How accurately does this propaganda film depict life in Nazi Germany?
How accurately does this propaganda film depict life in Nazi Germany?
The Donald Duck one is better.
princess scene was pretty lewd
It contained some truthful elements but in the end the criticism is contained to mockery at the level of MS Paint comics, making one side look ridiculous a buffoonish rather than actually trying to elaborate on what is actually wrong with their ideas. Some things are also plain lies, e.g. the sickly child being taken away by the government. While it's true that the Nazis killed the mentally disabled, such eugenic ideas were by no means foreign to other nations at the time. Also, another aspect is how they emphasise the belief of 'German' racial supremacy when the Nazis were actually Pan-Germanic and quite eager to let others join their circle of the privileged if it fit them for political reasons. Clearly the idea is here to not let Americans sympathise with their cause, giving them the impression that they would be deemed inferior under German rule, which factually would have not been the case - not to mention that America itself was deeply racist at the time.
>I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under G-d, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
I like how they managed to place every terrible racist stereotype that they could of Germans into this, loud, gutteral, temperamental, women are fat, they even made sure they're blond haired blue eyed.
Germany didn't weigh that much yet. The Junkers were still exporting all the grain to drive starvation and the prices up.
The last bit hit me right in the feels considering that's exactly what happened. A whole generation of Germans (and those they fought against) just completely wiped out.
Next time you go to /int/ or /pol/ and see a post with a German flag think about how if you were born 100 years ago you would have been drafted and sent to kill him, and him you. Whether or not you wanted to. That's such a foreign concept the world really has changed.
I'd rather be given the opportunity to defend myself
What do you mean?
I've read a number of memoirs of people who grew up in Nazi Germany, so I'm basing my thoughts on their recollections.
>There was a list of forbidden names
True, but this wasn't passed until 1938, and was mostly intended to ensure that ethnic Germans were not given "Jew" or "non-Aryan" names.
>Hans learns the "fairy tales of the new order"
I've never heard of fairy tales being modified to include Hitler Democracy Witches or other sentiments. What did occur is that children were taught 'proper' German folklore tales, which emphasized the strength of an ethnic German. Anti-Jewish sentiments were also included in some of these folktales, although it was more common for brand new anti-Jewish books and reels to be used.
>Kids chanting 'Heil Hitler' and 'Sieg Heil'
Never heard of kids chanting Sieg Heil in school, it was mainly reserved for soldiers and public events. Some people recalled teachers having them chant Heil Hitler a bit when it first started being used.
>Mother is worried that Hans will be taken by the state because he's sick
The Nazis knew people got sick. An ethnic German child would not have been killed because he got an illness. What was considered unacceptable were people who were born with disabilities that were deemed to make them unworthy of life. Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities, malformations of the head or spine, dementia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, conditions that caused paralysis, etc. Thousands of people (especially in Poland and invaded territories) in mental hospitals were murdered. Many children "disappeared" after being sent to hospitals and murdered there. One memoir recounts how the quiet sister of a neighbor, who had some sort of cognitive problem, had to be registered by hospital officials and was eventually sent to a hospital for "treatment" where she was (they later learned, at the time they were told she died from TB) gassed.
>Daily pledge in school to fight and die for the Fuhrer
Never read of this happening. They did put portraits up of Hitler in schools, and teachers would greet students in the morning with "Heil Hitler!" which you saluted and responded to.
>The lesson in "natural history" about the fox and the hare
Sort of true, but oversimplified. Children in school were taught more explicitly regarding the superiority and entitlement of ethnic Germans without the need for allegory. Kids were taught that the Germans were superior, and that inferior nations would be rightfully conquered. The "WORLD BELONGS THE BRUTAL!!" mentality would probably be closer to what was taught if you were in a KLV camp rather than regular school, though, since the point was to get you ready to enter the war.
>Church desecration
Happened, not necessarily on a wide scale, it depended on where you were.
>All kids growing up heiling and marching, marching and heiling, and you know what? we're all gonna like it!
A lot of kids joined the Hitler Youth or BDM because it was considered cool, and later because it was required, but many found it boring and weren't particularly gung-ho about it. There were a lot of problems with teens skipping meetings or not performing their duties, which is why it was eventually enforced. How effective it was depended on the person... a memoir by a former top Hitler Youth leader shows many different facets to teenage boys during the war. Some, like him, were completely and effectively molded into the unfeeling soldiers that Hitler wanted for war--and others acted like normal teenage boys who were being forced to become last-ditch efforts in battle zones. I do recall a quote from this memoir, paraphrased, where an older German man told this teenage Hitler Youth Leader, who just said that he would have gladly executed 2 boys his age who were shot for desertion after running during a bombing raid: "My god, what have we done to our youth?"
I mean, it's a propaganda cartoon. It is designed to make people feel angry and sad--look what they're doing to children! Look how they Nazi soldiers are brainwashed into being mindless, unfeeling slaves! So there are some truths in there (Hitler's goal was to indoctrinate children--'They will belong to me'--into the Nazi party as the wave of the future) but it's simplified and exaggerated for propaganda effect.
Thanks for those posts man, propaganda is propaganda but that reality is still pretty brutal. From what you've read, what happened to that people in the memoirs who grew up in Nazi Germany? Did they embrace the ideas they were taught? What did they think about it during and after the war?
this one is more accurate
>ethnic Germans were not given "Jew" or "non-Aryan" names.
I always wondered about this considering Joseph is a really jewy name for Goebbels
>From what you've read, what happened to that people in the memoirs who grew up in Nazi Germany? Did they embrace the ideas they were taught? What did they think about it during and after the war?
It really depends on the person. Most of the people admit that they embraced the Nazi ideology because they had no reason to disagree with it. It's what they were taught as children, it's what all the adults and authority figures in their life embraced or at least didn't disagree with publicly without consequence. There is a running theme that the children were taught that they--not the adults--were the hope for Germany, because the adults might still cling to corrupt, old ways of life whereas the children were "pure."
A few of them admit that they held onto their Nazi beliefs for years after the end of war. The former Hitler Youth leader said that he and the other former Hitler Youth with him more or less laughed at the American attempt to "de-brainwash" them by showing them videos and pictures of Nazi atrocities, and it wasn't until he had been exposed to more of the world that he began to change.
Even the half-black German who grew up in Nazi Hamburg admits he bought into the Nazi ideology as much as possible and it wasn't until he was about 12 that he realized he hated the Nazi regime. He was constantly being blocked from advancing in society (couldn't join the Hitler Youth, couldn't go to secondary education, couldn't join professional sports or teams, couldn't sign up for the army, couldn't have any relationships with German women, etc) and witnessing certain things (while staying in a small town he routinely saw truckloads of concentration camp prisoners being transferred, one-way, to a complex beyond a mountain). He became involved in the "swing kid" movement.
>dat mussolini
>True, but this wasn't passed until 1938, and was mostly intended to ensure that ethnic Germans were not given "Jew" or "non-Aryan" names.
Also, if you were Jewish and your first name wasn't on the "Jewish name" list, you had to add "Isreal" or "Sara" to your name. For example if your name was Hans, you had to change it to Hans Isreal or Isreal Hans so that you were immediately identifiable as Jewish.
I'd prefer to die in the ardennes and at least try to fight off germans, than living in "peace" while the government lets germany colonize france.
none of these propaganda cartoons are accurate
Not him, but I do that all the time if I've got something I need to break up into multiple posts.
Either I elaborate on something I didn't think of at the original draft, or I might have under 4,000 characters, but want to break it into paragraphs or other discrete chunks for a better flow.
further more, what ever happened to cartoon characters BTFOing Americas enemies? Theres all those classics like Daffy Duck hitting Hitler over the head with a big hammer, or bugs bunny fucking with him
I think this was the last one
>swing kid
Aka Christian Bale's best film
>There is a running theme that the children were taught that they--not the adults--were the hope for Germany, because the adults might still cling to corrupt, old ways of life whereas the children were "pure."
yeah, I cant remember the name, but there was this army training video about soldiers being sent to Germany after the was in 1945 and it had this really creepy message of "dont trust the children" and talked like Germany was full of these Children of the Corn type of creepy weirdos, since they knew nothing other than the nazi way.
Top fucking kek
Legit funny
Not the guy you're talking to but there were lists of names considered "Germanic" in origin and thus advisable to be picked but it's not like other names were literally banned. However, many parents likely wanted their kids to leave a good impression so they deliberately picked names that weren't all too foreign. It's comparable to immigrants in the US giving their kids white American names in order to signal that they've "arrived", become part of the culture, etc.
This one?
at this part:
A list of some memoirs of people who grew up in Nazi Germany. A few are German children who grew up in Nazi occupied territories. 'A Child of Hitler,' 'The Forgotten Soldier,' 'The War of Our Childhood,' and 'On Hitler's Mountain' stuck out the most to me after reading.
Mischling, Second Degree: My Childhood in Nazi Germany by Isle Koehn
A Penny Always Has Two Sides: A Memoir of Growing Up in Wartime Germany by Steffie Steinke
A Long Silence: Memories of a German Refugee Child, 1941-1958 by Sabina De Werth Neu
Weeds Like Us by Gunter Nitsch
Eyes are Watching, Ears are Listening: Growing up in Nazi Germany 1933-1946 by Eycke Strickland
I Can't Forget: A Journey Through Nazi Germany and WWII by Gudrun Koppe Everett
East of the Oder: A German Childhood Under the Nazis and Soviets by Luise Urban
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer
A Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika
On Hitler's Mountain: Overcoming the Legacy of a Nazi Childhood by Irmgard A. Hunt
Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black In Nazi Germany by Hans J. Massaquoi
German Boy: A child in War by Wolfgang W.E. Samuel
The War of Our Childhood: Memories of World War II by Wolfgang E. Samuel (Interviews with people who grew up in wartime Germany)
Not I: Memoirs of a German Childhood
If you were Jewish, you had to give newborn Jewish children a name from the pre-approved "Jewish names." If you were an adult or existing child, Israel or Sara had to be added to your name if it wasn't on the Jewish list. Ethnic Germans were not allowed to use Jewish names for newborn children after 1938, although they weren't required to use the Germanic names, it was just highly recommended. The law was mostly aimed at ensuring people who were Jewish could be immediately identified by their name.
The stand out bit is the assertion that the state kidnapped sick German children, which is obviously false.
Have you read the book that cartoon is adapted from?
Except they did, look up Aktion T4 m8
Depends on what you mean by "sick." In the cartoon, it's implied that Hans gets sick with something that can be cured (infection? who knows) and therefore it's possible the state will kidnap and kill him.
In real life, the Nazis killed children (yes, German children) who were "sick" with certain mental or physical defects, and sterilized or killed (depending on how old they were, where they lived, what 'defect' they had) adults or teenagers past puberty. First on a trial basis, then in a big state wide program, and then the program was "publicly" cancelled due to protests from the Church and the public but unofficially it continued, just without the official government publicity.
based Nazis
Yeah right, based Nazis killing German children. Truly the saviors of Germany.
Tbh the mentally ill/retarded should be euthanized