/lolg/ - League of Legends General


A reminder that Kledfag is and always will be single edition

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>Pretty face
>Dick sucking lip
>Pure due to isolation
>No edgy tumblr shit like the other champ
>Humble,alway thank you for your support
>loyal,will stick with you to the end
She is best waifu for sure.

xth for my wife Kai'sa

fuck off she is mine

This cutie comes up to you and says she forgot her lunch. She'll let you do anything you want to her for a bit of your essence. How do you respond?

I wanna cuddle Jinx and enjoy warmer weather with her while talking about guns and explosives

This guy just got buffed

Expect him in pro-play even more now.

anyone know who draw this?
Can find anything on artstation

I'm a Vayne main.

How do you feel about this?

God she annoys me. Like I can't wait for her and her looks fun but visually shes so fucking bland. Like they could have done so much more with her but they just make cover girl with body suit instead.

You can have the classic Kaisa, bullet angel is mine. The skin lines are alternate universes anyway

So he goes from ever-present to....ever-present? Wow

>Never play adc
>The only one i'm even halfway comfortable with is Caitlyn when she's on free rotation
>Have a lot of fun sitting in the back just clicking on people with a little bit of CC on the side
But I heard she actually sucks, so who should I buy for when I really want to play ADC?

He's just going to be perma-banned. There's a ban free now with the Zoe nerfs.

>having to dodge my first game of the day


Lmao user if you don't think the second she stepped back into Valoran she didn't hop on Black dick

You must be the 1% of Vayne players that are nice

trist, varus, kog


>there's a ban free

no there isn't, user.

You don't recognize a deviantart filename?


Slapping monster aesthetics on something doesn't make it more interesting.

None of you are me, the original Kaisafufag.

She's my wife and not yours. Fucking johnny-come-lately asshats.

It's not as as much of a problem now that he can't Zhonya's-ult himself out of every mistake.

> waaahhh buff Ahri shes weak lol


Agree and touch fluffy tails.

But its a fucking improvement
>girl thats been in the void for years
>somehow not more fucked up than her father who spent far less time in it
not to mention her voice too but i wanna focus visuals.

Heard she's going to get nerfed for being ultra cancer. Shame since she seems like the most fun.

She's not even good anymore.

nah thats guy is just up-scale it and upload to deviantart,not the real artirst
I want it in highres so i can make a decent edit

EU Crowd > LCK Crowd >>> NA Crowd

Friendly reminder that purposefully tilting your enemy is without a question a valid strategy and it does work.
>Team is getting absolutely smashed (Webm related, check their scores vs the enemies)
>I'm doing fine but not exactly stomping
>TP back top after backing
>Enemy Voli and Leona were waiting up top for me for like 20 seconds, trying to snuff me out since I was the only way we were getting back into the game
>They go for a fucking hilariously retarded dive
>Wipe them all
>Drop that spicy as fuck "/all ?"
>No reply
>Fast forward a bit later into the game
>Enemy caitlyn is fed out the ass
>Enemy ezreal is also doing pretty good for himself
>Fight those 2 + volibear since I got caught out
>Kill Voli and almost kill cait, but she blew every summoner to survive
>She drops a "?" on me (doesn't even work since I got out of a 3 vs 1 with a kill and made the others blow their summoners too lmao)
>Start putting pressure on her after each fight they lose / small advantage we game by telling cait she should straight up uninstall if she can't carry with her score
>She doesn't reply
>They start making mistakes and trying to force the win
>They're visibly tilting hard but the rest of my team is still far too behind to captalize on our small victories
>Enemy gets 2 (two) barons
>STILL can't close the game out
>Our team STILL hasn't fully caught up to them but now our twitch is at least somewhat threatening now
>We catch them out a few more times, I just keep typing "lmao" in all chat after every small win
>They lose one more fight and we push through like 5 turrets in mid and win immediately

Loving every laugh tbqhwy

Nanosuit Kai'Sa when?
I hope that it happens.
The designer for Nanosuit 2 is a concept artist at Riot.

my first game has a brand new level 30 who is
0-1 all time in ranked..this will go well

Unironically Ashe.

What does a random dude in /lolg/ have to do with pro bans at all?

>sperging out for a video gamr character
You will be the new Syndrafag/taliyahfag

>flash in like a retard
>stay below 50% hp
>eat the true damage

crysis 2 was a fuckin rad game


When will they learn?

What will be the best Morgana skin after her VGU?

Blade Mistress

hopefully still blackthorn

>not knowing how to appreciate all sizes
liking one or the other and not appreciating all is and always will be shit taste

Yeah, which is why I dodged. Because it was on my team.

I lost 6 of my promos games because of this. I got a DuoQ botlane, new to ranked entirely, who fed nonstop and built poorly and were basically the only liability on the team. I mean, they went a combined 0/32

Reminder to never bully your support!
Bully your support if it is Blitzcrank!!!

Thank you. I'm actually trying to model my behavior on Syndrafag, minus the reaction images and softcore erp shit.

>tf plays like a complete fucking mongoloid
>this somehow has to do with Ahri

I've won a match before by basically standing still under the turret for first 15 minutes. My opponent quit after I didn't play at all.

It's not really. A visually impressive character is one that tells a story by their design alone, minor details that add layers of nuance without being purposely added in for diversity's sake.

From Kai'sa's base design you can surmise that the symbiotic suit either attached to her early on in her Void days or it retroactively cures corruption.
She could use more certainly but making her monstrous just because "DUDE ITS THE VOID LMAO" is idiotic when you already have the precedence set with Kass/Malz maintaining their human appearances.

I wonder if you were the Vayne that not even carried, but simply blew out the enemy team this morning.
I really should start gathering these messages along with mine. Fortunately it's only been a few days, so going back will be easy.

> Playing Singed drastically reduces your effectiveness on playing other champions

What other champions have this effect?

heimer i bet


So how's that "don't play placements in the first weeks of the season" going for you?

>Implying the ass isn't superior either way

The thing is, a good ass can make up for bad (NOT small, BAD) tits
But a good set of tits cannot make up for a bad ass.

Imagine going to an event to watch someone play video games. Especially when it's not even a championship of some sort

Gangplank survived this

what am I looking at?

>Gangplank survived this
After the third time being hit by the same exact combo...

When will you marry me?

I absolutely love dropping the /all ? or yikes. Most passive aggressive thing you could truly say. Tilts them even harder when you never actually respond to anything they say and just ? every time they make a small mistake. You know it just eats away at some of these people

>camille top
>galio mid
>waaah cancer champ is cancer
how ironicalous

I'm pretty sure EU is in Ireland this week. So it's bunch of Guiness-sloshed potatodiggers chanting "fight" at every baron dance like football hooligans.

I regret it.

>jungle with items
That's not how it works. the only item that matters for junglers is the starting item and maybe an item after it. I'm sure that soraka with IE, BT and static Shiv clears well but you don't start the game with 3 completed items do you.
Jungle Morde is the same as it was before, sure the items are somewhat better for him but that doesn't matter since you can build those same items no matter what lane you go.

>pros play Ornn.
>repeatedly nerfed into the ground for three patches.

>pros play ryze.
>riot buffs him

>pros play Zoe.
>riot says they don't want to overnerf zoe resulting in epic 0.25 meme.
>immediately guts her into 41% WR the patch after.

Riot "our balance team isn't silver" Games Pty Ltd.

camille and galio ult

They're always in Berlin

I see we have some true patrician taste in here

>Manamune on Koggles
How the fuck did I never think of that? How good is it?

>Blade Mistress
Well, it certainly didn't live up to its potential the first time. Quite the bold claim.

It used to be my favourite and in terms of concepts it still is. Best or not, Riot's gotten real good with the nature assets for skins and I'm sure it'll at least tie for best.

How would sona feel about having such large breasts and the attention that comes with them?

meant for

Living bodysuit taking over its female host is my fetish. Im gonna cum buckets if there is ever a She-venom movie

I am absolutely in love with this champion but m only complaint is that they didn't do enough to really sell the suit as being organic. The textures are too clothing-like. Absolutely hyped otherwise though.

Ashe and Miss Fortune are the most entry-level ADCs. I would rather you play them so you can learn proper positioning than to crutch on Caitlyn and Tristana.

>She could use more certainly but making her monstrous just because "DUDE ITS THE VOID LMAO" is idiotic when you already have the precedence set with Kass/Malz maintaining their human appearances.
I've been making this same argument for a long time but I feel like people are more offended with the fact that she's pretty half of the time than anything else.

>open up twitch chat for .2 seconds
>instantly regret it
Do these mongoloids feel good about typing the same retarded memes that nobody is even going to read? I truly do not understand

Not that great 2bh. I only got it so I could spam spells on the wave to try and hold them at bay, while still remaining as AD Kog'Maw.

I should've just gone full AP.

I always have it open, it reminds me of what I have to play against and with

It's a shame that it had to be so limited though. I wanted to VTOL around saving and curing people while I stuck it to the Ceph and CELL. Of course it could've been done poorly, but I doubt it considering Crytek at the time.

*oudblays you*

I flip it open when something unexpected or amazing happens, it adds to the moment for a bit.


Even as a young boy I always knew asses were far superior to everything else.

>that t h i c c Dawnbringer masturbation piece

At 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man named Thanh Lam on the street, and using a large wooden stick, bashed him over the head until he was knocked unconscious while calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit". That same day, Wahlberg also attacked a second Vietnamese man named Hoa "Johnny" Trinh, sucker punching him in the eye. According to court documents regarding these crimes, when Wahlberg was arrested later that night and returned to the scene of the first assault, he stated to police officers: "You don't have to let him identify me, I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker whose head I split open."[16] Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'.[17][18]

janna eboy here uwu

I love how much of a shit show EU is. With literally no personalities and Korean imports the whole NA scene feels like a chore to watch. At least I can watch EU throw back and forth at baron every game even if I don't care about any of the players.

Think i'm going to watch it instead of NA almost exclusively now.

I need to taste your boipussy


Watching these games makes me want to play ADC but I know for a fact even in Plat that my team will just leave me to die if too pressured. Sure would be fun if I had 3 shields, Taric heal and ult every game :(

You are a disgusting combination of conflicts, degeneracy and perpetuating memes as far as how you present yourself relative to the game.
Your actual gameplay based on runes and build is respectable.

Why do people even obsess over tits, when the ass is the true window to a woman's soul?

>get hard stomped in bot
Okay blind shyvana jg game now I dont wanna be @ by any laner, fuck people leave me alone

ty dad i didnt know u used Veeky Forums

SO is kindred actually worth learning?

>LoL in season 1 and 2
>Tanks are tanks
>Carries are carries
>If you had armor, they need armor pen
>If you have health, they need more damage
>Slows were effective against most characters
>Characters without hard CC could still be viable

>LoL in season 8
>You're a tank? Don't worry have some % HP based shielding and % HP damage so you'll do damage while stacking HP
>You're a tank? (Kled), don't worry build 100% damage and you'll still have over 3,000 effective HP plus the ablity to instantly heal for almost 2,000 after a couple seconds in combat
>Slows are useless everybody gets a dash!
>Have armor? Don't worry, true damage with more true damage to come!
>No hard CC? Not even remotely worth playing.
>No hard CC and no dash? Into the trash with you.

I want out, and I want to never play this game again. I have a 100% loss rate on the latest patch after having a 90% recent win rate up until the patch came out.

Unless you play a tank that does damage, or somebody that can stack damage and still have survivability (Kled, Riven, etc.) what's the point in fucking playing? You're not going to have fun playing over half of the characters because they are completely worthless.

This is the first meta I've seen where you ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT play outside of the meta champs. This has the most extreme win rate differences, with tons of characters being 45% or lower, and a lot of meta characters being 54% and higher.

Can Warwick be played top or something? I really like his concept and abilities but i fucking hate jungle

Do you still lose lp for dodging?

>forced to dodge because my team has a kalista into xayah, a lissandra top and no tanks
lmao fuck this
