Why do whites only harp on white history and ignore the history of their motherland (Afrika)?
Why do whites only harp on white history and ignore the history of their motherland (Afrika)?
we don't, we are the ones who constantly are tought that we should stop being Eurocentric. while other races don't.
Because there is very little record of it. A lot is talked about of modern colonialism and the North African peoples though, if that still counts for you.
>Implying Africa has a "history" which worths that name.
Leaving apart some civilizations in Northern Africa,
Alt-left dog whistling aside
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
Because Africa isn't our history anymore than the sea is our homeland. .
>Leaving apart some civilizations in Northern Africa,
North African civs aren't African, they're part of the greater Mediterranean/Middle Eastern civilization circle alongside Roman, Greek, Persian, Assyrian et cetera civilizations.
Does anyone have some good books on African history?
Preferably pre-colonial and not Egypt, I am rather fascinated by oral traditions in general.
>Africa isn't Africa
North Africa isn't and was never part of Africa, no. Geography doesn't come into it because, geographically, Europe is part of Asia but you would never call Europeans Asians, would you? Why, because of European culture which is large and omnipresent in Europe.
Similarly North Africa was never connected to the rest of Africa and, instead, it was always culturally, historically, racially connected with the Mediterranean world. The Sahara might as well all be sea because the effect is the same - North Africa is completely cut off from the rest of Africa.
You mean Mali and Somalia and the Swahili Kingdoms aren't African?
is West African
>Somalia and the Swahili Kingdoms
are both East African. I never said anything about West, East, Central or South Africans just that North Africans have always been connected not with Africa but with Asia and Europe historically, culturally and racially.
Mali, Ghana, Ethiopia, Zanzibar and friends, Kongo.
Kill yourself.
>Swahili Coast
>not connected with Asia
Go back to pol
>not a single one of these "civilizations" invented writing, wheel or animal husbandry and most of them didn't even have cities, the literal pre-requisite to being a civilization
>not connected to Asia
go back to /leftypol/
all incredibly uninteresting kingdoms that grew in a vacuum with barely any competing powers
Because I don't give a fuck about Africa.
The only correct answer.
You literal nigger. The word Africa originally referred ONLY to the northern part, not the Subsaharan baboonery. If anything, it's the Subsaharan part of the continent that shouldn't be called Africa, and not the other way around.
i think westerners care very much about africa history compared to other people, you ever see chinese or indian africa historian?
Meh, I don't care for the semantics. My point is to explain the concepts no matter what their name is.
simply this
America used to only refer to Brazil and the West Indies.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on anything else, but Ethiopia defintely did invent its own writing system:
Given that you were wrong about this I'm pretty skeptical about your other assertions
Derived, just like Phoenician (and by extension every other non-East Asian writing system in use today) from the Canaanite writing system, which developed from Egyptian hieroglyphs. They didn't really invent a writing system, although they did modify an existing N. African one.
africa is literally irrelevant
Egypt and Ethiopia are relevant
I unironically find the history of Africa to be pretty interesting, especially when considering places like Mali and Ethiopia. I think people who like history are missing out if they instantly dismiss it because "niggurz r dum," but I guess that's their call desu
All of those are derived from Arab incursions.
I find it interesting too but irl people say
>but niggers xD
>vikings and knights are cooler xD
>muh ninjas
Aztecs are barely any better but at least they incorporate their shit in international modern day society.
And the Romans were heavily influenced by the Greeks who themselves were very heavily influenced by Near Eastern civilizations. What's your point? Having foreign influence doesn't somehow negate the achievements of a civilization, in fact it's been a pretty large factor in the development of nearly all great civilizations throughout history to some extent.
I don't get why people keep using this meme argument but always fail to apply it consistently
Fucking this a thousand times. Why is it only expected from white people to have a globalized worldview nobody bitches about other people being self-centric?
Success breeds jealousy. Europeans literally conquered the entire world so everyone else is eager to point they are "superior" to Europeans or had some advantage over Europeans.
Some young Chinese people pretend to be open to other cultures until they leave the country and call them shit anyways.
It is just a fact that the most relevant events in history involve mostly nerdy white men advancing technology.
Being unable to accept this and demanding excessive attention be paid to Africa is wrong.
What westerners always forget is that China is a lefty state meaning that multiculturism is a state enforced policy.
>but always fail to apply it consistently
Because they view history like sports, and they have favorite teams they cheer for.
Are you sure about that?
Maybe on paper...
>doesn't allow non-Han Chinese people to vote
You know whats really hilarious?
These black retards still call the continent they live on by the name white people gave it.
>Han culture and language being forced onto everybody
>Han people being shipped into areas with large Tibetan, Tocharian, Hmong and Mongolian populations to make them a minority in their own home
The Chinese Republic pushed the multiculturalism, which is what the different colors on the flag were about. The Commies have no such care about that.
>black retards speak in the language white people developed
Lol. Is this bait or are you actually that retarded?
What history? Not even the wheel. Legit in my Ancient History college course we discussed evolution and mankind coming from Africa, and didn't talk about them for at least 3 more chapters (northern Africa doesn't count).
So wouldn't that devalue white people too since Latin and Cyrillic and whatever else are just derivatives of brown people scripts?
Unless of course the peoples of the near east were all white
>Unless of course the peoples of the near east were all white
That depends on how you define "white". That's a trick question, by the way, as there is no way to define white. Sure everyone can agree that northern Europeans are white but even if you get to southern Europe and a lot of people, lot of ordinary non Veeky Forums racist, people think they're not white white. These scripts were derived from Semitic people of the ancient Middle East which are a shade darker than southern Europeans but can get very pale. If you've ever seen an Arab in Sweden you know how fucking pale they can get.
>most of them didn't even have cities
>most of them didn't even have cities
>most of them didn't even have cities
>most of them didn't even have cities
>Koumbi Saleh
>Addis Ababa
>Zanzibar itself is a fucking city
>M'banza-Kongo/São Salvador
>animal husbandry
Being pale doesn't mean you are white. Aboriginals are dark but they aren't black.
Wow! Look at all those slave empires who did nothing but enslave other blacks so that they could sell them for stuff they could never acquire on their own!
How many 'white friends' do you have?
I also feel the need to infer your skin colour is a greenish purple with blue spots and that 'your kind' love salsa because you all believe it burns well in water.
Why is that?
Same answer. Prejudice on the part of the inquirer.
Grow up, it's 2016 going on 2017.
Geographical africa =! Geopolitical Africa
It might be something to do with the Saharan idk mang
Weirdly enough all of those cities were founded by imperialists... hmmmmmm