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sad edition

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/OMEN-27-HP-Monitor-Aluminum/dp/B0711T4RDF/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519416746&sr=8-1&keywords=omen monitor

Redpill me on Azir

I want you to imagine that 6/0/2 veigar in pro play with the new AP items.

>Mordekaiser isn't getting his rightful rework because they refuse to address his bugs and it will destroy the whole game

>mfw support did more damage than top+jungle combined
The fucking state of this game

>tfw no qt petite gf

I saw a smol girl with dyed hair on campus today and my heart melted. Hnnggggg

You are a degenerate furry

I want to impregnate Kled!

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
nerf khazix ;-; !

>veigar builds Abyssal first item
>still hits 1k AP by 30 minutes

Fuck this stupid champion

He's cancer and will continue to be the best mid laner until they nerf him for real

Old Yorick or Old Azir didn't have that many bugs on him.

Step 1: Stop being a degenerate.

He loves being dominated by Nasus

Hey lolg should I get Wendy's, Panda Express or Subway today?

Is a second monitor worth it? Kinda tired of having to alt+tab to kill time while I'm respawning or going to lane.

If it's warm out: Subway. Cold: Wendy's.

eat fresh

>we've disabled Mordekaiser after his rework due to a bug where all 10 champions in a game are Mordekaiser

Most of the damage "supports" were meant to be mid laners!
So it is normal to deal more damage than top or jungle as Zyra or Brand!

There's nothing wrong with being a degenerate for Azir.

give me a champion to play mid RIGHT now

Im not

you sound upset there champ.

Dual monitor setups are sweet. You can watch double the porn.


I just prove with the new items, if you get the new Lyandris and Morello, you can 1v2 any fuckers that stupid enoug to come near you, if you have spellbinder and rylai they can't scape, guys spam this shit

Just dodge his stun????


Get some foot-long meatball marinara with italian spice bread and mozzarella cheesee. Remember to tell them not to heat it because their fucking toasters are trash and will make it so hot you will not be able to eat it.


What are some good champions to main in the Jungle? The only champ I know jungle was Kayn because I memed with him back when he was released.

Really want out of my cuck role as a support/adc main. Thinking about learning Rengar, Nasus, and Jax and just rotate those 4 champs.

Morde's rework will just abandon his old ult and all the bugs it creates.

Another game that I smashed. I've been on form today.
I've quite literally made 4 (FOUR) ((IV)) of my lane opponents straight up quit today alone.
CS was straight up dog shit this game though.

>Gold 4 now after only a handful of games
lmao isn't that mordefag hardstuck in gold 5 even after playing 400+ games?
Loving every laugh.


ugh okay
i hate playing corki


yes my second monitor went dead recently and I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to function now

Maybe u should have tried talking to her, sperg

veigar! he is cute and has fluffy ears

I was talking about Zilean outdamaging gnar+sej in that teamfight.

>People think Veigar is bad
l m a o

just pink ward the ulti

I mean riot has already said that Morde is probably losing his ult and passive after the rework since they're too hard to balance

>Duskblade being nerfed
>Shaco not on the compensation list for buffs
>Khazix is

Panda Express I personally prefer mostly because I have subway alot for lunch.

I never thought Veigar's bad. Tank Veigar is stupidly strong, doesn't help he counters my favorite champion in this game.

Should I just go full jaded and buy 2 more monitors? Also current one is this: amazon.com/OMEN-27-HP-Monitor-Aluminum/dp/B0711T4RDF/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519416746&sr=8-1&keywords=omen monitor

Either I buy two of these and put all three of them side by side, or I was thinking about buying a 4k wide curved monitor and put mine on the side or above the curved.

Sorry for asking this here.

does FNC have the best mid and adc in the west?

>go ranked to get back to your elo after that long-ass hiatus

>get a bunch of drunk/stoned dutch "partypeople" (schoolboys) on your team

This rat is a slut

Random Half-time Polls

Non-degenerates: strawpoll.me/15135681
Degenerates: strawpoll.me/15135597


What Elo are you in?

Jax is a pretty solid jungler IMO. Nasus isn't a jungler and Rengar seems iffy right now I'd wait a while before playing him in ranked, his winrate is low but not sure if it's because he's weak it because people don't know how to play the new version of him.

Also check out WW and Sejuani

Shit didn't notice reddit spacing, my bad anons.

Shaco needs to be reworked

>be me, a support
>literally get one shot (not one rotation, but a single autoattack) by shaco
duskblade+dark harvest is a meme

Oh! Good job user!
don't bully pixel he can play morde or yorick only!
That's what I meant user zilean is a mid-laner!
And he deals a lot of big aoe dmg + a stun! Gnar and sejuani are tanks? Right?!

TOP: One of the best
Jungle: Still a rookie
Mid: Rooke , but coming more consistent. Strong contender for best in the west
ADC: Yes
Support: Contender

At the bottom


No that's Bjergsen and Doublelift u n1gger

Which adc enjoy Soraka's horse cock the most?

Hard mode: male only

Go away!
Stop this meme!

Broxah is a big guy.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and hear her talk about guns and pyrotechnics like the /k/ nerd she is

Hahaha fun joke.

Bjergsen got his ass raped by Febiven and Doublelift hasn't looked good in years.

Whats up with Rengar this patch, I've seen him played a lot more and always getting fed real fast.

Zilean is a support that can be played in mid lane, like Karma.

*blocks your path*


Yeah. Same thing they did to Yorick.


Duskblade Nerfs moving to 8.6

We'll be moving the Duskblade nerfs back to 8.6 so that we've got enough time to also do some compensatory work on champions who might be hit too hard otherwise. Not sure exactly what that compensation will look like yet. Possible (not guaranteed) candidates for buffs below. Most likely case where we don't buff is if a champion already has similar strength with Ghostblade or something else (they're not actually very dependent on Duskblade).

Miss Fortune

Any other Rakan playing lads here feel like the character has been so much more boring after they got rid of Talisman of Ascension?

I ran into Nidalee mid twice yesterday in ranked. Was it just chance with a wierd off meta pick, or is Nid mid a thing?

Really hate Sejuani, Rammus, and Amumu.

Current pool is Kayn, Jax, and WW.

I guess I should learn something AP like Zac or Fidd maybe?

They reverted his Q so he's more fun to play and better at killing squishies

They reverted him to his old Q and thats sort of a buff.

the hell is this skin?

>be a slut
>get plown by the sex king
Working as intended.

Someone give me a lux support guide pls

>Rengar buffs

>weeb name


Unironically Twitch
He wants to get spitroasted by Soraka and Alistar's cocks until they touch eachother inside his belly.

> Mundo
> Kayle
> Cho'gath
> Nunu
> Shaco
> volibear
> Rammus
i'm okay with this
where is Amumu tho?

About fucking time.

I hope they do more than just buff his numbers, Wu has a LOT of problems right now that need adressing

Why do I want to pump a smug yordle full of semen?

What the fuck is that and why did everyone ignore those posts?

How smol is that eu grill?

Because no one is newfag enough to be surprised

Rengar snowballs hard. If his early ults are successful he'll be fed real fast since he'll start one shoting people. That's just how the champ works. That said, his overall winrate right now is garbage since so many people are newly picking him up.

I don't know user..!
Maybe you are right about Karma but Zilean?!
Oh well! Good luck next game user hope you get better teammates!

isn't it just a shitty custom skin? what's the issue here?


Don't worry user, you'll get through this.

I don't play mundo enough to care

a) It's Pixelcucks so no one gives a shit
2) he's just using the original concept for Mundo as a custom skin that everyone's seen a billion times so it's not really worth talking about

Don't worry, it's just some very light bullying since he wouldn't 1 vs 1 me
Damn shame since I'm unironically a touhoufag as well.

Who is the most chad garbage carrying support?

Is it Brand?


its mundo's original model

Old as fuck alpha version of Mundo. Modded in as a client side skin obviously.

Bet they're gonna give him 8 AD at level 18 and call it a day

kill yourself