these random people get longer interviews than the actual players
Thomas Ward
>russian pedo thinks he is good at dota yikers
Matthew Cooper
Team EE is the only acceptable winner left in the tournament
Aaron Murphy
The future of China
Adrian Collins
>/d2g/ - Dota 2 General Salam edition
Evan Edwards
They gave better answers, so I think that's warranted
Ryan Long
Nicholas Evans
Eight for sheever
Josiah Reed
dat gut
Nathaniel Rogers
But there's team liquid, vp and Veeky Forums
John Sanders
Kevin Walker
>stalks someone for ages >someone who stopped playing dota 2 years ago >even has images of his target saved >posts them on d2g
something that only creepy poo-color paki would do
Cooper Jenkins
>delusional little faggots stirring up irrelevant drama during esports kill yourselves
Mason Cruz
the absolute state of animefans
Isaac Cooper
holy shit sheever is so fucking disgusting
Owen Torres
Leave EG to me
Samuel White
>someone who stopped playing dota 2 years ago >still on /d2g/ not even him, but just fuck off
Gabriel Sanchez
>owen gets to play with sheever's gut every night
Henry Butler
Jaxon Reed
That's a 9/10 to dotards
Anthony Green
>russian pedo stalks you in gbfg >posts about you on arena fps general everyday >follows you everywhere on /a/ this russian pedo is really creeping me out
Carter Davis
which talent is better on core weaver at 20?
Carter Hill
Wonder how would you look after fighting cancer
Robert White
>B L U G G I N G
Samuel Morgan
obsing looks hard
Sebastian Allen
RTZ needs to go.
Nolan Thomas
Samuel Perez
Luis Miller
Merem, answer, are you a jew or are you a slav? Because of you I watched Penguindrum and enjoyed it so I just want to move on with this.
Parker Flores
>3k shitter thinks he can judge the ways of 6k gods
a stinky fly that makes some buzz noise near the Elephant.
Lucas Mitchell
IMPORTANT QUESTION: the picture on the very bottom left. the original version of that picture, do you have it? I'm looking for it since very long. please
Henry Torres
>looking at the screen and pressing hotkeys is hard seems like a cool job to be honest
Chase Ross
I miss soe
Brody Wright
/d2g/ is more than your sub-3k trench adventures in low priority, kiddo. For old quality Dota players who appreciated the game since WC3 Dota it's also esports and pro-teams fighting against each other.
Jackson Nguyen
When they fix Liquid's PC's
Henry Howard
Men look badass after fighting cancer and her's wasn't even a bad one :^)
Liam Hill
>instalocked undying >literally begged his team mates with his pedo technique to pick qop for duo bot lane >look how good I am at dota bros guess when you live in russian shithole you need attention somehow pedo
Jack Turner
>cheats detected on liquid's computers
Levi Rodriguez
>wake up >missed a mainstage game
Sebastian Lopez
>rime subs to loli's did we just find out who the pugna poster is?
Zachary Price
then at least talk about esports and not about your personal stalking problems
Brody Brooks
>you can't pick heroes for the role you like
so that's why you can't even win against a woman who has cancer with random lycan gold
Ryan Morales
>look mom!
Jordan Cook
is there any point to back to this shallow game?
Jason Baker
Oliver Campbell
I do but the game is on the draft phase right now.
Christian Ortiz
Jaded people like you don't see a point to anything.
Anthony Taylor
who's this semen demon?
Jayden Wright
Poland looks strangely comfy.
Brody Harris
No We are just waiting for Artifact to drop
Ethan Bell
>public anxiety
Jacob Perez
I feel bad for him, that looks like a misstep that's easy to make if you can't see right in your helmet.
Thomas Walker
>so delusional he think he likes undying when he got carried by the people he begged to play qop I mean when you stalk someone on various boards for years and mentioning them all the time you tend to go a little crazy.
russian pedo looking for his next victim in d2g, yikes!
Juan Martinez
It's a comfy shithole yea
Nathan Kelly
>slept in and missed burgers getting stomped
what have i done
Adrian Lewis
then keep it shut, slut
Daniel Ramirez
Atleast he had armor on
Matthew Ortiz
>he wishes he could play qop and win games with me but unfortunately he's just a 3k shitter who failed to get at least 4k - the bare minimum of /d2g/
my sides
Xavier Hughes
>ESL getting DDOSEd by Russians
Hudson Moore
Used to do the job sheever is doing now but valve forced her out because she called them out on not paying casters for TI work and blizzard poached her for their overwatch league coverage
Nathan Nelson
who are these semen demons?
Parker Collins
whoops, meant for
Aiden Harris
o kurwa...
Ayden Lopez
>singsing is singsing >rawdota is a huge faggot >fireryman has an awful mic >everything else I'm not really sure if its going to be english or thai how the fuck am I supposed to watch this
Gavin Wood
The slavs always deliver
Joseph King
Don't call me a slut, whore.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Aren't the players afraid to be put into polish death camps? How did Valve convince them to come to Poland to play?
Carson Davis
who are you quoting?
Dylan Hill
>Camera pans and zooms in to revel on his misery
Parker Cook
>thinks I want to play with some pedo who lives in a jail cell and his 10 dollar penguindrum fig >even changed his steam name to my name and played a game as Abbadon pretending to be me
imagine being this obsessed with me 2 years later on
>commieblocks >dust everywhere >smog >get scammed everywhere you go >looks like a black and white movie from 1940
Caleb Roberts
Why aren't you watching singsing dotards?
Justin Butler
join us dotard
Christian Cruz
Only Fly should be afraid.
Blake Smith
watch the main stream if you arent retarded
Tyler Robinson
As a white person i feel no satisfaction by cucking chinks, whites should stay with whites even if most of them are SJW sluts...
Grayson Myers
You're not wrong about any of that, hence "strangely".
Noah Peterson
my playstation3 that's hooked up to my tv can't operate facebook
Aaron Peterson
it's delayed, how am I supposed to keep up with /d2g/
Noah Nguyen
Either russians or normiebook.
Xavier Williams
Is game 1 of Liquid vs. Vici over? I just got back from work.
Elijah Perry
Jesus christ dude get a $30 tablet and usb streaming dongle already
Brandon Evans
yes, your team lost
Joshua Jenkins
Time to grow up.
Justin Anderson
when is this FUCKING game resuming? what the fuck
Josiah Perry
I'll take cancer-ridden sheever over this hipster midget
David Hill
>As a white person You're not fooling anyone chink. I'll go to china and COLONIZE every chink girl in your country
Ryan Howard
I'd rather get $30 of Veeky Forums passes than a tablet. Mobile computing was a huge mistake.
Jaxon Long
>weebs reply to bloggin >then complains about a legit question about the game >later replies to bloggin >d2g was on reeedit mode rampant just before EG gutting that's you mouthbreather
Angel White
Andrew Russell
If you refuse to live in the 2010s then you also forfeit the right to bitch about shit twitch streams
Jonathan Gutierrez
>begged on his knees before me and asked to notice him >got rejected >turned into a creepy paki stalker with 0 friends and universally hated on any general or thread he goes
top tragic story
Jordan Thompson
Grow up dotard. I have my Benz hooked up to my tv and no problems.
Jaxson Bennett
Yeah, I guess. fireryman it is then.
Jayden Gonzalez
is this the same girl that did the navi hoodie ad?