Would his "perpetual revolution" involve using the USSR to takr over the world or couping and shit stirring in an extremely Jewish way? Would he remain a homosex degenerate like Lenin or denounce it as bourgeoise individualism? Would the workers actually engage in government as they were supposed to or would they still be represented by party officials?
What if Trotsky won?
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Far less repression than under Stalin, but potentially more macro fuckups caused by his insistence on radical economic change
>his insistence on radical economic change
Can you elaborate on this? Stalin's 5 year plans were pretty damn radical, killing shit tonnnes of Ukies, what did Trot plan to do?
He'd fuck up and Russia would dissolve into a second civil war as all the ideologues and fighting that would cause gridlock in the Politburo.
Trotsky was more gung-ho about collectivization than Stalin. But the real killer of collectivization was not the process itself, but the feudalistic manner in which Ukrainians were forced to surrender their grain so the state could sell it abroad.
Trotsky was generally less interested in trading with bourgeois nations, so under his watch the Ukrainian famine probably would not have happened. But it's hard to know.
> workers actually engage in gov as they were supposed to
Having this retarded-ass view of communism, holy shit.
>what is a soviet
Every state or culture requires command and control in order to maintain cohesion.
The logistical infrastructure of CNC increases geometrically with the number of minds making decisions.
Trotsky and or his allies would either be compelled toward totalitarianism due to Russia's immense size and lack of infrastructure as Stalin/Lenin/Bolsheviks.
Russia would have broken up into dozens of weak mini-states that would to this day be predated upon by neighboring powers.
'Communism' like most products of the human imagination arrived far earlier than the world was ready for it. Trotsky's work is a best a theory for our future, not the immediate present and certainly not WWI post-tsarist Russia.
What do you mean?
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Against vested powers, Red Front, and massed ranks of reaction,
We lead the fight for freedom and for bread!
>what if Trosky won?
then Hitler also would have won.
This. Stalin was awful but his war in the west destroyed the nazi war machine, and gave the allies time to implement operation overlord.
>tfw Stallin' stalin saved western civilization
It's generally useful. The left wants equality and the right wants inequality.
>Would the workers actually engage in government as they were supposed to or would they still be represented by party officials?
Why does that matter? As soon as somebody starts working for the party apparatus, no matter their previous background, they become part of the ruling class and then all they really care about is power
This is why, like we've all known for over 100 years, communism is a fucking joke
Wrong. Many people on the right don't WANT inequality, they just think that inequality is INEVITABLE (which it is).
They're too smart to be fooled by such childish delusions as "equality".
Left and right politics is a spook, but if we have to use it then the most useful comparison is that the left wants equality at the cost of freedom, whereas the right wants freedom at the cost of equality.
Ignoring the lack of nuance in these, it also doesn't quantify spending, international relations, and other things that policy is built upon that are what the left-right spectrum is built upon currently.
If inequality is so natural, why must rightists work so hard to maintain the barriers that support it?
>what if Trotsky won
Hitler would have ass fucked him. He was a wormy little faggy pussy.
I liked this video about. it
He was war commissar until '25, and a particularly effective one at that.
The Stalin-Trotsky feud was literally started by Trotsky hiring qualified military experts to win the war and pulling rank to bring Stalin and his men under their command in Tsaritsyn.
Trotsky cucked Uncle Joe hard
Was Trotsky schizophrenic?
>"Veeky Forums is reactionary"
>he actually believes this
Stalin, of course, went on to liquidate the brass over his own sheer paranoia.
Truly an enlightened leader and a master strategist.
>says this while posting a smug cartoon royalty
As a right-wing leaning person, I agree.
In fact, when asked if I care about inequality I answer "no, I care about what is the standard of living of poor people".
An american poor, in my country, would be middle class or above.
Depends if youre going by simple economic measures or other measures like life expectency, happiness etc though many are incredibly hard to measure and compare.
And then of course outside of basic necessities many people do care most about their relative standing compared to those around them rather than having a nicer tv or car if others have an even nicer car or tv as well
>"no, I care about what is the standard of living of poor people".
"Inequality" is, as I see it, a great red herring. We will point out things like growing disparities in total wealth, income since 2008, and so on as symptomatic and illustrative of the inherent contradictions of capitalism yet not necessarily problems in their own right, only to be promptly drowned out by a self-styled "radical" shrieking for the blood of actuaries because they make six figures.
Gotta something something One Percent something something minority something marginalized voices, maaaaan.
>trotskike wins
>USSR genocides even more slavs
>cue WWII
>USSR fails to industrialize quickly enough
>der fuhrer steamrolls through russia
>thousand year reich
I actually agree with the jews on this one. If only he had won!
Trotsky and Lenin were clearly not homosexual.
Plus, your post is riddled with grammatical and factual errors.
chicken in the pot, an icepick in every trot