Previous: >[Chaldea Boys Collection]
Period: 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-01 03:59 UTC
Amakusa Shirou, Astolfo and Child Gil will be on rateup for the entire duration
Vlad III, Zhuge Liang and Nikola Tesla will have rateups alongside Amakusa on 02/25, 02/26 and 02/27 respectively
Exchange the "CBC2018 Special Invitation" sent to your present box for a free CE
New Interludes for Diarmuid, Beowulf and Medea Lily
>[Half AP Story Quests and Challenge Quest Announcement]
Half AP Period (story quests only): 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC
Prison Tower event will begin on 03/01
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
Daily Quests:
Drop rates(Click at NA tab):
Rate ups in JP FGO:
Upcoming event materials:
Servant Planner:
/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
posting in the non-footnigger thread
Choosing the slut thread
Footnigger thread will be deleted, posting here.
>want to roll for Waver
>want to roll for Dantes
>want to roll for Horta
>want to roll for Gil
>75SQ and 7 tickets
The next two months are going to be painful
Post damage reports
>0 tickets spent
>0 quartz spent
>got everything I wanted (nothing)
>footnigger thread
5 meme tickets
1 gae
Eh, could have been worse I guess
BB thread!
>1 ticket
f2p btw
5 Tickets, NP2 Vlad.
Honestly better than expected.
Why is she so cute /alter/?
>Got Waver during Bryn's banner
>Haven't gotten a SR or above ever since
Is karmic balance causality bullshit blocking me from getting rare servants since I got Waver?
I wonder how many people will roll for the fluffy slut just because of /alter/
I was going to save for Jalter
But now she's a shitty 8.5 bros
I don't know what to do anymore...
Do you have to use a command seal to make her use her NP if the target is a boar?
She looks so soft while not actually being fat.
Fuck off
I'll roll a little amount for her because I like the idea of my Chaldea being as chaotic as possible
She is a nudist and an exhibitionist
I hate feet.
delet this
BB is pure!
Probably not.
>being as chaotic as possible
I like the way you think
5 facts about Alter Jannu!
1. Alter Jannu is cute!
2. Alter Jannu is my wife!
3. Alter Jannu has smelly feets!
4. Alter Jannu is not reddit!
5. J/alter/!
What the fuck happened here?
Pure slut
Rank these CEs by art and usefulness
>Event favours AoE servants
>Ishtar and Eresh are still both rated as mediocre
save 4 Jalter!
Martha-dono, sumanai, gomenasai, sumimasen!
>14 tickets
>Redman, D'Eon, Teacher & I, Gil-ko
I mean, it isn't what I wanted, but I'll take it I guess.
>tfw np3 Vlad
When the fuck does his NP get buffed so he's not shit?
Guys I think there's something wrong with my Medb.
We already got it.
Martha makes me quiver as well.
a slut for ants
>new animations are cool as fuck
>powerful in her niche
>isn't some purity bullshit waifu
I'm throwing whatever I don't use on Jeanne Alter at her.
Got a slot open if anyone is interested in what I have. If you have a maxed out waver and are active during events, you'll get good FP back from me.
>sample posters
It's finally America hour.
NP1 Carmilla or NP5 Shiki?
>You are already friends
We did? I'm a tard then nevermind. Time to make Vlad useful
Shiki for now
>tfw Mana prism-let
When can I buy mona lisa from the rare prism shop? All my friends are already deadding me.
She's getting my Exp, then. I only just got Carmilla during Valentines where I only had Stheno before, and now suddenly I have two not-shit Assassins to fill that slot. Was curious.
goodnight /alter/
NP5 Shiki I'd say. Also saves you the hearts for that stupidly expensive ascension Carmilla has.
I really wish I could use this Support listing, but I need my FP.
>tfw no translation
Save your carmilla though, she will come back after her strengthening quest and Buster memes.
fuck off, leddit
>you'll never be this much of a faggot
Thank you Christ.
based mentally ill bro
>Mentally ill bro
I don't see any loli there.
Don't be rude
>Grailed Sanson
>Not Hans
are you fucking queer?
Is kid gil in the friend point summon?
Oh, I'm not gonna burn her or anything. He's level 59 right now, Shiki is 62. Hell, my Stheno is NP2 when I should have burned the second one I got.
True. Plus I can have an Assassin for my Arts team, I suppose.
>I don't want to become a horse's bride
There you go lad.
>You get a 4-star/5-star craft essence instead of a servant.
Ereshkigal has two big problems right now. The first is that her attack (not the buster) buff from her NP is applied AFTER the NP, instead of before.
The second is that she's a one hit wonder. Besides her NP/Skill combo attack buff, her only other self buff is a 1 turn buff which takes 6 turns to recharge.
If they changed Mana burst cage so that it also gave a 30% attack buff for 3 turns, or 50% crit damage for 3 turns, she would be a lot better. As is, all of her damage is basically focused on the turn she uses her NP.
Ishtar is really REALLY good for a while, but she starts to suffer because she doesn't have any defensive option (no defense boost, and her invincible is tied to her NP boost. She also suffers because mana burst jewel has the opportunity to be interrupted by a servant using a strong 1 turn buff or debuff the next turn which can cockblock her. This is something that started happening a lot more often around Salem which is why she dropped off the meme list pretty hard but was really really good for a while before that. The solution for Ishtar is either to give mana burst jewel a 50% defense buff instantly while you wait for the 50% attack buff next turn (giving it dual functionality, which it would actually benefit from as a 3 turn cooldown skill), or to get rid of the 1 turn wait period for the attack buff.
Slightly disappointed her voice isn't as cheeky as I imagined.
>mentally ill faggot got triggered
is the same shit btw
As stupid as it might sound, even just having the grunting in there makes it a lot hotter for some reason. I could I should learn the basic shit to read porn doujins at some point, can't be that hard. They are always saying the same stuff anyway.
So I just burnt 90 quartz and I all jave to show for it is one pink haired gay and a couple of teacher and I' s. Fml
I would roll for her because I like her red outfit.
Don't shitpost with my wife, please.
It's really unfortunate that the first summer event is a 3 way split rate up. Otherwise I'd probably roll for NP1 or NP2 Martha.
And of course the rerun is AFTER CCC so suddenly you can't use her for the best chance at the meme anymore./
what were you expecting to get? jalter?
He has axes on his shoulders, user, that's gotta be worth something.
Literally only takes an afternoon at worst to learn the kana, might as well start now faggot.
Very nice. My Hassan's only at bond 8, but I'll be getting that arm as well.
I think someone said in the last thread that Versus is the best freebie for if you have Scathach, and Teacher and I otherwise.
I do have Scathach, but how often would I need Versus on her anyway? If it's not that important I'd rather take Teacher and I. Right now she's got MLB After-Party Order in my support list, but in actual play I generally give her something like Little Halloween Devil. What other CEs does she want?
Wait a second, so does the CE that gives 12% charm rate success multiplicative or additive? Like if a skill has 88% chance to charm, will equipping the CE make it 100% or 98.56%?
IA is pretty good.
You'll find a lot of the bosses are Divine.
>the rerun is AFTER CCC so suddenly you can't use her for the best chance at the meme anymore
行 and 出 should cover the kanji parts, the rest is kana like the other user said
Summer units I'm interested in are Tamamo (mandatory), Anne/Marie, and Martha. How fucked am I? Artoria would be nice because I hear she's good, but going for two 5* like that is too much for me.
>1/4 of a ticket
>Jalter + Mama + Merlin + Amakusa
F2P btw
Leaked Redman bros
It's actually much easier to get a specific 5* than a specific 4* in the summer event. The first run has no rate up for the 4* servants (they're all available at the same time with no rate up for each one), meaning it's fucking brutal if you want one in particular.
Assuming it works the same as the death rate calculation that was discussed here a few times, probably additive. Then there's the debuff resist rate of the target too.
Looks like a hacked together Redman edit.
Martha doesn't share rate ups with Tamamo, so there's that.
>Tfw we will get a million Saberfaces before Shirou
Waifu fags are cancer
>rolling on a banner where you can only get males, when there are twice as many female SSRs than male
I'm not sure what you expected.
I got Herc from a summon ticket and I'm content with that.
I've got one of those with one Limit Break, plus a second in case I ever pull Jack to combine with Okita and have the Quick meme dream team. Is it worth giving to her just by herself, though? APO gives a nice buff to both Q and B cards.
What sort of team would I run with her to make sure she can get her NP off? I've got Waver, Tamamo, Bride, and Jeanne for good Arts characters.
Time to do something "useful" with my time, thanks.
>10 tickets
>60 quartz
>CE(4* and 5*)
Iron-Willed Training, Holy Shroud of Magdalene, Victor of the Moon(new), Awakened Will(new), Glass Full Sweet Time, Noisy Obsession
Ko-Gil NP1 and Astolfo NP2
Picked "Teacher and I" as my CE of choice. Got 4 new 3* CE (both of the new ones, motorcycle and Illya's bird) and NP5 GIGA NIGGA, David, Giles and Mephistopheles.
One of the best banners I've had thus far.
helter skelter
>One of the best banners I've had thus far
I'm so sorry
Okita has gone mad now that she's the same rank as 3.5(prior)!
>30% to 3/6 cards
>10% to 5/6 cards
Take a guess.
Saving all sorts of mats for future servants is painful