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Period: 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-01 03:59 UTC
Amakusa Shirou, Astolfo and Child Gil will be on rateup for the entire duration
Vlad III, Zhuge Liang and Nikola Tesla will have rateups alongside Amakusa on 02/25, 02/26 and 02/27 respectively
Exchange the "CBC2018 Special Invitation" sent to your present box for a free CE
New Interludes for Diarmuid, Beowulf and Medea Lily
>[Half AP Story Quests and Challenge Quest Announcement]
Half AP Period (story quests only): 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC
Prison Tower event will begin on 03/01
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
Daily Quests:
Drop rates(Click at NA tab):
Rate ups in JP FGO:
Upcoming event materials:
Servant Planner:
/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General
Other urls found in this thread:
Maeve thread?
Anybody have that shitty fate version of the Mexican dbz tier list? I thought I had saved it, but it appears I did not
Nursery Rhyme wants you to feed her something. What are you going to put in her mouth?
I miss wriggling...
Muslim thread
5 facts about Alter Jannu!
1. Alter Jannu is cute!
2. Alter Jannu is my wife!
3. Alter Jannu has smelly feets!
4. Alter Jannu is not reddit!
5. J/alter/!
Who is that three arm girl?
Why save when I can whale?
Gil > your favorite servant
Honest question, are any of you legitimately insane? I can't believe how often you fucks post the same shitty bait images or retarded comments, what's the point of doing that? Have you ever questioned that?
This thread is super cute, so post diabetes levels of cuteness!
The Zealot looks like that?
it's 2018 you bigot!
There's no need to be ashamed. We all know why you really play this game.
My Forbidden Page
First for Shishou.
Reddit post
No Name Assassin, the False Assassin from Fate/ Strange Fake.
Which ones are /fgoalter/ and which ones are /fgog/?
Retarded Zealot from Strange Fake. AKA the No Name Assassin. AKA the reason Hundred Faces became a Hassan
You're the girl that makes me feel so good~
Okay user, it's time for judgement.
Who are you saving for?
Can you post more? I'm on the verge of becoming a scatfag.
What's a Swimsuit version of a Servant you guys would want which didn't appear before?
For me it would be a Berserker Jing Ke who would be based off Jackie Chan from The Legend of The Drunken Master
>La-Mulana 2 is almost done
I'm so fucking ready.
If you ever feel as though a Servant is ignoring your call, take heart in the fact that dozens of heroes of legend and history are so eager to aid you in your quest that you perfected them without even trying.
Show appreciation for such earnest eagerness, and you shall find that you are without need of anything else.
Reminder that (you) is for (you)
Yeah I expected as much
Saving for the King of Kings.
Thanks, friend
Have a Tiamat for your troubles
I am justice
Jetsbros, jewbros and EMIYAbros, let's have a toast as janitors that cleanly wipe the floor constantly with the broom that is Gilgamesh!
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Any particular requests?
Saving for Saber Shiki rerun so I can NP5 her. Going by the jp, I have until New Years to horde quartz, and then another year to horde again until the KnK event rerun.
I want Amakusa............
>He isn't insane to be a better catalyst to summon heroic spirits
I'm going to blow all the quartz and tickets I have saved up on the Reddit Alter banner, then I've got literally nobody to roll for until Prisma event (I might do a 10-roll to try and get Swimsuit Saint, though). I only hope I get a 4* or 2 that I can raise to pass the time, if I don't get edgy bitch herself.
Sometimes I wonder this too. It's like being on Veeky Forums gives them an excuse to act like idiots.
I've "saved" for Horta.
I am now "saving" for Raikou.
The lewdest you can post without getting banned
>He decided it was human hatred and not divine vengeance that had plunged him into this abyss. He doomed these unknown men to every torment that his inflamed imagination could devise, while still considering that the most frightful were too mild and, above all, too brief for them: torture was followed by death, and death brought, if not repose, at least an insensibility that resembled it.
And why do you think it's rooted in the ''sources of earthly magic''? Is it ever stated to begin with it wouldn't cover things beyond that? Everything stated is that people with that and Miracle can achieve the impossible. Miracle's description does say the things both skills cover are different, but it never has been stated either of them is restricted to derivations from earthly magic
>jetkeks, jewkeks, redkeks, and pidgeonkeks need to team up for fear of Gilchads
who is jewkeks?
Jeanne is leaving your Chaldea to be with Sieg
See you in three days, probably.
It's gonna be great when I roll 10 years from now and get my boy Richard. The amount of SQ I'll have saved up by that point will guarantee that I get him.
Tealakeks TERRIFIED of Gilchads
how would I know?
>Gilfags this delusioned
Even the sword autist alone without even reaching full power is more than enought o take on the King of Jobbers.
the next gudaguda event can't come soon enough...
the coolest avenger cuz hortafags daily image spam shitposting made me hate horta
>Gate of Babylon
Electromagnetical field repels all your weaponry
System Keraunos + Pioneer gg.
Does anyone have a link to that video of Ozymandius laughing then gil laughing with him. I think it's to the can can music.
w-wew I'm almost there.
Nitocris and Passionlip are my two big saving goals
fuck, even with quartz saved I might still dump money to get them (or hopefully get more copies of them)
>keeps picking a fight with Gilchads
>keeps losing
Helena, Raikou, Musashi
Maybes are Martha Ruler and Ozy
>Gil's anal virginity
destroyed by Tesla's "electric eel" schlong
Why did you even fucking bother?
>suddenly need 100 hearts again
I sure hope the Da Vinci event dropping hearts like candy isn't a meme.
>on a grailed Servant
Because Saber should've been MINE! I mean Rin's!
Name one (1) time /alter/ has lied to us
Great tastes, brother. Do you have Seiba too?
>tfw blowing my load on Jeanne Alter
I hope I can get some Helenas instead of NP6 Sumanai.
Best fgo loli?
that's not how this works user
>Jobs to Lancelot
>Jobs to Shirou
>Jobs to Shirou (Negro)
>Jobs to Shirou (Negro 100%)
>Jobs to Shirou (Nameless)
>Jobs to David
>Jobs to Solomon
>Jobs to Galahad
>Jobs to fucking Arthuria
>Needs Ea to stand equal to even Alcides
>Francis Drake has Pioneer from Stars, so she can beat Gil
>Da Vinci has Pionner from Stars so she can beat Gil
>Tesla has Pioneer from Stars so he can beat Gil
>Saint Martha has Miracle, so she can beat Gil
>Jobs to Benkei
The christmas event
>mats confirm Ozy and Gil are bros
This makes me so happy. Golden boys best boys
Doesn't count.
>jobs to benkei
>he is not dead at all, rather, he sleeps in a cave, surrounded by the Fianna
You're getting Fionn and Scat mixed up here. Fionn died in a random war while Scat remained the undying warrior.
Does Carmilla get any rate-ups? I want to bully her all the way to NP5.
Genuinely curious, how much of this is true and how much is bait? I didn’t think Gilgamesh was in the Fgo campaign other than babylon
He never even met half of the characters in there user. It's just banter
I wouldn't say "like candy", but it's definitely got a good drop rate. Like every 3 clears of the Caster node I was getting at least 1 heart. To give you an idea, I went from 0 hearts (cause I had spent the last 10 getting Reddit Alter to max ascension) and was able to get her first skill to max (15 hearts needed) with some spare hearts leftover just by going back to farm that node after I cleared the other sections of the shop. It helps that it's also the only good node to farm for the lottery currency until the best node opens up like 2 days before the event ends.
Pic related, it's a heart I got from Jannu Blanco for some reason... Hearts even drop on the best lottery currency node without a demon and even the droprate on THAT is even better than it was on KnK
Disclaimer: All of this is based on the re-run version of the event, so it's possible they fucked with droprate.
post mats
How would I get /ourkang/ when he comes out?
She'll be one of the 4* during the Halloween re-run event. But it's her and Tamamo Cat and I think another so not great odds.
When is her next rate up?
Who is better then?
Unfortunately, I do not. Mordred and Saber Alter, but the original hasn't decided to show up.