>be edgy alt-right faggot
>unironically like Byzantium better than the Ottomans because muh Rome
>post on /pol/ about how much better the world would be if Southeast Europe didn't get its collective ass kicked by an objectively cooler military than anything contemporarily existent in Christendom
>Somehow think it's a great victory for western civilization when the Russians, French, British, Italians, and Greeks collectively pounce on the decaying body of a once great empire and still manage not to take back Kostantiniyye
How are people so retarded?
Ottoman restoration when?
Be edgy alt-right faggot
>Russians, French, British, Italians, and Greeks collectively pounce on the decaying body of a once great empire and still manage not to take back Kostantiniyye
That's wrong though. Russia and Greece tried it but were both held back because the eternal Anglo and Baugette came to the Ottoman's aid
Russia would've taken Constantinople in the 1850s if it wasn't for the British.
IIRC the Byzantines used to be blamed for the Balkans being backwards
Nowdays its the Ottomans who are blamed
>tfw the Stupid Slavshit and Magyar Locals will never be blamed for their dinduism
>Be Entente consisting of all mentioned countries and more.
>Actually occupy Constantinople with your world class armies.
>Get assfucked by a rogue Ottoman officer who decides that he doesn't actually like the treaty the Porte signed
>the west loses Constantinople to the Turks for a second time and this time this time they decide to rename it just to make sure the Greeks can't whine about "their" city ever again.
>some mongrel between turkic peoples, semitic peoples and islam
you're ugly furry mehmet
>Greeks pretending to still matter after the Fourth Crusade get assfucked by a Mongol-Muslim-Roman army
>Elite corps of slave soldiers taken as children from christian families are then brainwashed to kill the people they were once a part of
>Navy that repeatedly fucks Venice supposed naval superpower and when they lose at Lepanto it doesn't matter because they just build a new fleet that's even more kickass and ready to kill more wannabe crusaders after construction is complete in Spring
>not cooler
>be edgy alt-right faggot
>unironically claim to like the Byzantines and hate the Turks
>ignore the fact that the Eastern Roman Empire's real deathblow came from fellow Christfag Crusaders in 1204
How many Bulgarians do the Byzantines have to blind for them to not get worshiped by balkanaboos?
Southeast Europe would be a much better place for starters.
who cares m8
Greeks gave us culture
some meme wars centuries ago won't change that
Make Constantinople Constantinople Again
The reason the Balkans are fucked, is the because a mixture of Slavic, Turkish and Greek culture is the worst possible cultural combination ever conceived.
Don't you have some geometry work or something you can do kid?
I find Byzantium more interesting 2bh, and I prefer it's aesthetics.
I don't wank over reclaiming Istanbul/Constantinople though
The true non-ideological Veeky Forumstorian knows that the city would be a total pool of shit no matter what because Greeks are just as bad as Turks.
>Damn it's shit
>Greeks will make it better
I'm not alt right but the comeback to that is
>it was venetian jews not crusaders
sorry what Veeky Forums approved term do you want me to use you boylover faggot?
Those guys are not Veeky Forums they are /pol/
I don't understand why people get so upset about the Ottomans in Constantinople. It was a shithole when the Ottomans took it, they hadn't done anything of note since the 12th century and the city's most impressive monuments had been built almost a thousand years ago. The Ottomans turned a bunch of crumbling ruins into pic related by 1556 AD.
They lost control of Anatolia to the turks before 1204, but i bet you don't know this
Right and it was a creepy depopulated shithole.
>[1171] Toward the end of Manuel I Komnenos's reign, the number of foreigners in the city reached about 60,000–80,000 people out of a total population of about 400,000 people.[61]
> In 1453, when the Ottoman Turks captured the city, it contained approximately 50,000 people.[76]
They do white people shit on the turks for taking an underpopulated but still highly defensible city but when you argue about how badly defended Jerusalem was in the first crusade you get stuff like
>haha turkshit
>deus vult
>And Mehmed II spoke softly, ten thousand men on horseback listened, another ten thousand infantry resting in pools of blood, Roman and Turk alike. He smile before stepping into the city:
>"Know ye all that we did not conquer this city for man's ambitions and his greed. Neither for want nor need. We conquer to flourish Rome as a better Empire, we unite East and West at the City of World's Desire. We are neither Muslim nor Christian, neither Turk nor Rum. We are Man, and Man does because he can, God watches, and blesses him for his courage."
user, boşalıyorum gece gece.
Massacre of the Latins.
Also, the whole Fourth Crusade was the fucking Greeks' fault anyway.
>Choosing a false religion empire that contributed nothing to the world directly
Don't worry, Erdogan will fulfill your wish.
The Byzantines were the reason the Balkans were pretty good in the middle ages.
The Ottomans left the Balkans in a worse shape than it was when they arrived.
To be honest i'm impressed by the Bulgarians, Greeks and Serbs. A little bit less with the Greeks. They managed to make SOMETHING out of shit. Bulgarians and Serbs get bonus points for having 50 years communism as an additional setback.
Constantinople would have been reclaimed long ago if it wasn't for the eternal anglo
turks are useless
nevermind the fact that they can't build great monuments or create fine art, they can't even maintain it.