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inb4 d.va autists

8 placements lost, 2 to go.

What the FUCK is going on?


first for Recluse

I was supporting his argument, I was referring to the other person arguing with me.

Is it impossible for a Sombra to work with her team? Try it some time. Or go cry in a corner of your room and wait a couple months for Blizzard to maybe give her the nerf you've been dreaming of. It's not like Sombra has the only way to stop a D.Va. Christ.

The game isn't limited to the dick-measuring contest that is Competitive, user.

Tell me when you hit Diamond anyway.

It's like asking for penis sizes on Veeky Forums. Everyone has a goliath cock, everyone is high SR.

Wholesome OP for a wholesome team of nice boys.

Here comes T.Racer!

>I was supporting his argument, I was referring to the other person arguing with me.
I asked you before, what the fuck are you even on about?

>m-muh dva nerfs

>whoever draw this legitimately thought she'd make it into the game looking like THAT

[darkness and edginess]Hi![/darkness and edginess]

11.5" and 4600 SR btw

God damn, what an awful character design.

stage 2 is going to be a gook slaughter

i-is this a porno

OW coms are 20 IQ

I was mid plat last season. I guarantee it will dump me in gold, all I am seeing is gold shitters who bitch about everyone else playing worse than them.

I was supporting the quoted person's point about Sombra working with the team to hack D.Va. This person was replying to the asshat that I was arguing with. Thus, I joked that said asshat may be incapable of teamwork. That's what the fuck I was on about.

>is it impossible for a sombra to work with her team?
I provided specific reasons why your plan is not reliable, you can work with your team, but why is the enemy team working together not allowed in your universe? You know what, don't bother even replying, you don't even play comp, so I really don't know why anyone would take your opinion seriously

Why are you posting battleborn heroes?

honestly climbing out of gold in a few hours isn't hard so long as you're not support

I was the quoted person. I thought what you said was pretty clear. Not sure what the other person is confused about.

when does the next season start?

also post soe because I missed her

Let me turn off bloom

Can someone stop Eqo?

You must be new to the game and the general.


>This person was replying to the asshat that I was arguing with. Thus, I joked that said asshat may be incapable of teamwork. That's what the fuck I was on about.
Umm sweetie. He replied to me, my post wasn't an argument. It was simply stating that hacking D.VA is funny since she has three abilities to interrupt.
That's why it makes no sense to see you reply with:
>He's still going to find a way to shit on this, I guarantee it. Then again, there might be a slight chance that "working with your team" might be familiar concept to him.

Since I never argued with you. I quoted both posters, unless you were samefagging yourself??? It just comes off as a completely missed mark. You're calling people asshats when they're not arguing with you, it's very rude.

You can't really do anything about genji, you can try running quad tank.

cute concept widow

I know what recluse is, that doesn't make that design any less shit

see It's clearly a case of mistaken identity or they never managed to interpret the replies properly. Either way a very poor display from the other person.

This is Lena "T.Racer!" Oxton with her best friend in the whole world, Winston! Say something nice about them!

No less shit than the character designs we do have.

soundquake when?

>EQO's real name is Josh Corona

A Latino Jew. Interesting

I got one fucking day.

Gold is a fucking sandtrap.

I know who she is, that doesn't mean her design would be allowed into the game that actually came out.

My whole point is that hacking D.Va with Sombra is something that can work on D.Va. Even if both teams are on a pro level. It's a possibility and it works if it is executed properly. I've said from the fucking beginning that Sombra does NOT have the only means of stopping a D.Va. It's not my fault you're an autistic retard that gets his jimmies rustled over a fucking video game character.


You know he could be muslim
or c*ristian

Gabe was made for bullying.

each time i see fusion, cannot stop thinking on half life hev suit

>calling someone an asshat off the bat
>when it's not even the same person you were internet fighting with
The STATE of D.VA mains. They expect us to believe that they're skilled when they can't follow a conversation?

delete this, family

Just in case I wasn't clear about what I thought of your opinion, you don't even play comp, you can't pretend that your experience playing people who are fucking around in qp and arcade gives you a good understanding of the game, this much is clear from your posts anyway
>lol mad autist
No, you just have a couple of stupid ideas, I'm calling them and you stupid

He could be an atheist, a satanist or a scientologist. Shit don't matter unless he's planning on murdering in the name of his religion.

To this day, I don't understand why they would make Lucio Brazilian if he likes hockey so much. Does Brazil even have ice rinks? Just make him Canadian, for crying out loud. Canada's a very multicultural country and liking hockey here is par with the course.

Possibly Sephardic. Sephardi Jews are Jews that are of Iberian (Spanish or Portuguese) descent. A lot of them live in Israel. Jews with the last name Stein, Schwartz, Greenberg, etc, are of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) origin.

something nice about them!

Cadey Mercury

>in QP
>team chooses a garbage comp
>obviously lose
>they rage leave
What did they think would happen? I hope none of you guys do this

I think Lucio was planned to be Canadian, but Blizzard needed someone from South America

>in QP
What did you think would happen? I hope none of you guys do this.

they are pretty cute together

This is Stormfront 2.0 aka Neo Veeky Forums, of course it matters.

According to who?

What is a better lucio:
>the flanking dps Lucio
>the constantly healing Lucio
>the idort Lucio

I think I got all I can. Pretty sure that green dude is Orisa. Look at the legs.

Defensive Lucio wins games, but dps Lucio is really fun

>Green dude
user, you know she was literally just pieced together from three characters, right? She wasn't an existing character/design.

lucio is a support, he should be helping his team, not trying to imitate some guy on twitch

Israel was created to basically be the melting pot of Jews. You don't have to be Jewish to live there, but it's the intention of the nation.

It's ironic though since the majority of Jews who live there aren't religious. The Jewish Israeli soldiers have tattoos, eat pepperoni pizza and go clubbing on Friday nights. Being Jewish is a religion, not an ethnicity, but since they don't really the laws, it's more of a culture.

The lucio who has a mic, knows when to speedboost, and informs his team before using amp it up when low.

Comp players and their superiority complexes am I right?

There's already a fair share of North American heroes, so I would understand that. Maybe they already had those hockey skins planned out before saying he's from South America? Oh well.

I don't care, don't reply to me.


The best Lucio is one who knows when to dip out to confirm a kill and gets back to the team quickly

I mean, hockey in Brazil exists but it's not that popular.

>Comp players and their superiority complexes am I right?
Which autist are you arguing with? D.va autist? GM show ur rank autist or the junk autist?

gottem, user, you sure got that last word in, chalk up another internet argument victory

What if Genji had a baseball skin?


Exactly, what nigga rage quits in quick play like it's comp

and a bucket of chicken emote

I like the way you worded your post. No member of the human race would willingly play QP.


Genji/Hanzo were originally the same character.


Why does nobody love our 80's anime queen? even Ana had more fanart in the same time window since her release

Love Arrow Shoot!

If I'm playing really badly in QP and we're getting stomped because of it I usually leave the game as early as possible so that my team can get a backfill that plays better than me.

I think Orisa was designed a bit later so they could have an unconventional female character

Ana was an interesting character with interesting ties to the cast. Mother of one character, existing member of a team and possible love interest for the older heroes.
Moira's just kind of bland, feels shoe-horned in and launched in the worst meta of Overwatch where it lost players.

I'm honestly not surprised she may not have as much art.

The kid was. Orisa was cobbled together to replace Rein. It's the only reason she exists.

Also, you know, thirsty virgins don't like androgyny.

Boring character, boring design, lazy kit that's braindead and OP


>make one reply()
>two autists pick up the torch and have a 100-post facedown

how many low tier teams have to be carried by superstar Korean DPS for them to just ban whitey from playing DPS roles?

He already plays catch with Bastion.

Sombras voice is annoying and her character is racist against latinos such as myself.

Mostly because she's not a waifu type, plus she doesn't have that many interesting interactions in-game. Honestly I like her a lot more than I initially thought I would but there doesn't seem to be that much effort put into her dialogue with the other characters despite the potential being there.

She's not racist you're just a bitch

She needs to have something beyond "muh science" and more character interactions

>her character is racist against latinos such as myself.
Yeah bullshit. Mexicans love stereotypes like Speedy Gonzalez.

Tracer's voice is annoying and her character promotes negative stereotypes of brits such as myself.