Most people would agree it isn't ethical to torture a rabbit.
What if I create a perfect simulation of a rabbit, down to the quantom level, and torture it within the simulation. Why would that be any less ethical?
Most people would agree it isn't ethical to torture a rabbit
Is the simulation of consciousness any less real than actual consciousness?
what if you make a perfect simulation of a woman, down to the quantom level, and fuck it within the simulaton. Are you still a virgin?
yes you are eternally bounded to virginhood.
then you have your answer, OP
It would be just as sinful as it is the result of the same impure urges from the same diseased heart. It is not an act in itself that is sinful, the sin is contained in the fact that it is the physical manifestation of a sinful trait - cruelty.
>what if you make a perfect simulation of a woman, down to the quantom level, and fuck it within the simulaton. Are you still a virgin?
Trick question. A perfect simulation of a woman would never fuck you.
kek you got me there
>down to the quantom level
How would you model quantum mechanics?
It is equally unethical. I don't see how it could possibly be less ethical.
You don't know what ethics are.
Because it's just a simulation. It's not a real rabbit, so it can't actually feel pain.
But you had said it was a perfect copy down to the quantum level, which means that it has the same pain sensors and reaction to pain. Therefore, it feels pain.
Therefore it if it's exactly similar to a rabbit it's a rabbit, then you should treat it like any other rabbit
But it doesn't actually have pain receptors, just simulated ones.
It is definitely wrong to torture a rabbit, simulated or not.
Artificial pain receptors that are completely identical to organic pain receptors are treated the same.
Pain isn't a tangible thing so your pain isn't really real either it's all subjective
Have you ever killed people in rollercoaster tycoon?
Video games aren't anywhere near perfect simulations of anything...
How close to perfect does the simulation need to be to still count, then?
the functionality of an organism is not about the content of the parts e.g. cell walls etc etc. its about the connection between them. if something functions as a pain receptor in the sense that it connects to other parts of a system in the same way our real pain receptors connect to us then it is a pain receptor. a perfect simulation of a human will be conscious and will have pain if the simulation functions in the exact same way, no matter what it is made of. pain receptors can be made of iron screws and 2 by fours if it is still part of a system that can process what we call pain.
So if I install an LED on my roomba that turns on whenever it hits a wall, and call that the
"pain receptor", it's unethical to let my roomba run into walls?
Well the OP said perfect, so absolutely perfect. If it's not perfect, then it is just a system.
So one atom off and its not unethical anymore?
>if you do B to A is it X?
>now if you make A and do B to A is it still X?
I don't understand this thread.
So if we are a simulation to our creator....maybe that's why it seems like he doesn't give a fuck on a small scale sometimes
But what if it's rape?
What makes the real rabbit more real than the simulated rabbit?
daily reminder that rabbits are shit tier animals and pets
I actually don't care about the feelings of rabbits so go ahead have a ball.
The entire western world is unethical and satanic; hopefully the whore of Babylon will soon be destroyed and every of her inhabitants killed.
It's a fucking animal. Who the fuck cares. PETA faggots can bugger off.
If they're completely identical then it's not a simulation.
Well look at you in your ivory fucking tower
where are you from then?
some shit hole where people shit in the streets and cannibalize the dead?
some place where capitalistic greed hasn't warped the economy into a pit of sharks and drones where people get promotions not by their merits but their ability to rub shoulders with the right people?
judging by your biblical reference id assume you are either mudslime or Israelite Jew
if you're mudslime then i wouldn't talk of unethical you mutilating pedo shit, your entire region is a shit hole of desert and angry pent up men wearing turbans who can't wait to blow themselves up to please imaginary daddy in the sky
and if you're a Israelite Jew then maybe you should look in the mirror before judging ways of the west, nice job handling the issues with palestinians, sure is nice to throw around that Hitler card to silence all opposition to your atrocities
in short piss off with your high horse and holier than thou bullshit, the whole world is fucked up and sadly you can't blame the west for everything that's wrong with it
He's probably a protestant american.
Two rabbits can and do differ by more than one atom. Changing one atom would not invalidate it being a perfect simulation of "a" rabbit, it would just be a different rabbit than the original emulated individual. But as soon as the simulation was started, the simulated rabbit would become its own individual anyway, so there is no issue.
If I start up a Game of Life program and then close it, did I cause a mass extinction?
If it feels pain then yes, it is as unethical as letting a blind person run into walls.
>a perfect simulation of a rabbit, down to the quantom level
There's no such thing as a perfectly detailed simulation, that's why they call it a simulation. If you tried to do this you'd just end up with an actual rabbit.
If it's a perfect copy down to the quantum level, how is it any different than a rabbit? You're calling it a simulation but it's not.
So in the end you'd just be torturing a rabbit.
You can't make that level of simulation without prior testing to base it off of.
Imperium is the right of humanity. Stop wasting resources torturing that rabbit.
>Most people would agree it isn't ethical to torture a rabbit.
I don't agree.
I don't give a shit if you torture a fucking dumb animal.