/xgg/ - Xenogames General #113

Byakko edition

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========== Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ==========
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========== Xenoblade Chronicles X ==========
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What are the torna blades roles and modifiers? And who are you going to roll them on?

I'm gonna just roll them on anyone but Rex and overdrive Obrona to Morag

I managed to avoid spoilers regarding Fiora for years.
I finally started playing Xenoblade 1 when I was waiting for Smash 4 on WiiU to arrive. I got through the first part where Fiora died and then my copy of Smash 4 arrived.
One of the first trophies I got was this. I am still mad years later.

>byakko edition
well shit this would be a good time to draw more of him

I hope these posters come to America. Why does japan get all the good shit

Any time youre ready Drawfag

Spoilers will be expected at every corner if it's a popular game most of the time.

I don't remember off the top of my head, but it's 4 attackers, 2 tanks and 1 healer.

I wasn't expecting a major spoiler like that to come from a smash game.

Well the game did come out awhile ago.

Sever: Wind Tank, 15% Strength
Akhos: Electric Healer, 15% Ether
Patroka: Earth Attacker, 15% Strength
Mikhail: Dark Tank, 15% Agility
Obrona: Electric Attacker, 20% Agility
Perdido: Fire Attacker, 10% Strength
Cressidus: Earth Tank, 20% HP

I can't decide if I want to put Sever on Zeke or Morag.

idk yet but Perdido is going in Zeke just for "LORD THUNDERBOLT"

Sever would certainly make Morag deal more damage, but then again, Brighd and Aegeon already do that well enough on their own. I would say Sever, Cressidus and Newt on Zeke would make him a pretty fun Tank, though that depends on Driver combo arts that would give him. I swear, with 7 new movesets, if Morag and Nia don't get access to their missing driver combo pieces.

>I swear, with 7 new movesets, if Morag and Nia don't get access to their missing driver combo pieces.
With all the datamining going on, I'm getting a little worried that we haven't seen anything to suggest new arts for the new weapon types. I really hope they don't just end up being an assortment of arts from other weapons.

Doubtful, at the very least the moveset we see them use in battle should be an indication of what they will give us. Sever when he fought with Malos had both a Break and Topple art.

ouch, dude. one thing xeno games are good at is making you not entirely sure if someone really is gonna stay dead or not. That's really hard in this day and age.
I still remember when I saw that cockpit open and my jaw hit the fucking floor.

None of the arts have been datamined yet, new Blades or not.

They haven't even added the new voice lines for the arts. So we don't even know the names, aside from the ones already used in game. Like Lionen Upper for Cressidus.

Nia is for Smash



oh my god, are his ears using that old mario galaxy fuzz technique where it's just a transparent layer of dots multipled 3 times so the dots seem to form hairs?

No that's motion blur

that's even weirder.

>That old
It's not old, user. Sm4sh uses it too

Do multiplier stack additively or multiplicatively? For example, if I had a 100% and a 50% damage bonuses, would my damage output be multiplied by 2.5 or 3?

>Nia and her son with Dromarch

>M-My lady, please take good care of our child

>She teaches him to speak pottymouthed Welsh
>Rex comes by, pats the little guy on the head. "You're getting so big, Rex!"
>"Aye am gettin big, whatja think am gonna start shrinkan eh? Oo yeah am on protein, gettin MAD GEANS. Gonna be as big as me DA een no taem then get me a LUSH Driver'll ride on me back. An' then afterward all be ridin HER if ya git me."

Apologies my lady, but I cannot take any responsibility in this matter.

This is a disaster! We can't get any test specimens like this!


Reminder that we still don’t have any Nia x Dromarch art

I think that Deus and Machina would have been good localization names for Kyoshin/Bionis and Kishin/Mechonis. While Deus was used in Xenogears where it was actually called デウス (Deus) in Japanese and could have led to confusion among English fans when searching for Kyoshin/Bionis, it could have been a neat callback considering what role "Deus" plays in both games.


Sound lousy compared to the names they went with. Bionis and Mechonis, just like Kyoshin and Kishin, at least sound similar to one another.

What are they reading?

'How to be Good Wind Blades'
Finch is forgetting everything tho

Deus ex machina means "God from the machine", which fits the plot. The Deus of Xenoblade is Zanza as both a false God and the final boss. I know it's a little on the nose, but it almost feels like it was intended.

>centrifuge mode activated
You just be patient.
Ehh, kind of.
Remind me, what were the machina called originally? I remember finding that really awkward as a species name, especially when we already had a 'makna forest'

Why is everyone so obsessed with Nia? I never knew I needed a strong Welsh accent in my life, but other than that, she's nothing special.

Do you have the power to accept her?

What chapter are you on?

Finished it twice, total play time ~340 hours, all quests & merc missions done, all rare blade affinity charts complete.

Do we know if they're making Overdrives easier to get?


She's a pretty kitty with pretty kitty hair

I just reached The World Tree and I've yet to actually use combos and forgot how they work.

I think you just use a special of the a compatible element afterwards within the time limit, not sure if they need to be same level.

I need to do some with Mythra to max her affinity chart, what do you suggest I do?

Absolutely glorious.

Sort of. You can skip the resonance cutscene, which saves you about an hour when you open 99 Legendary Crystals for 4* blades.

Blade combo: use the correct element special one after another (like Light I, Light II then Water III)
Driver combo: chain the Break, Topple and Launch statuses on a monster then Smash it
Fusion combo: combine any step of a Blade combo with a Driver combo

It's elemental specials in the order
Lv. 1+ -> Lv.2+ -> Lv. 3+
look up the element sequence charts for best effect

Who out of Jin, Malos, Haze, Amalthus, Minoth, Dolmes, and Alvis will we get in the Rare Blade DLC?

That's kinda gay, I was expecting them to make them purchasable with bonus exp.

Oh, I thought you didn’t see her blade form yet

How do I make the AIs use their specials?

Is that what the ZR button does when some element shows up on screen?

Sorry I am retarded, but this is making more sense.

Something completely original altogether.

anytime they give you options for the shoulder buttons to command, that is part of a combo
except when it's part 1 of a combo, then it's just whatever level 1 special they have available at the time, to START a combo with. understanding THAT went a long way towards my finally getting combos, since for a long time I was just spamming whatever appeared.
In fact, for ages, when I had two options, I would hit both at once and assume both happened.

Yes, ZL and ZR make the AIs use their special. The white orbs circling around their icon indicate at what level their special currently is. Try to avoid starting with Water unless you have another Water blade in the team or else Nia will go full retard.

>Alvis DLC
>almost every line is a famous line by a robot in movies
>"I can't allow you to do that"

Reading about how people misunderstood the mechanic makes me feel better about myself for "only" thinking the blade combo names and animations were unique for each blade rather than being tied to the elements themselves.

What do people like so much about her Blade form? I can't use my boy Dromarch if I use it, because it makes no sense to have two Water Healers on Rex.

I don't recall Minoth and Dolmes

Minge memes.

Minoth is Cole's real name. "Bomber Dolmes" was what they called Dughall's blade in earlier builds, where you fought it alone.

Three words: leotard.

>tfw when you'll never smoke weed with Kas while making jokes about Tirkins

She’s a good healer with a great design

and hips

That was the worst part of her design, though. If that weren't there, I could make her my Melia substitute until we get Haze.

foxes > cats

To Serve Man.
It's a cookbook

Finch is illiterate.

Obviously Adenine is reading it aloud to her.

tigers > fennecs

I got that reference

>The white orbs circling around their icon indicate at what level their special currently is.
around the ELEMENT's icon, right? on the chart.

I got really confused about the names for each special. It wasn't until I stopped using generics that I got my head wrapped properly around it
I blame them for starting each one with the element's name. That's just dumb.
bare upper thighs and.. I dunno, I like everything else about her better before. Would like to see driver nia dressed in blade nia's clothes
ohhh that's right. wait, when did you see earlier builds?

Is it not possible to have QT with a Ether Mod or do I need a specific element for it?

It's not that surprising to me people think she turns into a fox.

No, you can see tiny orbs around the AIs' icons. At first there's none, then there can be up to three as their special charges up.

>when did you see earlier builds?
E3 2017

She's obviously still a cat, but if that guy thinks she's a fox, then he obviously thinks she's a fennec. Doesn't matter either way.
tigers > fennecs > housecats


I'm not but Rex can.

which icons?
Kitsune also have really tall ears, don't forget. With the whole silver hair thing, that's more likely to be what someone should have on the mind if they really think she's a fox.

Sorry dude you gotta find the rest of your path alone.

Feels goodman

Dude it's a complicated GUI. just tell me the place where you're seeing this white circling

>Sub 7000%
Nice lack of Burst Symbols.

the element icons at the left and right will appear to show you when an ai is ready to start a blade combo. Each icon will have a certain amount of white orbs circling around the ai driver's face, representing their special level.

Here’s the video

The icons were a lot different and the names for Blade combos are completely different. AI could also do Lv 4 specials

Oh that icon itself. okay.
I'm really surprised I never noticed anything like that, but I guess I shouldn't be.

6 days to go we're almost there, thank fuck for there only being 28 days in February

If post # ends in 0 update gets delayed again.

It’s so close. I’ve stopped playing in atticipation of NG+. Trying to find new games to play. Maybe I’ll do Luigi’s Gay Balloon Adventure.

Anything you all are playing in the meantime??

I still have to finish things up, but I'm really close. Pretty sure all the superbosses are dead now.

Post YTPs.