League of Legends General - /lolg/


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Camille is an old bitch lmao

volibear is still shit
do not fall for the falseflaggers trying to get you to lose your games

Hey guys.

I've gone back to maxing Q on Illaoi.

Jinx is a cute!

Comfy GFs!

Never bully your support!
Honor your support after every game!
yes! Even if it is Lux or Zoe!

>losing streak
>do not feel tilted in any way

But if my support makes a mistake, I have to bully them so they don't do it again.

xth for Leviticus 20 13

How can I honor zoe support if I dodge it?

>playing male champions
lol faggots

zoe was a mistake

>Break my literal back trying to carry these monkeys

But if my adc makes a mistake, I have to bully them so they don't do it again. Because we all know adcs ALWAYS makes the mistakes.

No! You don't!
Just tell them what's wrong with their playstyle!
I don't know?! 39%?!
What how?!

didn't you already say that

justify yourself

explain the 54% winrate if he's so shit

im a faggot
what is wrong with it
meet me in game and call me faggot then, nigger

What if Tristana was your big sister?

she's got 40% win rate in mid too. Riot broke her legs, good riddance

is zoe still pick/ban or did the nerfs bring her down to "oh neat i didn't literally get oneshot from 2 screens away" territory?

daily reminder reddit whining is the sole reason champions get nerfed

zoe didn't deserve this

No need to!
but if they are toxic sure! bully them!

uninstalled the game after 5 years of playing. feelsgoodman


Poor Zoe :( !
But Zed is somehow okay for riot and they BUFF him too!
I never played her mid and I played her for fun in normals only anyway!

Kai'sa is fun as FUCK

Release her already rito

Said what?

Don't make me wait for them to give me a reason to bully. They need to know how to take the pain.

>any champion with wr lower than that's of Ryze
We live in the darkest timeline

>>crying about a useless tank jungler with no mobility
>sure... that happened
t.mad invisicat

If an adc makes a mistake, it reflects badly on the support.

I do, via stern bullying. Simply pointing out what's wrong won't do at all. You have to micro manage some supports sometimes.

I treat her like my younger sister.

rengar with predator
just why

This destroys the AD babby

Ryze's win rate went way up this patch, new archangels is way better on him. They'll probably nerf him because of competitive again.

im a nigger
what is wrong with it
meet me in game and call me nigger then, cuck


>yoso's style
Well, it is but it's not. This piece of Kai'Sa is pretty different from his other works - there's a wildness to it. It's reminding me of the style of Tsugumomo's author.

so is he back or not?

good for you

this game without friends does terrible things to your healt

>nerfing ryze
Please no
the mana dmg bonus from q from the new archangel is 90 now and spellbind works good on him


I literally cannot possibly get better at his game.
I've peaked at bronze and im never getting better.

Anyone for draft normals?

i cant understand why they changed rengar again
he was ok, i played him many times before rework and after and he was fun to play, now its just press Q to kill enemy adc xDxDxD look im pro player haahaha so fun rengar

Can't wait for Zoe to come back through buffs and watch people cry because they still can't dodge spears

No! That's wrong!
Negativity will make you lose lane!
Oh! That's no bullying!
Good user!

Have you tried not being a literal fucking vegetable

>it reflects badly on the support.
The only thing that is reflecting is the adc's mistake so big that the support can fix it. In which the support is a moral and legal right to bully their adc.

Fuck it, lets just have Support bully adc all the time to avoid all the adc's mistakes in the first place!

The AA enhance feels way better and offers more build variety. It's really that simple.

>winrate doesn't even go up a single percentile


This patch is probably one of the best patches Riot had put out.
>Top Lane is now fun again. Tanks are stronger, Bruisers are stronger, Press the attack is now completely viable for duelists
>Twin Shadows is back
>Meme mask is completely viable for top lane AP mages
>support item buff
>Zoe is garbage now
>Shyvana is garbage again
>ADCs are now nothing more than tower bots

So who are the best heros for each role in solo q?

>arguing with support players
Support mains are good for one thing and it is not supporting their place is under the desk

>>support item buff

they shit all over the % damage


>Viktor at 48%

Yeah boiiiiiiiiiii.

Feels a little bad seeing Syndra that far down though. Does she not like new Luden's? I thought she'd love it.

no shit

yes she did. her play pattern was unhealthy as fuck and way too good for doing nothing but fishing with spam poke. Meddler broke her legs with a baseball bat to try and see if he can't put her back together in a tolerable state in the future. i doubt it, but that's up to him to do and if he was willing to go this far to put her down i trust he'll keep her down.

fuck zoe. in the ass. with a cheese grater. and make her lick it afterwards.

pretty good for an amputee

im on a 5 losing streak and on the verge of demotion, 6 picks what champion i play for the entirety of gold


syndra is and will forever be shit

>most damage
>great shotcalling
>2v4 quad
>everyone honors jungler
yeah ok thanks

I guess if someones your slave, it's not really bullying is it?

Yes the supports job is to prevent adc mistakes and bullying isn't how you do it, being competent is.

When you acutally have to try against bots. 3 were bots and the other was actually new. Running in 1v5 nonstop. Luckily I was playing le balanced tower destroyer

viktor my dude

You're either playing champions you suck with, or you're game knowledge/awareness is utter shit.

Silver is where most of this community lives.


Her kit is overloaded and needs to stay shit

zoe : ^)

you joke but im starting to think i legit have some type of weird mental defect that makes it impossible for me to get better at things.


Kai'sa is pretty cute

Janna mid

Sion or Darius
Warwick is broken
Corki outscales everything
Varus or Trist. if you're willing to put in 2 months of learning Caitlyn can be untouchable in lane
Janna is the easiest fucking thing on earth and pretty strong too


not everyone can be silver like me bro :D




Kled is:


and more!

zilean mid

have fun

Enemy team about to unleash their autism powers upon you

>Zoe mains consider a champion oneshotting caster creeps at level 5 was balanced

So glad this whore got murdered

morde is gonna get liandry's and press r
you lost


found it


>play Sion
>yell at niggers
>win lane


>your slave
>janna is the easiest thing on the earth


>ignite Darius gets poked out by Sion
>fotm Rengar picker ints and flames
>ff Viktor shoves in Ahri and roams easily
>Trist gets Zyra snared once and gets instagibbed by Morde ult
>spends rest of game ranting Hashinshinishly in /all

Tell me if I'm right



>drawfag still hasn't answered about the Kai'sa Vayne commission
Feels bad man

Anyone know some good artists that are currently open and aren't outrageously expensive? If they're good at drawing pubic hair the better

>buy Riot Kayle on release
>love that skin
>now everyone has it because of Riot and only first time Kayle players use it


buy liandry
press R
win game

frick off loser

Okay okay, I'll pay my support by depositing my cum into her womb so she's technically not a slave.

>he buys skins

It is not like zilean is bad or anything
His wr is 54%

everyone in that game was plat+. fuck off my dick silver surfer

Not related but i refuse to play Kayle because she's left handed and the animation looks so fucking awkward, if they used the special skin animation on her right hand i'd probably main her