Previous >[Chaldea Boys Collection] Period: 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-01 03:59 UTC Amakusa Shirou, Astolfo and Child Gil will be on rateup for the entire duration Vlad III, Zhuge Liang and Nikola Tesla will have rateups alongside Amakusa on 02/25, 02/26 and 02/27 respectively Exchange the "CBC2018 Special Invitation" sent to your present box for a free CE New Interludes for Diarmuid, Beowulf and Medea Lily
>[Half AP Story Quests and Challenge Quest Announcement] Half AP Period (story quests only): 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC Prison Tower event will begin on 03/01
>[News] Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
>mfw I'm only really here for the cute pics that get posted Feels good man.
David Hill
Hudson Cooper
Use me. I am the strongest arts lancer in the game.
William Clark
Can someone post their highest top quality nightingale images?
Ryan Martinez
Good choice
Ryan Roberts
Have you gotten everything you've wanted so far /alter/? Be honest. If so, which one got away?
Matthew Scott
Hopeman did nothing wrong
Nathan Green
How do I make her real? I'm so desperate.
Noah Reyes
Does anyone has that picture of seibah when she is arms open with white flowers behind her? I lost it and I want a new wallpaper
Julian Lopez
5 facts about Alter Jannu! 1. Alter Jannu is cute! 2. Alter Jannu is my wife! 3. Alter Jannu has smelly feets! 4. Alter Jannu is not reddit! 5. J/alter/!
Joshua Bailey
David Morgan
what would you do if you had a servant? for me I would do stuff like taking a dump and right when the turd is about to come out, I call for my servant to manifest in front of me to witness my shit face
Brayden Reed
Am I going too far with the memes here?
Mona Lisa sure feels like one
Colton Martinez
Here friend
Dylan Lewis
Also post astolfos.
Mason Powell
He missed his most important kill, the one that cucked his fiancee. He let the banker get away for free and gave him 50k franc.
Michael Cooper
>Herc at lvl 60 but has his bond CE
Elijah James
Lack of lewd monk in the OP made me sad, we still haven't had a Helena OP yet.
Xavier Cox
Just level your pokemon and you'll be ok
Jeremiah Cooper
Me too friend. Have another Fran.
Caleb Cox
Luke Ortiz
Is astolfo a rare pickup, or is he common in banners? Because I really want him for the casual wear but really want to save for jalter
Colton Ross
Musashi is actually from an AU, even within Fate
Daniel Lewis
Wyatt Clark
Christopher Bailey
Tell me about Jannu. Why are her feets so stinky?
Ian Brooks
Fionn is actually pretty cool glad to see him not getting meme as anymore
Jeremiah Garcia
I didnt even see that. My fucking sides. >mfw someone tried to add me with all 5* servants in all support slots >the highest level was 58
Aaron Russell
Oliver Hernandez
Don't forget she's afraid of yogurt too!
Charles Brown
>left to right What the fuck?
Nathaniel Campbell
who's the chick?
Jose Nelson
>5k mana prism >Bond herc >Yet Herc is 60 >And all his servants are unusable low-level literally and on memelist What?
Brandon James
The only one I have saved with her.
Aiden Johnson
Mines going to be level 1
Christopher Wood
Levi Lewis
Connor King
Is reddit material
Ethan Roberts
These are terrible.
Not even an image
Luke Campbell
I regret leveling him up
Ryder Gonzalez
His end in Gankutsuou is absolutely beautiful, so fucking satisfying if you're more in the vengeance mood and less so the redemption one.
Jose Harris
I suprassed Raita /alter/? Can i work for Type-Moon now?
Aaron Price
Holy mother of cracks
Joshua Thompson
semicucks cucked yet again lmao
Hunter Wright
what species of giraffe is that?
Kevin Nelson
You too
James Miller
>Euryale finally confessed she loves me in my room I did it bros.
Henry Reed
>takes 200 4* EXP (with class-bonus) to get a servant from Lv50-80 Jesus Christ. You're gonna have to wait a bit longer Nursery Rhyme. Like, "6 months" or so 'longer'.
Camden Thomas
nice try cuck, go prep asterios
Connor Wood
>Not even an image no it's better, but here you go
Elijah Sanders
>getting tricked into prepping the bull OHNONONO
Lucas Price
>bullied meduseless to insanity best to keep those two at arms length
Leo Hernandez
She got another one.
Tyler Stewart
Daniel Perez
You guys are just angry that your own servant doesn't love you as much as Euryale loves me.
Andrew Powell
>He thinks that's bad Just you wait until you grail a servant to lvl 100.
Ian Morris
He got blocked from his last kill. Might even be worse since it was his gay NotSon that forced the Cavern King from his body leaving him dead before he could witness the one that NTRed him die. The NTRman even got a fucking redemption ending. The only good part was that the banker got fucked real good, but is still shit.
Jeremiah Taylor
Why user, where's all your mats
All the exp cards, where did they go? Did you turn everything into memes for mona lisa?
Grayson Williams
got anymore pregnant servants?
Brandon Carter
Josiah Diaz
I burned him. Don't need useless 1 star berserkers
Christian Taylor
Motherfucker, Euryale comes to my Chaldea every other FP roll. On a 10 roll she's there 90% of the time.
Josiah Wood
I got a bunch of big titty servants. So I'm happy.
Angel Perez
Not really. I only want kiyohime lancer. And I'm skipping her for next summer if she's not on single rate up.
Carson Price
What do you honestly think of Amakusa Tokisada Shirou-In-Your-Semiramis?
Colton Young
I didn't think it was that bad, however that was two levels at a time
Waiting for a servant you want then dumping all grails at once is a different matter
Levi Robinson
>Implying I have to keep locking my doors cause Bryn keeps wanting to kill me and lewd book keeps trying to suck my dick
Nathaniel Cox
But my Medea Lily KISSED me! In MY room.
Adam Russell
That's actually why I'm in such dire straits. I've got Waver rotting away at Lv77 and Jack at 86 too.
Matthew Gray
I have rolled over a thousand FP rolls. I still don't have Ushi.
Camden Edwards
Yep. Also got a bunch of top tier gameplay servants as well.
Ethan Cook
So did Jason
Alexander White
Nigger what the fuck was you doing during Valentine?
Wyatt Harris
no u
Jaxon Martin
>Jeanne Alter Remember that she's a special snowflake class so you don't get any class EXP bonuses.
Gavin Murphy
Was this the only case of changing the art? Wonder why they did it
Noah Robinson
jack every thread until she has her banana buddy
Nicholas Ross
just get some super succs lol
Kevin Cooper
You kissed Jason?
Juan Ramirez
Background isn't finished and that expression + bedroom eyes
Noah Torres
I'm going to ejaculate inside her
Nicholas Collins
Rolling FP. I can't go all out since I actually want to make an attempt at Angra Mainyu (and hopefully I'll get her during one of like 5000 rolls) but it's painful doing my daily 10 and not getting her.
Owen Foster
>class cards for avenger Are you fucking stupid?
Elijah Nelson
You get a class EXP bonus with the any 4* EXP which is what he saved from events likely
Bentley Jackson
Look at her stockings
Brody Richardson
It's the boys banner. The homos are coming out of the woodwork.
Charles Thomas
This reminds me of the Journey to the West chapter where most of the party got m-pregnant.
Grayson Walker
Yea but I mean they changed her entire expression too
Adam Wood
I didn't get Bride and I'm still mad
Connor Miller
The 450 or so "class match" EXPs I have written down there are All EXPs scavenged from events and login bonuses. She gets the bonus from those despite being an Avenger.
I hope I get the Succ because I'd like to save some for Raikou.
Noah Lewis
Colton Wright
Are you? You know what type of EXP you get through daily logins, events, and the shop right?
Sebastian Thomas
Yes, I mean who wouldn't? Are you fucking gay?
Jaxson Price
cuz that glove matching the nearest stocking is a poor ascetic choice, it fucks with the symmetry
Sebastian Hernandez
>Stheno kissed me >I got kissed by a literal goddess Is there a single story arc better than Okeanos?
Ryder Phillips
No you fucking idiot, she gets the bonus from any exp card, you fucking imbecile
Jonathan Miller
4 tickets, I wanted some event CE. Sucks to be you. Rolling apathethic is the only way.
Lucas Butler
That smile is too perfect. They were worried it would distract players.