do you guys like him?
The next great public intellectual
I like him alot, he seems quite knowledgeable about his field...
He's not an intellectual though.
He cool.
I like all dat flirting with Jung yo. One of the few types of religious people that don't come off retarded.
he isn't? says who
says you?
Intellectuals come up with their own things. He hasn't an original thought in his entire life
thats a retarded definition
Darwin must not of been an intellectual since Evolution was pretty much a accepted idea way before his time
This is true, yes.
he good
Thats not the definition of an intellectual at all
He thinks that objective evil exists, and when someone does something bad, it is necessarily on purpose, because they are evil.
He denies the road to hell paved with good intention theory, and denies that evil deeds are done by misguided or mistaken good people, trying to do what they thought was best.
I simply can't take him seriously, because he pushes that idea of objective evil into everything of his I've read or heard.
He's not. He's yet another anti-SJW panderer. Anything of his that doesn't revolve around that is ridiculous. No, I don't care that he has a PHD in Psychology, and I find it ironic that those who tout his credentials are almost always the same people who rail against "academia". Stop lifting people up just because they tell you what you want to hear.
>He denies the road to hell paved with good intention theory
Do you have source for this? I don't remember him saying/indicating he doesn't believe this.
>I don't like what he says
>therefore he must be pandering to people I don't like
>No I don't care if he's more qualified/educated/intelligent/experienced than myself
>Bing the name
>first link is to "the Joe Rogan Experience"
Oh /pol/istory, you've meme'd me again.
Someday I will learn not to fall for your tricks, and that day will come before mods finally remove your shit for violating the 25 year rule
In his lecture about nihilism, which he quickly turns into talking about the holocaust for some reason, he argues for 40 minutes that Hitler wasn't an idealist who did what he thought was right, but rather that he was an evil man, who did evil things on purpose.
He argues that Hitler never wanted to win the war, for example. Instead, he wanted to lose the war, kill as many germans as possible, and kill himself. Why would we think otherwise, when thats exactly what he did, after all?
Its online on Youtube, and he does the same for all the other pop culture bad guys like Stalin or Mao.
inb4 /pol/ accusations
I am not a neo nazi, nor like Hitler or excuse his actions, but I am wise enough to understand that he did what he did for the same reasons everybody does, because he thought thats the right thing to do. Nobody pursues evil, people pursue what they think is good, and sometimes the rest of the world disagrees with them on i.
Give this a guy a bit of a chance m8, he's a really good lecturer, you should listen to some of his stuff.
He's a psychologist that tries to analyze history by claiming every person has X or Y mental illness, and every single thing they ever did is based on that mental illness he claims they had.
He turned big on /pol/, because he is also anti-sjw, and thinks SJWs are evil (actually objectively evil).
Like I said in my other post, he will insist that those aren't misguided and mistaken people doing what they think is best, for what they consider the greater good, rather they are EVIL, and they do EVIL intentionally, because they are EVIL. As in, SJWs gather and wonder how to do the most evil, and plan and make strategies, to be as evil as possible.
>argument from authority
You have nothing.
Neither did you my man
A: Do you guys like him?
B: No.
A: But he is a doctor, and older than you, thus you should like him.
B: This makes no sense.
A: Neither does not liking him!
See the problem?
Also I am not the original poster, your stupidity just offended me.