kai'Sa
>Morde is next rework
debate this

>when you find 6 year old saucy fanfiction you wrote in like high school
Holy moly kill me

>Jax splitting bot
>We get engaged on and wiped, but he manages to take Inhib so worth
>Tells us he's gonna do the same thing Top
>I make an attempt at humor, tell him "okay we'll all go int mid again"

>10 seconds later Vayne ult Tumbles into 5 people
I was joking...

Do you have a cute butt?

> Frozen Mallet nerfed
> Gnar buffed in response

I do admit that new Bone Plating seems pretty nice on her.

Buff when ?

>writing fanfiction about 6 year olds
I'm calling the cops

build lethality instead of building all tank like a dope and you'll find yourself enjoying your time on poppy a lot more

that's a penis

The cdr nerf is more important than some E damage.

any of you guys watching lck tonight?

>bbq actually has a lead for once

That's the bit I think you'd be too small for. Probably'll just have to squish your thighs around it instead.

Aatrox is great right now. Almost same the winrate as GP.

I want to try Kai'sa on the one but I'm stuck at work for the next 10 hours
Anyone tried her yet? Fun? Strong?

No, because she's bland and boring.

Stop falseflagging though edgelord.

>tfw no fertile Void gf

You are now aware that Lulu is EXTREMELY CUTE!

Insecure about your masculinity ?

He has a complete gameplay rework schedule.

It's impossible to gauge the strength of a champion on the PBE. You're playing with and against bronze players with 300 ping who build shit items on purpose for testing.

>Enemy Support walks into me level 1

>tfw no yordle gf

Why would anyone do that?!


>Liking cute girls makes you insecure
Nice logic


> Crafted long ago as a plaything for a lonely prince, the enchanted marionette Shaco now delights in murder and mayhem.

How does it make you feel Shaco is now an evil doll

If I told you that the champion in question had blond hair and typically goes AP mid, would that answer your question?


I only watch kingzone games, when are they playing?

Normal people don't play this game right?

She's an adc in the mold of Vayne or Lucian. She's pretty much guaranteed to be fun but bad.


It's good. You're still tanky cus of passive, and you oneshot squishies after slamming them into a wall. Ghostblade active is great on her.

Don't ask people here if a champ is good or not.
These same people said reworked Eve was the worst character ever for like 2 weeks, then cried that she was the most OP.

Is it me or have they changed the movement somehow? Seems like people are gliding around minions.

Good thing lck is BO3

But Lucian broke botlane AND mid and just got chained by the white man to stop it and Vayne is one of the best solo q ADs if you take the time to learn her

thats a bug that appeared out of nowhere, last year and they havent bothered to fix it or even commented on it

>l-look dad i have naked girls i'm nor a homo i swear !

throw some kind of skill shot or AoE ability and then walk in the opposite direction you threw it, you'll be moon walking all over the place

It throws me off completely when I am playing xerath. I don't know which way they are walking.

No?! Ezreal players forget to right-click enemies they would never get close to tahm!

Yes! I have a cute tiny butt!
Oh... I mean, I have trouble fitting in even medium sized toys and I don't want to be injured down there... if it's really that big I could get under the desk and suck it until you cum all over my face :3

This games for homosexuals, even Faker is a literal faggot.

How is there no fucking champion in the game revolved around an evil/possessed arm to fight?

Trying too hard there bud.