Death to widow-fa.. Or you know what, nah, fuck them. Here coooomesss T-----Racer!
Henry Wright
Soe is mommy af
Camden Murphy
unironically nerf dva
John Thomas
He needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
Samuel Taylor
David Rodriguez
Nerf D.Va
I'm so sick of seeing her on every match
Nathaniel Young
JJonak needs to give Pine some Widow lessons.
Nathan Clark
>implying he needs a buff Him+Zarya are literally unkillable duo tanks.
Jackson Smith
Thomas Rogers
birdring is cute. CUTE!
Lincoln Phillips
Give him 100 more hp as armor
Lucas Roberts
Gabriel Scott
Fucking finally, Meibros.
Nathaniel Stewart
Thomas Moore
Which bug, cryohook?
Henry Parker
He doesn't need to be buffed, he's sleeper OP. Winston and DVa are just retarded good because of vertical mobility
Gavin Jenkins
>literally unkillable I love catching people like you unaware and destroying the set-up.
Brandon Ross
it's a map problem now. if they nerf dva to be more balanced it won't mater since dive shits on rein comps on many maps just from the natural layout. if they want more variety from dive they need to start making more maps like kings row which are well suited to comps other than dive.
Grayson Long
>vulnerable when using charge >leaves his team vulnerable when using firestrike >leaves his team vulnerable when using ult >has to be in the face of someone to kill them >is outclassed by other tanks entirely >power creep has killed him Honestly, I don't think he really can without either completely redesigning him or giving him a ridiculous amount of HP.
Dominic Barnes
>see all these normies in the arena >everyone I play with is a Veeky Forums or reddit autist
Do they have their own servers or some shit? I literally never encounter people like this in game.
Lucas Moore
I love my wife
Jayden Ross
they're all in quickplay :^)
Isaac Johnson
/ourteam/ is next. Predictions?
Aiden Robinson
They're all in silver
Eli Myers
Why are there geographic restrictions on the tokens?
Austin Howard
>get two drops >wow i might actually be able to get a whole 1 skin >go in game >it's literally just 2 tokens
wtf are all the drops just one token or was i just unlucky?
Tyler Murphy
Cute wife
Brayden Taylor
I'm going to marry Surefour!
Joshua Brooks
Hmmm.... good luck with that.
Daniel Powell
surefour will look very cool and hot in his glasses
Jordan Ortiz
How does her guacamole taste?
Carson Rodriguez
So am I
Jordan Anderson
because australia is shit m8
Jacob Gonzalez
one token per map and I believe random players get 100 tokens from time to time
John Bailey
1 "guaranteed" by map + random winner gets 100 at the end of the match
Ian Harris
we love tviq here even if his team is shit
Jack Rogers
Every ability that disables Cryo, since there's another post in which it compiles all the situations in which Cryo doesn't work. When Geoff says "early this week" he refers to that old post with all the clips, not only this one.
Jaxson Fisher
Good, she uses extra lime which I've learned to enjoy.
Alexander Miller
Are glads unirionically /ourguys/? I supported them from the start because they were into homo shit but it seems like they have the support of /owg/ too.
Gavin Lewis
Caleb Ross
He should stop being a coward and just 1trick Hanzo
Daniel Lee
but i was watching through that whole game and only got 2
wtf lads
Daniel Thompson
For me it's Memehem
Nathan Rodriguez
Why are there so many Koreans in OWL?
Henry Johnson
Michael Morgan
malik is a black person
>twitch chat spams black guy emote whenever he's onscreen
how long before this is banned
Nathan Parker
Fusion have always been /ourguys/.
Jacob Sullivan
soe is so cute it makes me want to off myself
Wyatt King
One token per map plus some people get 100 tokens randomly, the number of 100 token winners depends on the number of viewers, the formula given on the twitch website says that for every 100000 viewers approximately 650 people will win 100 tokens
Michael Cruz
Jayden Morales
Brody Fisher
Adam Watson
Evan Hall
I hope Gladiators win, it's always depressing when the home team loses
Bentley Ross
inb4 fuel eats shit
Juan Reyes
Koreans took the game seriously and got the advantage of several LAN tournaments while everyone in the west just dicked around and got maybe one LAN event every few months.
William Carter
does XQC unironically have autism?
Carter Cook
Blake Barnes
/ourguy/ and based god XQC, finally
Brandon Fisher
I want to see her getting fucked by a horse
Cooper Perez
>tfw Britfag >tfw keep getting too tired to stay up for the last match
Also xqc LUL
Henry Scott
>putting your hands all over that disgusting floor
Camden Murphy
XQC taking from the trump playbook yet again
Kevin Harris
bench xqc
Anthony Adams
surefour the jack in the boxes
Ryder Price
xqc needs to go back to his doc & get his ritalin script reevaluated
Ethan Sanchez
xqc about to hand fissure his lunch money
Justin Garcia
to be fair, at a single point in time, you could say that a players skill will translate across heroes aim positioning and discipline aggression etc... while i do not deny that the different aspects of a players play that all combine to form their skill have varying effects on their effectiveness on different heroes, i still think that skill floor and ceiling are better placed when referring to how effective someone is on various heroes dependent on their overall skill
Lucas Richardson
>shitmout benched so they have a chance to win against someone other than shanghai
Michael Williams
I have never once heard this.
Jackson Brooks
can't believe this homophobic bigot is still on Dallas, they can go to hell.
Nathan Johnson
Yes, he's probably an r9k poster.
Isaac Roberts
A number of times he's the one that causes the Zarya's death. Just say the Hanzo's throwing and watch their team fall apart.
Andrew Lee
>someone steps in dog shit earlier >walks across floor >microparticles of dogshit on the floor >crawls on his hands into the arena >playing overwatch with dog poop hands
Oliver Myers
/ourguy/ IS PLAYING
David Cruz
What's the over/under on number of games until xQc's next suspension?
Neat, glad I've been playing more of her lately.
Thomas Cooper
truly /ourguy/
Thomas Davis
I have a mancrush on Mickie. I wish I was his friend.
Jackson Bennett
>has a working immune system >nothing happens
Gavin Howard
fuel will be good now that they got rid of seagull
Robert Collins
Christopher Davis
Charles Powell
I wish I was a chocololi
Anthony Reed
dude lives in literal filth, don't think he cares
Jaxon Ramirez
Parker Robinson
Logan Moore
yeah surefour's got a nice fat ass
Easton Barnes
those fucking cheekbones holy shit ill give you 2:1 for him to last seven games
Isaiah Murphy
Is anybody else's Twitch stream lagging?
Jacob Ortiz
The face saves it
Evan Carter
Teams want to hire the best players.
Wyatt Brooks
>doesn't have a working immune system >turns into a dog mid-match
Aiden Martin
yes, it's pretty shitty tonight
Adam Ross
mommy! i need milk mommy!
Jaxson Martin
Give him the ability to cancel his charge to use it as a bluff. Let him drop his shield like Orisa when he charges, if he wants to. Let him throw his Shield like a boomerang.