>tfw born in good times
Tfw born in good times
I'd probably be dead if I were born in hard times.
There are no tendies in the hard times
>tfw creating hard times
we were born into good times, but that might be changing in the next few years, who knows.
>tfw life hardened ubermensch
Every time I feel bad about life, I look at the so called "experts" and the decedent upper class and it makes me feel a bit better about myself.
Pic related, Yale's 2016 freshman class. Do any of these kids look like Ceaser or Napoleon to you? The entire North American Anglo "elite" is nothing but pencil pushers who're very good at having an inflated ego for doing what they're told. Even the charismatic ones reek of softness, and if Trump, a fucking nobody reality TV star, can out maneuver these inbreeds, imagine what a man of fire and will could do.
I've already memed the Mussolini worship on this board into existence (at least, I've been talking about that historical period on this website for years, and now I'll see entire threads basically echoing the points I've previously made), so I can rest easy knowing I've already made some mark on the world, but when I take political power and annex Antarctica, great times will be had.
Yeah but you can set up systems in pace that can perpetuate the good times for longer. Thus making it so much worse for the generation that it all collapses on
Why not just have hard times all the time?
Are you a cuck or something?
Why do the strong, through their strength, inculcate weakness? Are they weak in some way, powerless to really effect transcendent change in this world?
If you can't break the cycle, how is it not arbitrary to characterize each part as weak or strong? The essence behind it holds throughout, otherwise it wouldn't be closed and cyclical.
Dosent matter how Uber you are at some point in your life you will be restricted in progress by who you know and unless you manage to start a revolution these pencil pushers will be your strongest allies that you need.
pretty sure ironmarch spergs take this shit seriously, so an earnest reply would be great
It's fucking weird for fascists to assume decline in an ideology that's ostensibly anti-degeneracy. It's like a fatal irony they havent fully realized.
I realize that. My plan is to get enough of these pencil pushers into my loyal flock, that once I've integrated myself into a powerful organization inside a geographical point of power, I can start staffing people loyal to me while I slowly purge dissenters.
It will be great. Literally the only reason I pull myself out of bed some days.
>Pic related, Yale's 2016 freshman class. Do any of these kids look like Ceaser or Napoleon to you?
ty i'll think of your post when i need inspiration
Experience, for good reason, has an expiration date. Every generation is split off from the last generation by an entire lifetime of experience, and people born into power where their only skin in the game is the maintenance of that power, will be much weaker than someone who has had to seize their life for themselves.
And when it comes down to someone who's been handed their life, against someone who's necessary reached out and taken it, who do you think's going to win?
I mean, i guess that black dude, you know which one, looks like he could end up being successful in his life, but the rest are no different than court eunuchs. Good intellectual manpower, but not the world hero on horseback
>Pic related, Yale's 2016 freshman class. Do any of these kids look like Ceaser or Napoleon to you?
maybe senpai
Look at all these ninnies, what are any of them good for besides having homoerotic relations with one another? Absolutely pathetic. None of them even have any muscle!
You wouldn't see these kinds of weak pansies back in the class of '78, let me tell you. What the fuck is this world coming to?
>denying the scientific fact that our god given meritocracy is the end of history
>being on the wrong side of history
This Reich will last a thousand years
>Do any of these kids look like Ceaser or Napoleon to you?
No, but they look happy.
>Unironically believing in the theory of cyclical empire
>Nobody has believed this since 1890
>Being this fucking retarded
Truly the most blasé of emotions.
Give me the stoic determination of a man living his life as an undeniable piece of art
The world is too globalized for any particular nation-state to go through such a cycle. Certain civilizations/nations might go through periods of decadence, but a full collapse will never happen.
found it
The girl on the right edge of the photo, and the third girl from the left that's up.
They look sane, unimpressed.
>So vain as to believe physical appearance is what dictates someone's successful
I bet you also don't realise most paintings and statues in history are idealised
Also look at most prominent modern historical figures, most of them looked goofy as young adults
Also you're fucking retarded
>Drawing energy by reassuring yourself you look better than some trust fund faggots
They look like normies and normies LITERALLY cannot be great.
>Nobody believes in cyclical history during the peak of European colonialism
>A generation later decedent European aristocrats rip the entire continent apart as two empires are irreversibly destroyed
Makes you think
History IS cyclical, it's just not perfectly cyclical.
And when you consider that free will doesn't exist it makes sense that it couldn't be anything but cyclical.
>Anglo elite
You're so close to the truth, yet so damn far
>History is cyclical except when it's not
This is some Australian tier shitposting
They can't even smile properly. To them, displaying emotions is awkwardly opening their mouth in front of a camera.
These are the kind of people who end their speeches with "please clap".
These are the kind of people who are complaining about the privileges of blue collar trailer trash.
And these are the kind of people who traded their entire youth for a good resume.
Niestzche looked goofy. These kids look like sheep being fattened for a slaughter.
I live in Canada, so it's a moot point, but the Jews aren't going to be ousted from power like the Anglos in the next couple decades. The Jewish race has never been decedent, slothful, or complacent, and even if they once were, they aren't now, not one generation removed from genocide, with only 50 years of a homeland, and one of the most powerful armies in the world at their disposal. Besides, even with all their flaws, it's hard not to admire the Jews. You stormfags could learn a thing or two from them.
When did I say it's not?
I don't think anyone who ever supported cyclical history ever thought that history repeats itself perfectly and exactly every time. Just that there's an observable pattern common across it.
>Also look at most prominent modern historical figures, most of them looked goofy as young adults
Looks pretty godly to me
>Also look at most prominent modern historical figures, most of them looked goofy as young adults
Look at that goofy grin
Nah, by all accounts Napoleon was a sickly looking weirdo when he was young.
>Every time I feel bad about life, I look at the so called "experts" and the decedent upper class and it makes me feel a bit better about myself.
Have you ever considered that you don't agree with your superiors because you are too stupid to understand their reasoning?
That is the logical conclusion to draw. I guess you need some above room temperature IQ for it though.
if you create a cavalry corps ill help you in your conquest
Can you imagine him rolling out of bed, fumbling into his sweatpants, and pulling out the newest iphone and consorting his face into a weird semblance of a smile, before making his way to class so he can study the many theoretically sound reasons why Russian monarchy is the end of history because "it's 1904 guys".
Are you honestly arguing that even smiling was better in the olden days?
>implying it wasn't
No, I've personally known a lot of the elite 0.01%ers, at least of the emerging generation, and they're not anything special. Certainly not my "superiors".
I'm not saying they aren't smart, or capable, but if you've spent your entire life in a socioeconomic bubble where your only connection to the populi is Stephan Colbert and other court jesters you're pretty much asking for someone to come in and sweep the rug out from under you.
>Certainly not my "superiors".
Why do you think that a fool would recognize wisdom when he sees it, or that an inferior man would recognize superiority?
I'm saying that if Stalin couldn't pull off a conceivably charming smile, or command a swaggering air of importance, back when he was robbing banks for the bolsheviks, it could make the difference between life and death.
Whereas the people in were mostly born in the right place and worked diligently from there. They've never felt the clammy hands of death, they've never taken risks, they've probably never even failed at anything, at least, not anything important. They're 17 years old with the world being handed to them on a platter, and their dumb, domesticated grins are a reflection of that fact.
>If someone attends Yale they're unquestionably better than me
Have you ever heard the joke about the guy who knows he's insane?
In order not to come off as insane, he decides to be deliberately as sane as possible.
So he walks into a bar.
And he turns to the bar tender, and trying to think of something undeniably sane and reasonable, tells him "The world is round".
So the bartender looks at this guy, who's starting to get a creeping feeling in the pit of his stomach, as though his insanity has been discovered.
So he turns to the guy next to him, making his voice as sane as possible, repeats "the world is round! the world is round!"
And pretty soon, he's running around the bar, screaming at people, "the world is round!".
Until he's thrown out, for being a madman.
So let me ask you, are you really recognizing wisdom, or just relying on institutions to do the job for you?
Thats a nice combo of unrelated story and insults, but you didn't answer my question.
Would the fool be able to recognize wisdom? In your own story, the mad man can't act sane, so I imagine you are leaning towards answering "no".
Then how come you, a self identified lower tier man, can look at the higher tier men, and call them fools?
Certainly they don't consider themselves fools. Certainly society at large doesn't consider them fools. Certainly they tend to succeed more, and control more resource, and leave more behind when they pass.
Why do you look at these men, who are worth more, are widely considered to be more, and who create and leave behind more, and you call them fools?
You wouldn't be able to tell if they are wise, you fool. You are too low to see how high they are.
>idealised paintings
In some other photos he looks like an obese tofu, ones that were both drawn before and after that one
I've always considered being able to recognize wisdom and being able to recognize a lack of wisdom as the same thing.
Do you know anyone in Ivy League schools, or do you just glamorize them from afar? Do you really think they're all that unequivocally brilliant? THat seems like quite a statement to make
And I'm not calling them fools at all, I'm saying
>"the people in were mostly born in the right place and worked diligently from there. They've never felt the clammy hands of death, they've never taken risks, they've probably never even failed at anything, at least, not anything important. They're 17 years old with the world being handed to them on a platter, and their dumb, domesticated grins are a reflection of that fact."
>Do you really think they're all that unequivocally brilliant? THat seems like quite a statement to make
Which is why I never made that statement. In fact, I am mocking you for making its mirror image twin statement that they are all fools.
Take whatever logic you used to write that post, and apply it on your own posts.
You demonize them from afar, for not understanding them. You concluded that since you don't understand them, they must be stupid, when the opposite seems a more likely solution to the problem.
That's not at all what I'm saying.
Since the point seems to be flying over your head, I'll spell it out for you one last time:
>I've personally known a lot of the elite 0.01%ers
>They've never felt the clammy hands of death, they've never taken risks, they've probably never even failed at anything, at least, not anything important. They're 17 years old with the world being handed to them on a platter
If the rulers can't inspire mere underlings like us, what good will they be as leaders?
A truth that few people are willing to face is that, historically and statistically speaking, strong men create horrible times. Assuming there's no invading force involved, you want the weak and timid ones to be in charge. The ambitious will take your peaceful good-times kingdom, grind it into the dirt for their own ends and drag it into perpetual wars that, eventually and inevitably, will destroy it.
Nah, bruh.
That is to say - a weak neighbour might as well be an invitation. If you're seen as weak externally, you're done.
The "point" you spelled out is an anecdote, and an observable lie.
Education has little to do with your relatives dying, and managers and CEOs are much more stressed and make much more big decisions, including taking risks, and these people are much more often in a position to fail, not only themselves, but also the organizations and people they represent.
A 17 year old uneducated poor boy isn't in any way closer to death, or risk, or stress, or importance, than a 17 year old educated rich boy. Why even bring the age 17 up? The "one percenters" aren't 17 year old.
You need to seriously reconsider your views, as at the moment they come off as angst.
If they can lead you without inspiring you, they are still good leaders.
Inspiring is a tool of leaders, There are others. The pack leader of a troop of wolves doesn't inspire, yet they lead.
Because the objective is to have good times and make them last as much as you can. I mean, no offense, but it seems to me that you're so caught on your pseudo philosophy that you've forgotten how the world works, or is supposed to work.
We all have dreams like this, to achieve incredible shit through hard work and end up reaping deserved rewards.
But when you think about it, nowadays there's no point in doing that.
>Caesar had all the aristocrats in Rome stacked against him
>Napoleon had every other state in Europe stacked against him
>You will have the world stacked against you and people will think you're Kim Korea
A life of leading people, perhaps to greater good, with little advice or help from others, is a shit life. You won't be able to trust or love anyone, not even your own family. You will have to stop seeing people as people, but rather tools to achieve your goals. If you do things from the shadows it's even worse, sure there'l be no hate directed specifically towards you, but no love either.
No people go that far nowadays because not only is it a shit life, but it's also not necessary, when, like you mentioned, Trump can convince people to vote him president by just telling the mob want it wants to hear.
>circular reasoning and backtracking
Did I say anything about wealth?
The academy is, in a big way, how power is distributed in our society, and it's distributed early on, around the age of 17, to give an illusion of personal freedom to the plebs.
Yale, which is what the picture in question is representing, has alone produced no less than 10 heads of state.
The CEO argument is completely retarded.
Your capacity for sophistry is incredible.
You literally said, quote:
Since the point seems to be flying over your head, I'll spell it out for you one last time:
>I've personally known a lot of the elite 0.01%ers
>They've never felt the clammy hands of death, they've never taken risks, they've probably never even failed at anything, at least, not anything important. They're 17 years old with the world being handed to them on a platter
The first point is an anecdote, as I stated.
The second point is a lie, as you yourself agree, as these same people go on to be CEOs, Managers, Presidents, and that is a stressful job, that includes taking risk and making decisions, and gives you countless chances to fail.
How are then these people "they've never taken risks, they've probably never even failed at anything, at least, not anything important"? In fact, they are one of the very few people who even have a chance to fail at anything important, since other people (including yourself) will never be allowed to risk anything important.
>circular reasoning and backtracking
Where and how?
>The CEO argument is completely retarded.
It is the same as the president one, which you bring up.
>Your capacity for sophistry is incredible.
How is this more than an empty insult you didn't back, like your previous ones?
The point of the anecdote was because you said I "demonize them from afar... [because I] don't understand them". So whats your point? People use anecdotes in conversations? You can't goad someone into supplying an anecdote then turn around and criticize them for using anecdotes.
And if you can't understand how "CEOs make good CEOs and Presidents make good Presidents" is circular reasoning I'm really not going to waste my time arguing with you anymore.
Anecdotes are not arguments, yet you treat them as such (only if you are the one supplying, of course). This is bad form.
>And if you can't understand how "CEOs make good CEOs and Presidents make good Presidents" is circular reasoning I'm really not going to waste my time arguing with you anymore.
This is a strawman.
The argument is that your 1%ers make good CEOs and good presidents, compared to the rest of the population, based on examining who gets hired or elected to such positions.
Rather than waste your time getting rekt on Veeky Forums, go learn to argue.
>tfw born in hard times
Stress makes you physically sick. Happiness is a good thing.
Fucking home alone faggot.
Megalomania : the Post.
Not trying to sound /pol/y but there are literally only two white men in that pic, one of them being the professor.
/pol/ please stop parroting this dumbass image.
If the "weak" men were forced to be soldiers and learn oldschool combat they would assfuck any older army back into the stone age since they were full of peasants just wanting to get their dicks wet.
Cringed hard m8, good work
War is the natural state of man. Conflict is necessary to further evolution. One day our descendants will leave behind the charred remains of Earth and go off to fight the stars.
this thread is full of gaylords desu
Post I'm replying to is old as fuck, but I figured it's warranted anyways.
>Because the objective is to have good times and make them last as much as you can. I mean, no offense, but it seems to me that you're so caught on your pseudo philosophy that you've forgotten how the world works, or is supposed to work.
Missing the fucking point dingus. Thinking of things in terms of decline and fall isn't even approaching it correctly in the first place. It's successive, notions of 'degeneracy' are mostly delusional or misapplied. Harmful or unvirtuous trends are ultimately local, there isn't 'really' any systematic recursion or regression.
And if this weren't the case, what the fuck would be the point of highlighting human agency so much in the first place. You know, if it were all epiphenomenal and vulgarly futile. If goodness gives way to badness, as the image suggests, you don't actually cultivate anything, human action is reduced to a matter of almost arbitrary time preference. Is it like a rubber band, or a recoil effect, with more strength causing more weakness in kind? It's total bullshit and it taps into a fatal flaw in the polyp fascist narrative. Fighting to return to the golden age, then henceforth repression and keeping at bay 'degeneracy' is fucking retarded on its own terms.
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. The weak should fear the strong. War is a wondrous thing. I tip my hat to you, fellow warrior.
to an extent. On the topic of whether or not happiness or pleasure is good.. If you never struggle, you never improve. Nietzsche was a firm believer in this
>“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”
But I don't think most people can endure unrelenting suffering. Like you said, it can make you physically (not to mention emotionally and mentally) sick. You need both, and to different measures for different people. But I don't think happiness is always good.
Take, for example, when people become manic.
They're so happy and confident that they make horrible, possibly life-threatening decisions.
Nothing is JUST good, or JUST bad. Not even happiness and misery, health and sickness.
Look at this boss ass lil' nigga
Hard times are already happening. You think 2008 was some kind of mistake? Of course not because its all we know.
>Our system
Obvious ballot, have a (you) for the chuckle
looks like he's put down the fedora and become a good wholesome citizen
The current crisis is nothing, compared to other epochs.
the guy in the red shirt in the top middle kinda looks like napoleon
only a god can save us
Wait a couple decades. :^)
It is the supreme delusion of man that he has abolished every hardship in his modernity - in every age, crisis seems unthinkable before it happens. The Roman Empire could never fall! The French monarchy would last forever! The global economy and liberal ideals have abolished war forever (c. 1914)!
Every golden age in man's history has been followed by great tribulation - and you think now is any different?
>Every golden age in man's history has been followed by great tribulation
shut the fuck up
Name me one time.
I hate this gay ass quote/picture normies post it all the time and think it's deep fuck off.
now I want some rice. Thanks for nothing, user.
>tfw born just in time to see the world burn before it affects you
love it, sell it
Hi Joey.
read up un the youth of Augustus.
> normies post it all the time and think it's deep
What do they say about it?
>tfw never saw this pic before
>tfw so little interaction with normies it's a bit like heaven.
Great Britain, Netherlands, Ottomans, Romans etc. Stagnation and managed decline is a far more common end to "golden ages" (meme term btw) than calamitous ends.
>What do they say about it?
"wow so true lol."
This is literally a facebook meme.
>the whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar, upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death
Fucking brutal, who was this guy
You say this to cope with your depression, we love our heroes because they are that, heroes. We will never become them, stop glorifying dead men. That's why weak men create hard times, they look for guidance in the past and pervert history to suit their needs.