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THICC and ANGRY horses!

ITT: Post mounts the Pezado will NEVER have


Doors open to wowg, friends!


>you will never be swallowed whole by a kodo.
Why live?

Garrosh died for this ......

>straight back blackrock orcs
For the first time in WOW I will switch mains to a new race

Monk was fun for 2 expansions

awwww yisssss

what are chances for july 31st release?

BfA confirmed for the straightest expansion

thic Jaina needs your support vote for her

allied races

wait is that real

>the absolute state of the horde

Are mages ever gonna have a good wand so I can mog a better set?

I want a nelf wife

Say your prayers, Horde scum

Vol'jin and Thrall are removed for the best new troll/orc best buds
Grom and Rastakhan

It is a guard pose used by npcs on both sides that makes them have straight backs.

Same, I need best girl tyrande

>bro look closely you can see that I scratched him

>dating your game with trendy culture
"there's no such thing as nu-blizzard" they said, "activision isn't influencing the games" they said.

They are going to be a neutral race though.


paladins are getting good changes on the bfa alpha! nooooo!

>The absolute state of the Hor-

Is horde really getting those fox people? I really hope not

aww fuck

>bragging about how daddy blizzard blesses you with the OP racials
the absolute state of the horde


it's possible but it's not confirmed at all. just rumors and speculation.

>Scourge starts attacking your base
>Get your clothes ready and pretend to be one of them
Whats wrong with Saurfang?
Why is he so afraid of the ogar?

>better than the alliance at pve
>better than the alliance at pvp
yeah sure is a struggle

>easiest affix bragging

>Turalyon spergs out when he finds Horde has paladins and is told the world has changed since he's been gone
>Zandalari have a full caste of holy warriors but fuck off they're full
Is Blizzard just memeing the Zandalari paladin thing at this point?

>two us guilds in the top 20
why is the us so shit at this game?

>OP racials
Alliance racials are better for a lot of classes
They're the same between the Alliance and Horde, dumb nigger

haha not even once

>all these paladins


I don't know man, Illidan's hand is shaking too.


>le deus vult!!!!
fuck off reddit

none of them are ret, friendo

He posted pvp too and blood elf is far and away the best race for pvp. You have to be belf in pvp right now

Things will only get worse for the alliance too, unless blizzard buffs their racials to obscene levels

If you want to play the game seriously you go horde, thats how its always been and as the playerbase shrinks so does the few options that alliance used to have

By Zandalari hands, he has been taken
By Zandalari voice, he has awakened

At least they're adding fox-men.

The tears make me happy. Making WoW great again.

Retribution on Paladin players soon. It'll be expansion of shamans, druids and other superior classes.


Method was an alliance guild that was forced to switch horde because of racials. Years of imbalance have forced most guilds to go horde for pve and no most horde racials are still better for pve

Uh huh. Is this your opinion or r/wow/'s by any chance?

Can you name what racial is so overpowered for PvE, friend?

>Alliance racials are better for a lot of classes
Belf is best for every melee, goblin for every tank and troll for every caster and healer.

>elite team
>doesnt include people that are going to slay gods

alliance racials are already better for the majority in pve and pvp, brainlet
the only exception is goblin rocket which is needed on priests and some other class, but that's more of a class issue than race

>Loktar Ogar
No wait I don't want to die
>Darkspear never die
Gets killed in battle

Think they got their mottos mixed up

then more poopsocking min/max guilds would play alliance

nothing comes close to the damage racials of horde

>Belf is best for every melee
>goblin for every tank
>troll for every caster and healer.

>Belf is best for every melee
wrong, outside of M+, and getting nerfed.
>goblin for every tank
terrifyingly wrong
>troll for every caster and healer.
now you're just trolling.

Thats why I said blizzard would need to buff alliance racials to obscene levels, meaning not just equal or slightly better

Did you even read my post brainlet

>Uh huh. Is this your opinion or r/wow/'s by any chance?
>blood elf racials isn't op in pvp
yeah we are done here

goblin is best for spriest, actually

>yeah we are done here
Just like the Alliance; finished

>nothing comes close to the damage racials of horde
you fucking mongol, alliance racials are better for raw damage on average.

No, there's no reason it'd get worse then.

>this triggers the Horde
One of the most heroic alliance leaders and master orc slayer is back in the alliance and there's nothing you can do about it.

Even then it would take years to change, there just isn't a no-life raiding interest for top end progression on the alliance anymore and the pool of raiders keeps shrinking.

>raw damage mattering for high end content


Who /Classic and Project80/ here?

Fuck off you dumb draeneiboo you can't even fuck your wife you cuck

holy fuck stop posting

Mythic+ dps parity is a complete disgrace

Does Alliance do Ashran over Random Battlegrounds? Is that why their queues are fasters for randoms?


>generic paladin
>not Lothar
paladins are gay and boring. warrior master race

>>blood elf racials isn't op in pvp
how to spot the 1800 player: 101.

>arcane torrent mattering for high end content
>rocket jump is only needed on two specs
ok sweeite, come back when you're done with LFR Argus please

>couldnt even strike through illidan's hand
>a literally who orc with a wooden axe struck sargeras

Hes getting so angry that people are shitting on the alliance raiding scene

Endgame right here, brothers.

>Nasty shoulder acne

It absolutely is and high keys stretch Blizzard's ability to balance to its limits.

>implying old white male will live for more than one expansion

>all guilds swapped to horde because of faction pride not racials and being the bigger faction so there being a bigger pool of players
NA hours everybody

>Kicked from mythic+
>Uhh, why?
>No reason lol
I hate you people

>s-stop proving me wrong please!!

People switched because Horde has a higher proportion of good players in all content. Horde:Alliance total pop is pretty much the same

No matter how hard you try, you can't meme WoW Turalyon into being anything remotely cool.

>no reason LUL poggers

>Horde:Alliance total pop is pretty much the same
Not in NA

The best endgame.


EU horde is the one that matters though.

and who the fuck cares about no-skill NA?


you haven't proven anything, you stuck your head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge ACTUAL proof of horde racials being the main reason top min/max competitive guilds use horde

and you know why that is? because of racials

>ogres in zuldazar

Palanigers on suicide watch

Fuck off eu soyboys

holy shit the straight back meme making everything look good is not actually a meme

What is the alliance:horde ratio on NA then and where do you get the data?

>and you know why that is? because of racials
Might have started it a few expansions ago, but now its just because of the imbalance itself.

NA literally does not matter. You're a joke of a region