Nothing really matters.
Nothing really matters
Other urls found in this thread:
You cannot objectivally prove your statement, placing it on the same level as theology.
Actually I can.
You matter user
>you are 100% going to die and not gonna remember any of this shit
Anyone can see
>Actually I can
You see, I don't care what you think. Neither do you.
Nihilism = pessimism. It's just a half-full/half-empty-type argument.
Fuck, he just won.
If nothing matters, let's have sex.
Anyone can seeeeee... nothing realy mateeeeersssss..... to meeeeeeeeee...
Why didn't you respond to me senpai? :^(
(Fuck it.)
Anyway the wind bloooooows!
Reproduction matters.
The purpose of every organism on this planet is to reproduce.
In nature, the males of many animals fight each other to the death for the privilege of mating with the females. That's how important reproduction is to them. They are willing to fight to the death for it.
Humans are exactly the same. We have that exact same instinct to fight to the death for the privilege of mating with the most attractive females. Even in our developed society now, what does every many want? Oh yeah, to be rich, powerful, and to fuck all the hot females. Sure, he doesn't want to RAISE kids - no man does, that's a woman's job. But fundamentally he wants to impregnate females.
Yes today's society is fucked up and a lot of successful people don't have kids because their egos are inflated and they have bought into "progressive" lies, like how being a "nice" person is the most important thing, and having children is "bad for the environment" or some other self-righteous BULLSHIT. Look at pic related though, many still do.
Watch a nature documentary about gorillas and how they fight each other to the death to become the silverback - the alpha male who gets the privilege of mating with the females, while the beaten, subservient males only watch and masturbate (true story). Then you will realise that procreation is the #1 priority in the life of every single organism of the planet.
*What does every man want
My mistake
>As I read this post I am in bed recovering from the vasectomy I just got
>Thinking about how I will never have to put up with kid bullshit
It's a good feel bro
>committing the naturalistic fallacy THIS hard
>beaten, subservient males only watch and masturbate
>gorillas are cucks
Gonna need some sauce on there m80
>Nothing really matters.
If only.
Sadly every little shit detail matter in some shitty way.
desu congrats on mutilating yourself. You are a real man.
Knowing that you've literally sabotaged your biological purpose? Wow yeah must feel real good
I'm more virile than you and I didn't even have to do anything lol :)
Look, I don't care what you do, I'm not saying that you have a moral or ethical duty to procreate, I really don't give a fuck
I'm saying as a matter of EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. From an objective standpoint, the purpose of every single organism on the planet is to procreate.
I'm sure I read the masturbation thing somewhere, anyway here's evidence of their social structure from wikipedia:
>Gorillas live in groups called troops. Troops tend to be made of one adult male or silverback, multiple adult females and their offspring.[32][33][34] However, multiple-male troops also exist.[33] A silverback is typically more than 12 years of age, and is named for the distinctive patch of silver hair on his back, which comes with maturity. Silverbacks also have large canine teeth that also come with maturity. Both males and females tend to emigrate from their natal groups. For mountain gorillas, females disperse from their natal troops more than males.[32][35] Mountain gorillas and western lowland gorillas also commonly transfer to second new groups.[32]
>Mature males also tend to leave their groups and establish their own troops by attracting emigrating females. However, male mountain gorillas sometimes stay in their natal troops and become subordinate to the silverback. If the silverback dies, these males may be able to become dominant or mate with the females. This behaviour has not been observed in eastern lowland gorillas. In a single male group, when the silverback dies, the females and their offspring disperse and find a new troop.[35][36] Without a silverback to protect them, the infants will likely fall victim to infanticide.
He's actually removed the only thing that makes you a man mate. So no, he isn't.
Sorry kodomo... i did not see it. I am an oldfag. My eyes are wrecked from too much pc...
The best advice I can give to any younger anons in this thread, cherish your wizardry. It is all overrated, and seeing many friends turn into failed normalfags after sex/getting gfs, I am growing more and more content with my wizardry. Sex does not give you meaning, if you aren't content without a gf, you won't be content with one, but you will add another obstacle in your search for fulfillment.
I mean, y'know, failure to reproduce literally means you've failed in your biological purpose. Means you're pathetic. You're not virile. You're not capable of inseminating a woman. That's how pathetic you are.
But y'know, go for it man. Sure it's a hoot.
Just let it happen naturally.
If you want to have kids out of a whim, or you hate the idea of having kids, place your money in that when you will have them they will be smthing twisted in the air...
>hating on yourself this hard
No, it's you that hates yourself, but what's sad is that you don't even realise it.
Go to the gym and lift some weights. You probably have unnaturally low testosterone.
Pushing weights raises your test a lot and you WILL feel the urge to fuck and impregnate women after that. But you're probably too much of a pussy to do that. Which is why you WILLINGLY sterilised yourself. Fucking L-O-L.
did you just assume my gender?
Did someone call for Ba'al Zebub?
>Look, I don't care what you do, I'm not saying that you have a moral or ethical duty to procreate, I really don't give a fuck
>I'm saying as a matter of EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. From an objective standpoint, the purpose of every single organism on the planet is to procreate.
How do you derive what the purpose of something is? All you did was look at what the status quo is and then said that this is according to its purpose.
That's like saying that the purpose of a rock is to stand around, the purpose of OP is to be a faggot, and the purpose of the naturalistic fallacy is to be committed.
It simply doesn't follow.
I assume you were the guy who had the snip
If you're a chick then your purpose is to be impregnated by a male
Circle of life nigguh
>How do you derive what the purpose of something is?
By studying it. Same way that scientists think the purpose of a tail is to maintain balance.
You think I'm making an ethical argument which is why you're resorting to logical fallacies which are completely fucking irrelevant here
I'm making a claim of biology, evolutionary biology really, and it's backed up by evidence.
But what if I was born male, but my gender is still female. I cannot give birth.
Likewise, what if I was born an infertile man/woman right from the start. Should such people simply kill themselves?
>But what if I was born male
Then you're male, and your gender is male
>Likewise, what if I was born an infertile man/woman right from the start. Should such people simply kill themselves?
Probably, yeah
>By studying it.
Be more precise.
>Same way that scientists think the purpose of a tail is to maintain balance.
Is the purpose of a tail really to maintain balance? Maybe that's just what a tail is exceedingly good at. What's the purpose of an atavism?
You could also go a level higher and claim that its purpose is to preserve the biological functioning of the thing it's attached to, just like how you could claim that the purpose of humans is to preserve a macro-ecosystem - or go the other way and claim that the purpose of a human is to preserve the functioning of the microbes residing on them.
What's the purpose of a rock, what's the purpose of a river, what's the purpose of the magmatic core of the Earth?
But if it is biologically programmed and determined -- and thus infallible -- why haven't such people killed themselves then?
In fact, why is there not a government program that kills such people for them? Why do their parents let them live?
Please answer.
Please stop making this a philosophical discussion when it isn't one
It's a biological discussion, so the only thing that is relevant here is biological fact. If you can give me facts that support a theory of evolutionary biology that living organisms have a purpose in their life other than procreation then please give it.
Ideas of purpose and function ARE meaningful in biology. Yes sure we know that organisms aren't designed with a purpose in mind, they are selected by nature. So penises weren't created with the purpose in mind of them being used to inseminate a female. But that is still their purpose. It's what they're used for, and it's why they exist. If they didn't have that purpose/function then eventually they wouldn't exist (just like most other biological features we've had that no longer serve a purpose, like the human tail, which no longer exists. The appendix is like the only useless thing that has stuck around, and even that will most likely disappear over many thousands, perhaps millions of years)
Do you get it now? This isn't a philosophical argument. It's a biological argument. Forget that I ever said or suggested that you "should" procreate. I mean, I do think that, but I'm not going to make a philosophical argument for it because I cannot be fucked.
Biologically, the ultimate purpose of any organism is to procreate. Of course organisms have other needs that come first, e.g. eating and staying fit, strong, healthy. But the ultimate purpose of any organism's life is procreation. We see it throughout nature. Organisms go to extreme lengths to procreate. They fight each other to the death to procreate. Reproduction is in fact one of the defining, necessary characteristics of life (under the most common definition). So yeah.
If it is strictly biological and absolutely not philosophical at all whatsoever, then what purpose does it have in this thread? Would it not be more appropriate in Veeky Forums?
The desire to procreate is biologically programmed.
The impulse to kill yourself is a relatively rare one, probably because if we had evolved to all have an impulse to kill ourselves then we wouldn't be here as a species anymore.
>In fact, why is there not a government program that kills such people for them?
Hitler tried to make one didn't he? I think he did. It's very likely that previous civilisations did this as well. Although I'm sure they would have tried to make use of them in some capacity, because there's no point killing someone if you could use them for something useful - e.g. enslave them and make them work on your farm, something like that.
>Why do their parents let them live?
Dunno. Because they're deluded people who want to give themselves a purpose. Can't face the fact their child is effectively useless from a biological standpoint. Plus killing people is sort of frowned upon so they probably don't want to incur the penalties. Otherwise they might well put such children out to pasture. Unless, as I said, they could find a practical use for them, like physical work or whatnot.
So if these infertile people who cannot reproduce and cannot be killed, are instead sent to work, what are they working for, precisely, if they cannot sire offspring?
We are now back in square one.
The beauty of the human mind is that it allows one to resist his biological purpose to satisfy one that is fabricated from ideals. By the way this is in response to the guy going on about reproduction being the objective purpose of creation. I agree with you because as you said, it is a truth that is beyond ethics. However what you are doing is attributing additional worth to that biological purpose which is undue.
A man is successful for pursuing what he understands is right. Biology is irrelevant to the pursuit of success so for you to call those who choose not to reproduce 'less of a man' is comical. In fact it seems to me contemptible to be so submissive to one's biological drives that, like a beast, one abides by them blindly without consulting the higher faculties available only to men. Is one who chooses not to reproduce less of a man than one who does so because he feels he has no choice since biology demands it? That you are limiting yourself by your thinking is only amusing, but that you insult and condemn others for acting as they see fit is pathetic. I hope you are just young or trolling, it would be shameful if a grown man can be so ridiculous.
Hm. Okay I'll change tack - instead of avoiding the naturalistic fallacy like a pussy I'll just face it head on.
I reject it as a fallacy. I do think, in this case, that the way that nature is - and critically, the biological facts about YOURSELF - mean that you ought to procreate. You should procreate, because of the fact that procreation is essentially the ultimate purpose of every living organism on the planet, given everything we know about living creatures, their behaviour, their biology, etc.
There you go.
For fuck's sake man I'm just saying that procreating is your #1 priority in life like it is for any organism on the planet
Failing that, you can give yourself another purpose, sure. Like charity or whatever.
From a biological standpoint, procreation is still the number one priority of any organism. Observe the behaviour of animals and the lengths that they go to to procreate. Observe the behaviour of humans! We go to extreme lengths to accrue money, to improve ourselves, in order to attract a woman so that we can procreate.
But WHY must we reproduce for the sake of it?
Is that not the act of a cancer cell -- to reproduce mindlessly?
We do NOT know what we know about living creatures, their behavior, their biology, etc. just by only reproducing. We would only have known to reproduce.
There must be more to life, and that is precisely the problem beyond biology.
>But WHY must we reproduce for the sake of it?
If you're questioning it then I guess your chances of succeeding aren't that great.
The strongest, most eligible humans don't question it. They just do it. Because they want to. Because their instincts are saying they should. Because animals with strong desires to reproduce are the ones that survive.
>Is that not the act of a cancer cell -- to reproduce mindlessly?
And? Why is behaviour undesirable just because a cancer cell does it?
>There must be more to life
Put down the bong, my friend. Why "must" there be "more to life"? What are you even talking about?
This idea of a higher purpose is, I guess, a hangover from religion. And why does religion exist? Because it served a purpose from an evolutionary perspective. It allowed societies to be strong and prosperous and survive.
>objective evidence
>you even claimed to not value something after exerting energy and time to say so
>Observe the behaviour of animals and the lengths that they go to to procreate.
People go to great lengths to acquire heroin, because it indulges their senses. Animals have no concept of self, they are akin to heroin addicts, simply drifting in this phenomena; reacting on impulse. Man has a great grasp of cause and effect, this is the origin of all ideology, religion, science, etc. The need for meaning is a delusion; watch all those micro organisms and macro organisms move and die, and be tricked by mirrors. By applying ''meaning'' to anything, you are not seeing it as objective phenomena but rather a (to put it in terms people here can relate to) spook.
>By applying ''meaning'' to anything, you are not seeing it as objective phenomena but rather a (to put it in terms people here can relate to) spook.
Objectively speaking, it is observable that every single organism on Earth (to my knowledge) invests a huge amount of time, resources, exertion, etc into the process of reproduction
And certainly in the case of animals, almost all animals invest a fuckload of their time/resources/energy into procreation, and of course all compete with each other to procreate with the healthiest, most attractive, most fertile females, or sometimes just for the chance to procreate with whatever females are around.
Procreation means something to us in the same way that breathing, eating, sleeping mean something to us. And even things like getting a job, discovering things through knowledge, they mean something to us too, and only BECAUSE they translate into the most basic things - food, security from attack / natural disasters / whatever, social status / power, ability to procreate with females, etc.
Everything that we find meaningful ultimately reduces down to our basic animal needs and desires.
Btw yes I know there are organisms that reproduce asexually but I think they still invest time/energy/resources into reproducing that way, right? I'm sure they do. Don't think it's physically possible to reproduce unless energy and matter is invested into it.
>The strongest, most eligible humans don't question it. They just do it. Because they want to. Because their instincts are saying they should. Because animals with strong desires to reproduce are the ones that survive.
So from what you are telling me, that were I to see a pretty female, I MUST go ahead and rape her to carry my seed, as my instincts mandate, no questions asked?
And so should everyone else -- to senselessly rape all women and pass on their genes 24/7?
I do not think a culture would have gotten this far to this age of technology if they were as extremely dedicated to their instincts as you suggest. In fact, I do think monogamous marriage would have gone very far either.
It seems as if you only look at humans as if they were mere animals -- and although they are. But people have also done more than any other animal so far. But what propels them to such advancement -- why was the aeroplane developed, rocket ships, and space stations? To attract females to mate with? I doubt it.
There must be more, but what?
>And? Why is behavior undesirable just because a cancer cell does it?
I don't think you quite see the metaphor -- a cancer cell multiplies endlessly to the detriment of its host. If we had done just that, we would not be here. There is more.
>Put down the bong, my friend. Why "must" there be "more to life"? What are you even talking about?
No bong needed. There *must* be more because there IS more. But what, not everybody can agree on just yet, and has been the topic of philosophy since its inception.
I am talking about something similar to "higher purpose" as you allude, just something, anything, other than mere copulation as the primary need for man. Otherwise we would have remained as apes: capable of reproduction, do reproductive, is alive, but not aware of anything greater.
Based on what you've written so far, it is truly tragic to look at a mirror and see nothing more than a glorified hairless baboon.
I would also like to critique your youthful Darwinism. Things are more complex than you present them, and you might be aware of that, the, let's call it ''game view'' of reality is also the trapping of delusion, as is the other anons obvious insecurity-fueled need for metaphysical meaning. There are no ''most eligible'' to inherit the earth, phenomena is more complex than this. But this game view lends itself nicely to the proofs of Pavlov's experiments.
Reproduction was just the most pragmatic form of surviving mother nature and it is nearly worthless now. Survival is the goal by which reproduction is an extension.
user... That reductionist thinking is rooted in what? Perhaps you should think about it whilst you're not busy fulfilling your ''imperatives''.
>So from what you are telling me, that were I to see a pretty female, I MUST go ahead and rape her to carry my seed, as my instincts mandate, no questions asked?
That's your choice, obviously there is the practical concern that she might get an abortion. And you might go to prison, which might hamper your chances to sire any more children - then again it may not, if you're allowed conjugal visits. Chicks dig bad boys y'know.
>And so should everyone else -- to senselessly rape all women and pass on their genes 24/7?
That's exactly what humans did before society existed. Just like all other animals.
Well, I'm pretty sure not all animal sex is rape. Reading the wikipedia article about gorillas that I quoted before, it says how women often invite the males for sex. But I am certain rape happens as well.
The take home point is this - spread your seed in whatever way is best. There are obviously many benefits to getting a job, marrying a girl, etc. You can raise your children, you can increase their chances of future survival through your parenting. Just spread your seed in whichever way works man.
>But what propels them to such advancement -- why was the aeroplane developed, rocket ships, and space stations? To attract females to mate with? I doubt it.
Why do you doubt it? That's exactly why people do those things. To get money, and to gain status, both of which will enable them to attract a woman and have children.
>Based on what you've written so far, it is truly tragic to look at a mirror and see nothing more than a glorified hairless baboon.
That's exactly what we are though.
Sure, we're ADVANCED apes. We're still apes.
It's remarkable that we've developed things like airplanes, sure. Just because of how advanced they are. But our goals and motivations are still, fundamentally, exactly the same as those of any other organism. We will never escape our animal natures, because animals is exactly what we are.
>Reproduction was just the most pragmatic form of surviving mother nature and it is nearly worthless now. Survival is the goal by which reproduction is an extension.
That's an interesting idea. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps if science makes it possible for people to live forever, they won't want to have children anymore. They'll just want to ensure their own continued survival rather than that of a new generation.
That's not a reality right now though, is it? So I don't see how you think reproduction is "nearly worthless now" - it is still the mechanism by which we ensure our survival.
Biology. Biology is what it's rooted in. If you think my theory of evolutionary biology is wrong then please do present an alternate one.
Explain Tesla, explain Newton...
You are projecting your reductionist view of reality as to secure your sense of not being wrong. Which is a base thing in thought. As I said before, your way of thinking is not as objective as your observations make you believe. Conditioning, influence. You're breezing through with blinders on.
>it is still the mechanism by which we ensure our survival.
No it's now. You'll be dead. Offspring are a net benefit while you're alive.
>There *must* be more because there IS more.
I don't know if you're familiar with the "dualism/physicalism" debate in philosophy, but it's essentially the debate between whether the human body, and consciousness, are purely explained by physical phenomena alone (physicalism), or whether there is a "something else" as well (dualism) - e.g. a soul, a spirit, whatever.
I'm a physicalist. Like you might be able to tell. I think that consciousness, emotions, everything about humans, are all ultimately explainable by physical phenomena. Which is what science seems to explain, in my opinion. I don't think there is any need to propose some sort of supernatural entity like a soul or a spirit in order to explain the human body. Science does it just fine. Consciousness and emotions are caused by electrical impulses and chemicals in our brain, as well as the physical constitution of the brain itself.
There's that reductionist thinking again. We could say that our conversation here is rooted in biology, which it is. But again, you fail to see the details, or rather, the bigger picture. You're telling yourself that your opinion on the ''purpose'' of life is rooted in biology? Please reread my posts if you care, I don't think I could add anything to make my arguments clearer.
Only Will matters.
>Explain Tesla, explain Newton...
Explain what about them?
They are human beings that existed (probably, if historical sources are correct and not fallacious), and they discovered things in science. Don't see what you're getting at here?
Sure no human being can ever be purely objective but we can make observations about the world in which we have a high degree of confidence of their objectivity.
E.g. gravity. We're pretty sure that gravity objectively exists. Right?
Sure some people have children just so they have people to care for them when they're old, but the ultimate reason to have children is because you're passing your genes on.
Tesla and Newton are notorious "wizards" in that they have so much, while being essentially celibate.
Really, they are shining examples of why you're not currently making sense based on what you're saying. If you read up on any of them, they had no interest whatsoever in reproduction and built upon their work because that is what mattered to them.
>but the ultimate reason to have children is because you're passing your genes on.
No it's not, that's a delusion. I'm surprised that you hold such a plebeian, for the lack of a better word, observation. You will be dead, your genes mean nothing, you experience nothing. Yes people may think they have children to keep their lineage going, but that's because of various influences. In practice it was to form gangs basically. Think about it, it's very simple.
>Explain Tesla, explain Newton...
Explain what about them?
Oh, so you're on the spectrum. Perhaps you put yourself there. Either-way, both those men died virgins. They did what they did; not out of these base reductions you keep talking about, but for abstract reasons. And this is the true nature of things, it is complex, too many variables to things. What you're doing is not actually being objective, but parroting ''objectivisms'' and doing what the religious do; reduce reality to one meaning.
Anyway, it's getting too late where I live. This will be my last post.
>The strongest, most eligible humans don't question it. They just do it. Because they want to. Because their instincts are saying they should. Because animals with strong desires to reproduce are the ones that survive.
This is what all the retards PUA miss btw. They think that for women, the life is all about the sex and that the sex is ultimately about having babies.. whereas For women, sex is opposite of having babies.
Betas like them try to contrive a world where they are necessary and turn this necessity into a duty and then the fulfillment of this duty into pride, because they have nothing else. All they want is to impress some woman, then making her moan with their cock, their tongue and their fingers.
They talk about genes and survival, but they do not even know what they want to survive. These betas are the men with the most spooks in them.
Hit me with them digits family
science does not exist, at best you have formal models created by what you call scientists, models which by the way are not about truths, because math is not about truth, but truth values at best.
I think that things are absolutely all ultimately explainable by physical phenomena for the purposes of talking about it, yes: building things, developing things etc. basically anything practical in the physical worldly realm.
But I also think that it's accurate to say that they're just interpretations of physical phenomena, and that there might be something greater that cannot be completely shared, only experienced, or thought about in solace individually. It can be fostered, but not given -- only earned. I can talk all day about it and sound like a nutcase, which I kind of am admittedly, but such talk isn't welcome or really belong here and I generally prefer to keep it to myself.
Artfag reporting in.
Whatever I get, I will draw a dystopian cityscape where that is the dominant ideology.
Well, there goes the cityscape idea.
oh that's too easy, just draw a tribal village in a jungle or something.
Rerolling for you.
>they had no interest whatsoever in reproduction and built upon their work because that is what mattered to them.
Well then they are idiots, just like homosexuals and transsexuals and anybody who choses celibacy, or not to procreate, is an idiot
They don't disprove what I'm saying in any way whatsoever
>No it's not, that's a delusion. I'm surprised that you hold such a plebeian, for the lack of a better word, observation. You will be dead, your genes mean nothing, you experience nothing. Yes people may think they have children to keep their lineage going, but that's because of various influences. In practice it was to form gangs basically. Think about it, it's very simple.
Well all of that is factually incorrect.
The reason every organism on the planet procreates is to pass its genes on.
That's biological fact.
>They did what they did; not out of these base reductions you keep talking about, but for abstract reasons.
Again, that's factually incorrect.
If you want to pose other motivations then give me a reasoned argument for why they exist. Every single one of them will be reducible to social status, food, security from danger, etc. Things you need to survive. I will show you so please, do give me your terrible arguments as to what "abstract reasons" you think exist, and why they're not reducible to our ultimate animal needs (they are).
>This will be my last post.
Lol, pussy can't even defend his terrible fucking arguments.
I have no idea what the flying fuck you are trying to say
................................................................................................but we still come up with scientific theories that we have a high degree of confidence in don't we
Please don't give me the whole Humean scepticism crap because it's really not relevant to the current argument. At least it's not what we're arguing about. And I'm not going to argue about it.
Please don't give me the whole Muh Biology crap because it's really not relevant to the current argument. At least it's not what we're arguing about. And I'm not going to argue about it.
Hold up now nigga. So Tesla was an idiot? So all of this is you SUBJECTIVE reasoning. You are not being objective my man. You cant cope with the fact that you propagating them genes of yours means nothing? How much time do you spend watching gorillas fuck so you can see purpose from it? kek.
Hurrr hurh ruh ru hhururu rur rud duuur dur udu ruuduurh huuduuur udhuruudh h hhhhruu d uuruud du ud ur uudruu drudu rudr du rud ru dru dududuuuuruuruuruurururururuururrr
I still have seen no better theory of evolutionary biology in this thread than the one I have explained
Ergo none of you have refuted my point
We're not discussing evolutionary biology though, we're discussing why people do things.
And again, "muh biology" means nothing because evidently as others have pointed out, tons of people have done stuff without procreation in mind, some not even wanting to procreate to begin with.
Calling them "idiots" doesn't invalidate them either.
Please don't give me the whole Muh Biology crap because it's really not relevant to the current argument. At least it's not what we're arguing about. And I'm not going to argue about it.
>So Tesla was an idiot?
Yeah he was. Procreation is the purpose of any organism's life. It's your number one priority. He obviously decided to forego that priority and do some stupid science shit instead. Idiot. Well, his loss.
>You cant cope with the fact that you propagating them genes of yours means nothing?
Except it's the only thing that means ANYTHING. If you don't procreate then your genes don't live on. In which case, you may as well have killed yourself the moment you were born.
Sure you can have an impact on the lives of others, but that doesn't benefit you does it? The thing that benefits you is to fuck women and spread your seed.
Life is a competition to impregnate the most attractive females possible. Just like it is for all other animals.
I guess you are a monkey. Good luck f.a.m.
What do you gain from procreating? Let's say that youre a rich man with everything a man could need, but you simply don't want to reproduce. Are you then a failure? Who decides this? Youre not the objective arbiter of reality bruh.
monkeyfag btfo
>it's another appeal to nature thread
The definition of intellectual bankruptcy and moral desperation.
Your """"theory"""" puts bacteria on a pedestal. After all, they've achieved their "purpose" more than any other life form, they're the most widespread life on this Earth. What could be greater than a bacterium? You know what's also great? Houseflies. Sure, they live for like 3 days, but just look how quickly they breed. It's all about breeding, nothing else matters, we should just be slaves to our dicks and rape as many women as we can find. The more women we impregnate, the more fulfilled our purpose is. Genghis Khan was the greatest man to ever walk the planet Earth, he may have destroyed civilizations and killed millions but at least he spread his genes.
he's probably a young man,hopped up on PUA shit, let him destroy himself
You know the real irony of this thread?
He'll never get laid either with such shitty opinions
it's like pottery
Have you reproduced? Or do you just fuck for the pleasure, thus destroying your own ideology
>tons of people have done stuff without procreation in mind, some not even wanting to procreate to begin with.
That doesn't mean that procreation isn't the number one priority of an organism's life. That just means those people were stupid and wasted their lives.
They probably chose science because at a young age they were pushed around by tougher kids and they lost any hope of becoming tough, strong and virile. Resigned themselves to the belief that they wouldn't be able to compete.
If they had made different decisions though, e.g. if they had decided to go to the gym and train hard, then they would have changed their chances.
As I said in this thread already, you should hit the gym. Pump weights. It will increase your test which will increase your sex drive and your desire to have children. Science, nigga. You could take any human being on the planet, put them on a course of training, give them some confidence, and they will want to fuck every chick out there (apart from the ugly ones). As I say, science.
You're wasting your life RIGHT NOW by posting ITT.
Go outside, find the nearest fertile woman, knock her out, and rape her. Then repeat until you are out of semen. Repeat until you are dead. That is the height of existence.
why does he even reply
he is literally going against his ideology the longer he's down here
Well yes, humans are apes
>Are you then a failure?
Of course
>Who decides this?
>Youre not the objective arbiter of reality bruh.
But nature is, bruh
>The definition of intellectual bankruptcy and moral desperation.
It's actually the truth, and I *STILL* haven't received an argument grounded in evolutionary biology that disproves what I'm saying?
Instead you're all just whinging about how I'm not objective. I'm not saying I'm objective, I'm saying nature and reality are objective. And my argument is based on facts about nature and reality. No one else has come up with an argument based on empirical facts about nature yet.
>Genghis Khan was the greatest man to ever walk the planet Earth, he may have destroyed civilizations and killed millions but at least he spread his genes.
Yes, he was. Fuck I would give a right arm to fuck as many women as he did.
Why the fuck is killing people a bad thing? It's bad for the victims. Why is it bad for Genghis? It's not, he was successful as fuck and fucked loads of bitches. Real nigga.
>Your """"theory"""" puts bacteria on a pedestal. After all, they've achieved their "purpose" more than any other life form
Any organism that is alive today is obviously doing something right to have survived millions of years up until now. So yeah I think bacteria do deserve their place on a pedestal, just like any other currently existing life-form.
>ad hominem
We really have sunk to the depths haven't we. Kek. Just shows you can't disprove what I'm saying and you know it, lol :^)
>Or do you just fuck for the pleasure, thus destroying your own ideology
That doesn't destroy anything about what I'm saying... and I don't see how you think it would
Did I ever say you shouldn't have recreational sex? I am just saying that procreation is the number one priority of any organism, because it is.
Nigger, Tesla could have had all the pussy in America riding his electro-dick. But he didn't give a fuck.You on the other hand had to TRAIN HARD and go to the GYM. While tesla ate PIZZA and fed PIGEONS.
You spend your ENTIRE life obsessing over pussy while tesla's ashes are resting COMFORTABLY in a bronze ORB.
>Well yes, humans are apes
Stopped reading right there
I found you a wife for you to spread your genes and achieve the height of humanity senpai
>he is literally going against his ideology the longer he's down here
Explain how?
>Go outside, find the nearest fertile woman, knock her out, and rape her. Then repeat until you are out of semen. Repeat until you are dead. That is the height of existence.
That's one way of doing it, but there are good reasons not to:
1) There's a high chance that such a woman would abort any resulting pregnancy, thus defeating the purpose
2) You'd get slung in jail, which I suppose wouldn't be the end of the world if you were allowed conjugal visits, so you could get other bitches to come visit you and you knock them up too
But if you think you could make it work then go for it.
So again, you haven't disproved my assertion that procreating is the number one priority for any organism. You've come up with a juvenile argument of "lol why aren't you doing it now then" which doesn't at all question the validity or truth of my claim. As I explained, there are good, solid reasons why someone might choose a different reproductive strategy to the one that you are proposing. They probably fancy that their chances of reproductive success are higher by using a different strategy. That doesn't do anything to show that procreation isn't the number one priority of any organism, does it?
Yes we can't prove to you how indoctrinated by your own bullshit you are. I believe its called cognitive dissonance.
Nature isn't a metaphysical God thing you fool. Its an abstract concept made up by humans to describe certain phenomena.
People tend to not trust idiots that boast of their amoral stance concerning killing. Ghengis was a baller, ill give you that, but hes dead and his descendants mean nothing.
Literally every post you make ITT makes you more and more hypocritical.
Save up some money. Go to sub-saharan Africa. Ambush and rape every woman you see. You should build up a fair amount of rape babies this way.
>you mean I actually have to practice what I preach? uhhhhh no!
Fuck off.
>You spend your ENTIRE life obsessing over pussy while tesla's ashes are resting COMFORTABLY in a bronze ORB.
And he has no progeny, while I, hopefully, will.
Read this right here: Yes humans are apes. Sorry I have to counter your childish babble with scientific fact, bruh.
>you mean I actually have to practice what I preach? uhhhhh no!
That doesn't matter. The point is, he thinks that the ultimate purpose to life is procreation. He's a simple dude with simple thoughts. But thats the way he wants to keep things.
Then surely you should be able to show me a factual account of evolutionary biology that disproves mine?
What's that? You can't?
Huh, funny that.
>People tend to not trust idiots that boast of their amoral stance concerning killing.
Ad hominem again? Awesome. Or perhaps the genetic fallacy? Both I think.
>Ghengis was a baller, ill give you that
See? You agree with me! You know that I'm right! Society tells us there's "more to life" because otherwise we'd all start fighting with each other again for the hottest females. That's our true nature. That never goes away. The reason we exist in the current state of society is because some weak humans decided they'd rather work for stronger humans and have a chance of possibly finding a girl to marry and procreate with, than get killed straight away by the tougher humans. Pussies, I guess.
>hes dead and his descendants mean nothing.
Hahaha. His descendants are likely still alive today you moron.
>Zerjal et al. (2003)[7] identified a Y-chromosomal lineage present in about 8% of the men in a large region of Asia (about 0.5% of the world total). The paper suggests that the pattern of variation within the lineage is consistent with a hypothesis that it originated in Mongolia about 1000 years ago, and thus several generations prior to the birth of Genghis. Such a spread would be too rapid to have occurred by genetic drift, and must therefore be the result of selection. The authors propose that the lineage is carried by likely male-line descendants of Genghis Khan and his close male relatives, and that it has spread through social selection due to the power that Genghis Khan and his direct descendants held and a society which allowed one man to have many children through having multiple wives and widespread rape in conquered cities. All male line descendants of Genghis Khan were all allowed to have numerous wives.[8]
The contemporary meme of "the meaning of life is to fuck, brah", which is so popular among normies, and which has both culture and biological feels/imperatives at its back, is yet false. Why?
Because it is simply the latest first-world iteration of a story that people use to make sense of the world, a metanarrative. First it was gods, later God. Later the purpose of history is to go through a series of struggles which will inevitably result in the generalized equality of men, or somesuch. A bit later, the Henry Fords of the world bastardized science in order to explain Gods and Clods, and thus the non-rigorous meme of social darwinism. The most recent iteration to which I refer is just an update of this popular bastardization of science to fit convenient cultural conceptions about where meaning comes from.
But still why, or why not? Because suppose on the one hand that you are a conventional theist. Then in this case, your existence has a mysterious meaning quite apart from "just fuck, brah": you have a /purpose/, a meaning of some kind deriving from a god, and commonly a later reward, or delayed gratification, which gives people the story-structure to slug it out during fleeting life. In this case, you have no need of such a disgustingly hedonic explanation of meaning, even if it happens to be true in some sense.
Now suppose on the other hand that you are an atheistic, scientistic, materialistic philosopher, and consequently dismissive of god.Then even in this case, as anyone with intellectual honesty can admit, we are all just animals puttering around without any grand purpose or intrinsic meaning. And so, even in this case, /there is no meaning in/ "just fuck, brah".Our scientistic view has allowed us to perceive the truth that it's all just organism self-trickery and chemical brain-dumps to motivate behavior and so on.
The point being that the supposed deep meaning in "just fuck, brah" has just been nuked for the lazy, wrong bullshit that it is.