League of Legends general - /lolg/

Kai'sa edition

>ywn treat Riven with love and kindness she has not felt in years


Reminder to take all lewdposting to


>tfw starting to feel sexually attracted to a certain yodle
what do?

Brand mid is fun. Laning is clunky, but that doesn't really matter once everyone starts grouping


>top lane


why is fucking with low level players so fun and stress relieving


>Finally get a void champ
>It's bland devientart OC slut
And she'll probably be the last void character before this shit game dies or the next ~3 years, whichever comes first.

>Play Warwick
>Do 3 camps then clear top side scuttles
>90% of the time enemy Jungler will do his first gank as I'm doing scuttles and be either Top or Mid
>Use W to countergank for FB
I am blown away, BLOWN AWAY by how often this works.


damn these artists work quick

Literally the only reason they do is for the reddit karma/advertisement for their shitty deviant art. I would bet 99% of those faggots don't even know the fucking abilities of the champ.

>Stomp bot lane
>Midgame is a struggle because Mid and Top got shat on
>ADC "we need to end before their bot lane catches up"
>Hit Tab
>Enemy Sona has Sorcs and a Sheen, enemy Ashe is almost done with her bork
God I love Silver.

How long do you think it took Shyvana and DracoZyra to get all those loads from the guy?

I wasn't aware that the new champ was Kim Kardashian

Only low elo shitters brag about being good with sona/lux/ziggs/Xerath in that mode.

can I get a ... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Would you fiercely cuddle Koggles?

Is Volibear good now?

fuck that champion is so fucking lewd MAN

nice cropping shitlord

>Not doing your camps and scuttle then running into their jungle and kicking their asses

He's certainly more fun

How was your day /lolg/? I hope you did your best!

I'm going to pick Lucian in your ranked games and you can't stop me.

>support players cant even crop picture in ms paint


nice to know that kog can be halfway to full build and oneshotting everyone for 7.5k gold whereas my 2 item core costs 6.5 k
and kog got buffed to
great thinking riot

>Play Volibear
>Dump on the enemy Kha so hard that he AFKs

What do I build on fiddle jungle to do some big damage? I built some janky full ap build and even though I had 2-5k gold lead on everyone i struggled to 1 shot people even without mr, fiddle feels really item specific.

Wait a second - if they FINALLY buffed Volibear into playable/viable territory... then this practically confirms that his VGU's happening this year, no?

Has this artist drawn Nami? They have a cute style

What's going on here

The game is unironically in its best state when ADCs are severely underpowered but still have a designated place on a team as siege bitch/tower taker despite that.

>hover champion
>person under me hovers champion long afterward
>Champion goes to the autist who mashed his mouse button and happened to be pressing the button down as the window opened to pick

looks like a mushroom to me

>tfw this has nothing to do with ADC power itself and everything to do with spastic ADHD kids not playing ADC

No if anything it confirms the VGU won't be happening soon. Since it'll be a long while till the VGU happens they might as well buff him so he's playable until then.

It'd be a pretty bizarre looking penis if that's what it is.

Last years mid-season was pretty damn good tbqh. IIRC the only real issues were Duskblade/lethality but other than that it felt like most of the subclasses in all roles were viable in some way or form. Then everything went to total shit when the Ardent Censer meta came into view.

>ardent is gone but the hyper carry meta remains because it's genuinely the optimal strategy regardless of how strong they are and has been since season 2, and the general playerbase is only just cluing into how to play the game


i'm worried about the "making bot lane a viable choice for other champions" shit they're trying to pull this midseason
hopefully bot doesn't become even more asscancer

If hyper carries actually had weak laning phases this wouldn't be a thing

not a real deek

>Riot removes Tracker's Knife because of ESPORTS
>Lee Sin didn't get anything for it

Are we gonna start seeing Lee Sins (and maybe Jaxes) build relic shield and roam for executes in top and mid?

>play DotA
>somebody from LoL tries to tell me any champion in their game has a weak laning phase, especially when jungler is a mandatory position on every team

No League champ will ever have a laning phase as totally crippled as a DotA hard carry like old faceless void and that's a serious problem.

Dear artists of the world.
Please stop drawing worst girl, ahri, and worster girl sona.
There are nearly 50 other female champs to draw. Please get some tastes.

Well this was an interesting game to get D2 on.
Reminder to main top lane so you mostly play against auto fill and collect your free lp.

good artists draw lulus

>let's just directly remove sources of vision from the game instead of increasing the amount of ways to detect and destroy wards, increasing vision turnover
>removing vision will make the pros play less safe!
these devs my man

This is what I don't understand. Why are hypercarries also allowed to have some of the strongest laning phases. Also any time something can counter hypercarries (draven, jhin, mf) it gets nerfed to oblivion because of autistic vayne mains crying on reddit

>reminder to play a boring non interactive champ so you can't lose

>drawing chestlets


Exactly. The fact that ranged lategame carries actually have meaningful right clicks at level 1-3 is a fucking abomination.

nice meme topbab

Leave the japs to her.
That's where the best Lulus come from.

Looks like a finger.

>Someone picks Lee Sin.
>Falls behind in XP and becomes useless
Wew lad, maybe you low elo people should stop playing this dogshit.

Tell me more about your shit region

they should just blatantly copy DotA's ward system at this point.

Threadly reminder that if anyone actually likes Yordles they are Pedophiles and should be hung in the streets,


>Bone plating
>Second Wind
>Doran's shield
Try bullying me out of lane now

>he thinks i play on NA
why would i play on that shit server?

It also doesn't help that hyper carries are TOO reliable because 95+% of their damage is done by auto attacks, and also have the highest damage period. ADCs should have the safest and most reliable damage with the highest uptime (not gated by mana or cooldowns, auto attacks don't miss), but still have to land their abilities to facilitate maximum damage so 100% of their DPS isn't completely reliable and unavoidable, while being outdamaged by other classes IF those other classes with much more drastic room for error don't make any errors.

The game becomes such a shit show when an ADC crits me for 630 damage, and a mage's ability that costs mana, has a cooldown, and can miss does less.

This man is correct

Every region except KR is shit.

but yordles are cute

OCE is the smartest region

So now that the dust has settled, what's the consensus on nuSwain?


shit and boring

Man I don't even know

he's like warwick, a solid rework honestly not op or bad


And because the carry potential is tied almost entirely to items, the lane bully marksman still scale well enough to be the big endgame carry, only outmatched by the late game marksman. As opposed to DotA where the midgame carries don't build the same things as Void or Spectre

old swain was nuSwain faggot.
all jokes aside, hes really good if you take the time to practice him, sorta like riven or yasuo but much less games (around 30 to master his combo)


woefully unpowered
gimmicky combo mage
Everyone he was strong against he is now weak against

Everything except the gameplay is 10/10

/r Swainmains is a literal dumpster fire of hate along with every thread on the forums

expect a gameplay revert to a skill or two soon

This is part of another problem - Riot decided somewhere that forcing a glass cannon ranged attacker as the only carry allowed was a good idea. This mean all Marksman are balanced on the same single dimension - can they kill it fast enough. That's why ADC's have always had the worst build variation and been a holy trinity, because they are the ones that do it the best with the current Designated Marksman Build(tm) which is just the one that maximized damage output.


"Shotgun lightning is one of the most fun spells in the game to use, he just does shit for damage"

How people forget to take smite going jg?

so how does one build mana sustain on ap champs now? do you start tear or straight into ludens?

just go archangels.

all mana sustain now turns into one item so pick either tear or manabook then upgrade that into the best fucking AP item in the game now.

????? lost chapter

>Get ganked and killed
>Enemy Zac dives me again as soon as I come back to lane
>And again as soon as I come back to lane
Ah. This is how Hashinshin feels.

>They do the thing where they gank you between your outer and inner turrets as you walk to lane

I want to master TK. What are some non click bait mains to actually watch couple of videos?



fuck off

I fucking hate that every control mage is now based around some STUPID fuckign gimmick combo trash instead of just having a collection of abilites that work well together.

Shit like Taliyah is where they just press all buttons at once to insta-gib is fucking turbo cancer.

Cassiopea , Anivia and Viktor are examples of what control mages should be not this LOOK MOM I LANDED DE COMBO HAHAHA LOOK I DID 90% OF HIS HP BAR MOMMY! trash

>no HUNK champion
what the heck riot???

Not sure any exist, Dong Huap occasionally plays him but not sure if you'd consider him high-elo.

There's that one Korean onetrick who got rank 1 with him, you could try watching some of his replays. Just don't do Glacial Augment unless you know what you're doing.

>People think Hashshinshin is a good player.

I was excited to play Velkoz because Q sniping seemed like the coolest shit but no he's just another mash all your buttons enemy dies because COMBO mage

>release Kass' daughter finally after nearly 10 years
>only has like 4 lines about Kass and they're enemy only
Bravo Riot