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Best Elite for Best Girl

Operation Chimera TTS is LIVE
Outbreak TTS LIVE



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God damn even the gun skins look awful for that elite set

second for FBI power couple

Who is the best OP for Outbreak and why is it Ying?

worst elite for best girl = meh

mag-fed lmg vs zombies = win
reloading the 6p41 is a fucking pain in the ass

she has like no unique lines though

>R4C, Silenced PMM, Impacts and Claymore recruit
most fun

>But what about the Rule 34 of the IQ Elite Set?

why would you pick claymores

I found them good for defending rooms, I didn't like taking a nitro in Outbreak

Is there any point in using the fmg9 for Smoke?

what trend comes after all the 80's nostalgia in media has been pumping out the last couple years?


I think anything else would be more useful, impacts, nitro, smoke, flash. All of them have their uses and are quicker.

So the red camo is theoretically useful for brick walls right? In fiction it’s probably for the red detritus in the outbreak, but it’s meant for brickwork, right?

which female operator is most likely to be into anal

>13 / 4 / 11 / 1
you can only pick from clays and C4 on the recruit in that slot afaik

Nu-90s and then Nu-00s infused with the 80s, then the 90s.

She looks pretty young for a 40 something year old German Woman

not sure where I highlighted these numbers, weren't meant to be in this post

whats with the numbers?

Anyone know exactly when the current ranked season ends and the next one begins? Is it on the day Chimera comes out?


Imagine being this autistic.

If you suck so bad and can't use the SMG11.

17 bullets SUCKS

Doc with P90 is fucking mental in outbreak pandemic mode.

For EU fags, are servers messing up for anyone else right now?

I stopped playing about an hour ago but I was having mild rubberbanding right before I came off, is this what you mean?


I use it sometimes on long corridor maps. You can take a suppressor on it and it doesn't effect the damage too much.

Shotgun gives more utility, but sometimes it's good to have a 30 round mag for pushes.

>plat players
All this boosted ass shit, i swear

>last couple years?

Retro 80s aesthetic has been around since the 80s

your aim is terrible

>has been around
it's almost like there are variables in trends, as there is to anything

it's being heavily pushed in media way more now than the past decade

Montagne SUCKS

Yeah, it's a fad that started in subculture about 5 years ago, now it's played out and adverts and hip games and movies are trying to bank on it

It's been pretty constant for a pretty long time. If it was just a tend it wouldn't last years.

subculture to culture

It's just an aesthetic people like idiot.

how tho he got both of them

i want IQ's sexy soles on my face!

I bet ubi is going to either add skins a few years from now that make characters old, or to fill that 100 character quota a new character all together but old op

Post Dokkaebi killcams

Looked fine to me

Why does this fucking game lag every time I'm getting shot at but runs fine the rest of the time

Was this meant for PUBG?

>the only one with kills the first round that wins the round.
>second round defence.
>teammates are peeking like fucking retards and all die before the enemy even sets foot on the point.
>they vote-kick you out of the match.

Why guarantee your teams loss, lol.

your processor is so busy it takes some time to processes the extra load from the servers bullets reaching you, plus the damage and armor calculations. do you have an amd cpu?

I bought the new twitch set but I can't even use the famas, the recoil cucks me

>got home and there's only 30 minutes of outbreak left
>I had just finished downloading tts
>the one time I get to play I pick Tachanka whose turret is evidently nonfunctioning
We still won because I had both doc and Finika carrying but that sucked.

seeing that stupid fucking dokkaebi icon on the fucking phones just ruins my fucking immersion fuck you such a shit fucking operator isn't even a good fucking operator at all so fucking SHIT

Just answer your phone you stupid NEET

shut up nerd

The animation of switching off your phone is what bothers me. It's so fucking obnoxious.

Vigil should have been offense and dokkaebi defense.

Anyone bought the new Twitch bundle already? Could you post a picture with all the items equipped?


When are they making the basic 20 operators free? That's the only reason I haven't bought yet.

>playing on the live server when TTS is running

Ying's LMG is pretty good but you need to land a lot of headshots, otherwise the ttk is subpar (on pandemic at least)

When's outbreak go live anyway?

I'm pretty sure they will all be unlocked once the update comes out if you already own the game. Just buy the standard version and practice with the two free ops you get.

sauce mah men

I don't play ranked, just going off of my observations from casual.
>gold 2: "good"
>gold 1/plat 3: actually good
>plat 2: actually good+
>plat 1/diamond: best non-pros
is this accurate?

>playing with aids blitz and lion/finka in every match
id rather postpone that until they get to live

I don't know I'm silver 4

Gold-Plat: shitters too poor for boosts
Diamond: shitters who got boosted


I need more renown on Live tho

but then who was boost

I'm okay with it because it's cute.



Stop using the acog and try the holo.

kek, git gud

Can somebody post the VEK drawings of Siege panties please?

Thanks in advance.

why do anons keep suggesting crosshairs with less zoom as a way to control recoil better? is this a meme?

Where were Pulse and Castle during this Outbreak thing?

Eh, while 8 get what you're saying, I can't trust ubisoft that easily.

dead things dont have a heartbeat! and castle is useless!

I don't know.

they maybe could have had a modified version of his sensor that could help for stealth idk

Castle asks Pulse if he's got a chance with Valk. Pulse says no. The conversation ends.

Shouldn't Outbreak be called Rainbow 4?

Does the UBI TTS actually serve for any purpose at all? I mean at least in /overwatch/ when they want to implement new things and they try it out in the TTS they actually see the actual problems and make changes or even sometimes they just don't apply those new things into the base game because people it's not happy about it or the actual idea doesn't work at all.

But for some reason UBI TTS seems just for fixing actual bugs related with those new ideas but they will implement them any fucking way. For example 2 speed Blitz seems OP as fuck, many people said it but I think Ubi just doesn't give a shit about community opinions regarding this area and they always implement everything into the base game even being aware that sometimes are broken ideas

Dammit, that's fucking adorable.


they already 'nerfed' it but its barely a nerf

>R6 tts
>a week or two and ubi actually responds to what people say
>OW ptr
>things sit there for 2 months while the devs go on vacation and just put everything on live unchanged


small changes, minor bug fixes that dont affect gameplay.
i dont think they will address the whole anti recoil hack and blitz fuckery until next season.

The TTS has only been for upcoming content since Blood Orchid, and as far as I know there hasn't been any balance changes before the update goes live. You're right about them wanting to expose the new content to a large amount of people to work out any game breaking bugs before it goes live.
I would be shocked if they implemented any balance changes after the TTS ends.

>lose 8 out of 10 ranking matches horribly
>end up bronze 1
what the fuck? how do people get into copper?

lose all 10

by losing 10

Hey this is Jeff from the Overwatch team, back with another update. We found out that on the PTR, you guys seemed to enjoy the new changes to this one hero that we spent 10 minutes changing, and we will be pushing it on the live client next month with more cosmetics. We hope you enjoy our hard work.

the set isnt on the tts

It wasn't a nerf they said there was a bug and he was going 15% faster, but now its "working as intended". This is what I meant, they only use TTS for fixing bugs, the initial ideas that Ubi has will go into the game anyway, despite TTS test or not.

Interesting they gave Mira normal eyeblack with the pro league headgear instead of her usual "got run over by dirtbikes" look.

Reminder that we could've gotten any of these designs but instead we got a man woman with a dyke haircut.
8 is objectively the best