/lolg/ - League of Legends General


Sleepy birb edition

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Do I build Archangel Staff every game now? I'm gonna miss old Morello's.

xth for GLP is gutted

I want to rub Kled's belly and kiss his nose! And lewdly rub his ears until he starts moaning!!

>Karthus is gonna be meta


>Being so mad after being btfo so many times you have to still pretend to be retarded
You a mad little soyboi

No lewdposting in this thread

Zoe's bum!!

Ez outplays every game

shut the fuck up you retarded frogposter

You dont know whats really going to be meta. Its Akali.

>no u

Xth for hopelessness.

lewd the rat

>ban waifushitters
>ban virgins
>ban anyone below diamond
>ban hashinshin

If you're a shitter who plays "for fun" you belong on reddit.

Reminder that kaisa is shit in almost all fronts

xth for frog in butt


do not lewd Twitch

Are you ready for the buff on release episode?

>Btfo and still crying

Since when does hashinshin post here?


Tentacle bonus damage changed from 10/15/20/25/30% to 8/16/24/32/40%

>be suicide Karthus
>flash into enemy team
>wall them all
>activate spellbound orb
>start Qing the ones furthest away from each other
>get low on health
>die later
>press R

Is that now or pbe?

no i like the nerfed to shit episode

fix rageblade


Vlad is actually not hard to balance

its the sustain gimmick that makes him objectively better than melee champs at all stages of the game so just fucking nerf it

ban those retarded tier list posters too

>tfw no qt petite gf

How do I stop being a one trick without losing elo?


stop embarrasing yourself

kai'sa is hot garbage. another 40% win rate champion inbound

Only one embarrassed is you my dude
Stop being mad on the internet over images on an image board

So you'd want to be banned yourself as a sub-diamond virgin right?

Buff slam's base damage. From 10 per level + 120% AD to 20 + 10 per level + 130% AD. I mean FFS Darius gets 140% at all levels.

convince me to queue up


>reverted rengar
oh no! he's gonna get me!

>level 9 slams doing 143 + 169% AD on a champ who'd have 200 AD at that level

Practice in flex

>tfw no qt petite gf

wrong image user

I told you people that they will partially revert Kog`Maw Riot just loves him too much and his simple ways of being balanced to let him be Lucian


b-but user she i-is a cute girlll?? thats what only matters dont hate her :((((((

did you expect a 500 range hybrid marksman to be the hottest shit when its still in testing?

Zoe's still a child she could grow to be super tall

>prophet of an elder god: Removed
>new: some fucking damaging or free stats combat passive that makes her do more damage
>new: Illaoi's tentacles are unkillable permanent map fixtures only present when she's in a match like Skarner's spires
>also we went back to them being invisible in bushes and providing vision around them when awake

She would be better if ALL of her abilities gained bonus effects based on her build, instead of just one ability for each stat.

make a smurf

That champ is so frustrating to play against, get hit by one e then half your health is gone. she gets to remove your toplaner from the game just by existing and you cant even gank her if her ult is up

please queue up!

>rengars q aa now blocked by tabis
faggot cat get fucked

>jungler gets invaded and still tries to go for the buff knowing noone can help
>mid dies to zed before 6
>bot goes 0 for 2
>mentally surrender and afk until they end

Which void champ does Kai'Sa bully the most?

She's been alive for 3000 years and hasn't grown an inch!! She's my qt petite gf and that ain't changin'.

I mean her e feels like shit but they made it much more bearable. Also complaining about her ult just proves that you are dumb enough to not walk away from or flashing away

kogmaw for being a loser and a fatty

I just dusted a malphite champ shard so I could have enough be to afford malphite. AMA

none becase she is indiferent to them

>E has like a 20 s CD and she can't do SHIT while it's on CD
>just walk away, let the slow and debuff proc, avoid super telegraphed tentacles then kill them for FREE gold
>hit her any DoT skill or multiple damage instance skill including taking scorch or comet or aery etc and the duration is cut drastically

Illaoi's E is so easy to play around that I've started maxing Q.

>I haven't listened to her VO

>Kai'sa doesn't know what species kogmaw is

What will kogmaw look like when he evolves from larva form

I WANNA WANNA ________

I'm not saying that the ult doesn't have counterplay, but the threat of the ult is what's frustrating, especially if the jungler doesn't know how it works and tries to all-in her then die. It makes her hard to gank

>written by dan schneider
kills me every time

>I didn`t hear it with sound so I don`t know that the actor was porbably a someones teenage duaghter being paid 10 dollars for doing it while she is on her phone

i feel old today
is there anyone here below the age of 27

with any other studio id would be insane lovecraftian horror but with nu-riot id rather not think about it

>literally blandest VO ever with almost no unique interactions

>implying the creature's mouth isn't between her legs
It extends up all the way to her chest, actually. Part of their anti-cavity search for situations when the Void creatures tried to be too invasive.

Toad's dead, baby. Toad's dead.

What's with Riot and killing the Toads in recall animations anyway? (Morg, probably Thresh, Rek'Sai)


above, i mean

Why not ludens?

>on tilt
>sick of this shit game
>losing every game
>people feeding left and right
>gonna get demoted for sure
>go to op.gg to check my 0% winrate to make a sick meme for /lolg/
>85% winrate
what the actual fuck


>Masteries still cost BE
>Masterwork hextech chest without all the junk champion shards
>Still need to craft ward skins
>Will ONLY get ultimate and mythic skin shards unlocked for free

Bunch of nothing

the tristana nerfs didnt even get close to making her balanced

and remember that adc babs are so bad that prime ezreal only had a 54% winrate
if actual good players played adc tristana would have a 60% winrate even after the nerfs

>old Rengar
>the absolutely on point Leona I played to save my friend from him years ago
>the mad chase across half of the map until my friend regenerated enough health to turn around and kill him
I'm pretty excited to come across him again now that I'm a much better player. I'm sure I'll die my fare share until I figure out exactly how I want to handle this old breed.

I...would not mind this.
>Illaoi, being an immobile melee champion with no CC, has trouble bringing things to her team besides raw damage
>tentacles having vision means that she has extreme levels of area denial and map dominion via her presence alone, a unique quality to bring to her team
>walk into jungle, now have small dolops of via in all of the sector's bushes like you're Teemo dropping shrooms

Lux mana costs are real shit

>the tristana nerfs didnt even get close to making her balanced
its almost like Riot's deliberately ignoring her W

why not revert theOE change?

I'm retarded. Do I need new runes with these changes?

>more dashes than any melee carry/assassin from a level ONE ability


people build tabis and he does no damage

What do I build on support lux now?

>Tristana buffs on PBE

>actually. Part of their anti-cavity
>too invasive
>It extends up all the way to her chest
>giving rocket science explanation about a joke
Damn, you must be fun at parties

Full ap like any other """""""""""""""support""""""" mage.

spooky ghosts and probably the spellbinder. the most we can ask from a lux player

Gotta fuck over the people buying hextech chests by giving them champion shards worth IP somehow


Why not lost chapter>morello>ludens well obviously warding item first, are spookies and spellbinder that good?

>3000 years old
Nice granny waifu

>ban virgins from Veeky Forums

>Masteries still cost BE
Yes, because not everyone actually cares to buy new champs and it's something to do while waiting for the BE shop to return. That and many wouldn't want their mastery upgrading to the highest levels on its own.
>Chests without champion shards
What's wrong with a chest that ensures you don't spend RP for something that doesn't even give OE?
>Still need to craft ward skins
You get free ward skins through the honor system and they're worth more than some skins now. Heck, some icons come with more OE as a bonus than some skins are worth.
>Insanely high cost/few in numbers skins unlock for free so you don't miss out on the nice epic and even below tier skins just to get them
Epic and to a lesser extent Legendary skins are the majority of skin sales nowadays, so that's business for you. And if you own the Mythic or Ultimate already its the value of a permanent shard.

You just want it all, don't you?

If you never had a girl wrap her arms and legs around you and hold you tight as you cum inside her then you got more important shit to do than shitpost in lolg.