Who was the most powerful woman in history? Pic unrelated.
Who was the most powerful woman in history? Pic unrelated
>ywn be dommed by Catherine the Great
It probably was Catherine as she was an absolute monarch with few checks and balances to the autocrat's power.
A few blowjobs or a 30 year headache and we wouldn't be here.
Otherwise tossup between Queen Vicki and Catherine the Great.
Catherine had immensely more discretionary power than Victoria even though the latter presided over a relatively stronger empire.
Another candidate--not even trolling or trying to start a /pol/ discussion here--is Angela Merkel.
What about Margaret Thacher? not an absolute monarch but controlled one of the major economic and military powers at the end of the cold war.
Thatcher is also a candidate if we're discussing major world leaders in the past few decades.
Catherine and Victoria had strong empires but they were held in check by parliament and nobility.
A better example would be someone like Semiramis who directly fought and ruled her people.
Equally I'm really not trying to start a bunch of /pol/ shit, but if things, oh, I don't know, 31 days ago, had gone just a little differently, this question would be oh-so-easy to answer.
Shit you're right. Give Hillary a time machine to campaign in the Upper Midwest and we have ourselves an answer to OP's question.
Her power internationally was deceptive.
Without Reagan and the States the Falklands would have been a lot worse.
They both helped to pass the UN resolution 502 to call it self-defense and vetoed the motion to stop the war.
The rest of Europe wanted a chance to embarrass Britain and would have if they were the only ones making demands.
Nancy Reagan
...why is it unrelated?
She ruled over the largest empire that has ever existed in human history
So there is certainly an argument that she WAS the most powerful woman in history you insufferable cunt
How the hell has Maria Theresa not been mentioned? She was absolute ruler of the Habsburg monarchy at a time where it was still one of the premiere powers of Europe above even Russia at the same time.
She served mainly as a figurehead and monarch, wasn't responsible for the many policies which led to the expansion of the British Empire and the various laws it passed
Unlike someone like Cleopatra for instance, who was an absolute monarch and came very close to ruling the entire Western World.
Toregene Khatun and it isn't even close - unless you count Oghul Qaimish. Hard to compare meme-tier kingdoms to being de facto ruler of the Mongol Empire.
At a time when the monarchy was in the process of losing what little power it still had -- I mean, fuck, her most notable exercise of power was when she threw a bitchfit over having her ladies-in-waiting replaced, causing the would-be Prime Minister to VOLUNTARILY resign. That's not nothing, I guess, and who knows how much soft power she had, having the ears of the people who actually ran the show, of course, but it's not like she actually dictated British-Indian policy or anything.
How close did she come to ruling the western world.
If Caesar had lived she probably would have married him, and they probably would have ruled Rome and Egypt together.
Not a chance, only Anthony was foolish enough to think the Romans would accept a foreign queen or foreign influence.
For as much as he lacked Octavian's finesse at preserving the illusion of republicanism, Caesar still understood the chauvanism of the Romans and saw Rome as the base of his power. Anthony tried to shift that balance East and rule as an oriental despot, the lovable idiot.
Zenobia of the Palmyrene Empire
>no Eleanor of Aquitaine
I guess France, Spain, England, Portugal, the HRE, and the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople are irrelevant.
You fucker you beat me to it
Probably the daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, Marie Therese simply because she survived so much, then again, she wasn't powerful.
Perhaps Madame Du Pompadour?
Medieval Europe wasn't very powerful internationally speaking, Wu Zetian would've had much more proportional power contrasted with Eleanor
Victoria, definitely
Empress Wu maybe?
Why does she look so fucking soulless?